
Assassins Who Cleanse Sins Away

This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. Though in time people gave up hope for peace then a group of assassins changed that and now they cleanse the city they live in. They even take clients around the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must contact those assassins but vengeance comes with a price and it doesn't mean your life. Those assassins are called The Sweepers and no one knows who they truly are.

MewShadow · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A Huntress' Tale Part 1 (Christiana's Chapter)

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance, then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

Christiana is sitting in her room by her window humming a lullaby as she is touching her stomach. Harmony is lying next to her curled up in a ball asleep.

Christiana: "I wish your father was here little one..."

Zachary, the twins, and Violet walk in to check on her.

Violet: "You know boss that baby can hear everything from the womb."

Zachary is about to smoke a cigarette, but Christiana grabs him by his wrist, nearly snapping his wrist in half.

Christiana: "Don't you dare smoke around me you know better than that."

Zachary: "Understood…" She lets go of him "I thought she was going to break my wrist."

Angel: "Dumbass."

Shadow: "You should have known better than to smoke near a pregnant woman."

Christiana: "Maybe I should tell my baby my time before becoming an assassin and becoming a demon huntress."

A flashback to 1834, a six-year-old Christiana walks downstairs late at night and sees her mom asleep on her books.

Young Christiana: "She fell asleep studying again."

She covers her with a blanket.

Amelia: "Hm?" She starts to wake up. "I was wondering why I always wake up with a blanket."

Young Christiana: "You fell asleep while studying again."

Amelia: "Well that's because I was cramming for my test. That's what you have to do when you're in university and high school. Sweetie, I bet you won't have to study when you're in high school."

She pets her on the head.

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "My mother was fifteen years old when she had me. It wasn't easy for her to take care of me, luckily, she had help. I guess you can say by the time I was three years old I could already take care of myself."

Amelia: "Go back to bed now sweetie."

Young Christiana: "Okay momma."

She went back to bed as Amelia went back to study.

A year passed Christiana was seven years old and she was taking her usual shortcut to go home. As she is walking through the cemetery, she spots a man weak from hunger.

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "Little did I know that day was the day that I met your father."

Young Christiana: "Hm?"

Meadow: "God I'm hungry…"

Young Christiana: "I've never seen you before."

Meadow: "Huh…"

Young Christiana: "You must be hungry. You're not like anyone I've seen. You're not human, are you?"

Meadow: "How did you know?"

Young Christiana: "The way you're trying to keep yourself in the shade. That must mean you either have sensitivity to the sun or you're not human."

Meadow: "That smell... You have pure blood..."

Young Christiana: "You can smell my blood that means you're a vampire." She takes her arm out. "Here drink my blood."

Meadow: "I don't drink blood from children."

Young Christiana: "You have two options either drink my blood or starve."

Meadow: "I guess I have no other choice..." His eyes changed from green to red and his fangs appeared. He drinks her blood and realizes that her blood isn't just pure. (Thinking: "Wait! Her blood isn't just pure blood it's rare blood too.") As he kept drinking her blood, she nearly passed out. "Shit!" He stops drinking her blood. "Are you okay?"

Young Christiana: "I'm fine I just feel really drained..."

Meadow: "When you get home drink some juice it'll help."

Young Christiana: "Good to know."

Meadow: "By the way thanks... Who knows our paths may cross again."

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "A few months after that encounter something tragic happened to my mother."

A few months passed and it was late at night Amelia was finishing up studying for her final exams.

Amelia: "Just two more years and I'll get my bachelor's degree and before I know it, I'll be an astronomer." She heard a noise and went to see what it was. "What was that?!"

The noise is revealed to be two men in black clothing breaking into the house. One of the men sneaked up behind her and grabbed her covering her mouth with his hand so she wouldn't scream.

Man 1: "Damn this woman is cute."

Man 2: "No kidding hey be a good girl and we won't have to hurt you."

She bites his hand.

Amelia: "Piss off creep!"

Man 1: "You know you're just my type I like feisty women."

Christiana heard noises and went downstairs to see what was going on.

Young Christiana: "Hm?"

Man 2: "How about we sell her? We could get a lot of money selling her."

Man 1: "Why? I can just take her away and no one will ever know she's missing. Can't you tell? She lives alone and she doesn't have any family nobody will report her missing."

As Christiana is walking down the stairs her mother tries to warn her.

Amelia: "Christiana! Run! These men are trying to rob us!"

The second she turned around one of the men hit Christiana in the back of her head with the handle of his gun.

Man 1: "What the hell?! That was a kid! Why the hell would you hit the kid with your gun?!"

Man 2: "We can't have any more witnesses."

Man 1: "I get that, but we could have just tied the kid up. You didn't have to knock the kid out cold."

Amelia went to her daughter to see if she was okay.

Amelia: "Christiana?! Sweetie?! Are you okay?!"

One of the men noticed the photograph of Amelia on the day Christiana was born.

Man 1: "That kid she's your daughter, is she? Maybe we should take the kid too. I bet she'll grow up like her mom."

Amelia sees a man standing behind the two men and she recognizes the man.

Amelia: "No! Not you!"

Man 1: "What are you talking about?"

Man 2: "You're talking crazy!"

Amelia: "You're not taking her away from me! You're not getting my daughter! She's not ready! It's not her time yet! You already took my parents! You're not taking my daughter! She's all I got left!"

The man shoots Amelia in the head.

Man 1: "What the f**k?! Why did you shoot her?!"

Man 2: "She was shouting like a crazy person! What was I supposed to do?!"

Man 1: "You could've just told her to shut up! Great we just lost our source of money."

Christiana starts to wake up and sees that her mother is dead seeing that she died protecting her. She spots the gun the man had on the table and grabs it.

Man 2: "At least we can sell the kid."

Man 1: "We're not gonna get much for the kid she's not even ten years old."

Man 2: "Hey it's something."

She points the gun at the man who shot her mom and shoots him dead.

Man 1: "What the hell?!"

She shoots the other man dead, and she starts laughing hysterically.

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "That night was the first time I ever took life, and it was the first time in my life I ever felt alive. Luckily the police believed that my mother was the one who shot the men but before one of them shot her in the head."

A few days passed and it was the day of the funeral.

Woman 1: "I feel bad for the poor girl."

Man 1: "Her mom doesn't have any relatives at all."

Woman 2: "What about her dad?"

Man 2: "No one knows who her father is. I heard when she had her daughter the father was a student from another high school. He didn't want to be a parent and moved away so he could avoid taking responsibility."

Christiana stood in front of her mom's grave and just stared with an unemotional look on her face.

Woman 1: "What's wrong with her? Why isn't she crying for her mom? To think a child can be heartless."

Marcia: "Do you have any idea what she went through?! My niece saw her mom getting shot in the head right in front of her! She's still in shock from the incident!"

Hours after the funeral ended a child services agent visited to have Christiana's aunt sign official papers to be her guardian.

Child Services Agent: "This is a very big responsibility to have. Are you sure you want to be this girl's guardian? After all, you haven't taken care of a child before."

Marcia: "I'm sure I know that Amelia wouldn't want her only daughter to be an orphan."

Four years passed since the death of Christiana's mother. Christiana came back home from school with a note from the school.

Young Christiana: "I'm home."

Marcia: "Welcome back huh what's this note for?" She reads the note and is happy. "Oh, my God! I'm so proud of you! I'll talk to your uncle about this news okay."

A couple of hours passed, and her aunt and uncle talked about the opportunity Christiana had.

Bill: "There's no way we're sending that brat to some gifted school!"

Marcia: "Why not?! She's always getting notes from her principal saying that her teachers have run out of material to teach her! She is a very smart girl!"

Bill: "Who's to say that she really is smart? I don't ever see her studying at home or doing her homework."

Marcia: "That's because she does her homework before she comes back home. Her teachers even said she memorized her notes after writing them down. The principal said that if she doesn't accept this opportunity now then she'll never get another one from this gifted school again."

Bill: "So? She's fine where she's at. Besides we can't afford it, we're barely making do with what we have now. Especially since you had to get that kid a completely new wardrobe."

Marcia: "I had to she's growing up she started developing a year ago and she just started her first period a few months ago."

Bill: "Honestly, I wish we didn't have to move here... We had a great life back home, yet we had to give it all up for your niece."

Marcia: "Well I couldn't have Christiana be an orphan Amelia and Corey would never forgive me if I let her be in the system."

Bill: "Like Corey cares about that kid. Didn't you say that Corey wanted Amelia to have an abortion?"

Marcia: "He only said that because he was scared at the time. I thought that since we're taking care of her it could be practice for us when one day, we'll have a child of our own."

Bill: "What makes you think that I want a kid?!"

Marcia: "What?!"

Bill: "You know that I don't want kids!"

Marcia: "I know not now but I thought we could have one in the future."

Bill: "Well you thought wrong!"

He left the room and Marcia started crying.

Marcia: "I'll...I'll...I'll never have a chance to be a mother... I always wanted to be a mother, but I wanted to wait... I just started being a nurse so I thought I could wait... Why? Why wouldn't Bill want to have a child with me in the future?"

As Bill is leaving a young girl pretending to be scared out of her mind runs up to him.

Girl: "Please sir you gotta help me!!"

Bill: "What the hell kid?!"

Girl: "Please sir! There's a man after me you gotta help me!"

Bill: "Are you high on some drug?"

Girl: "No I'm not! Please you have to help me!"

Bill: "Alright kid! Let's go inside and call the police."

They walk inside and Bill turns around to call the police. The girl's eyes turn black revealing that she is a demon.

Demon: "Men like you are the worst."

Bill: "Huh?!"

Demon: "Men who are unfaithful to their wives deserve to die."

The demon's nails sharpened as she stabbed Bill in the back and ripped his heart out. While he screamed Marcia rushed downstairs to see why he screamed. She sees her husband dead on the floor and screams.

Marcia: "Honey?! Oh, God!"

Demon: "Sorry but no witnesses."

She kills Marcia the same way she killed Bill. Just as she was about to make her escape, she didn't realize Christiana was in the living room reading. As she is about to kill Christiana a demon hunter stops her with his blade rescuing Christiana.

Young Christiana: "What the hell..."


Meadow: "It's a shame I didn't come here in time."

Young Christina: (Thinking) "It's him."

Meadow: "Now! Go back to hell where you belong and by the way, my sword will prevent you from coming back here to this world!"

He used his sword and sent the demon back to hell. A fire circle appears, and four arms are covered in blood and take the demon to hell.

Demon: "NOO!!! DON'T TAKE ME!!!!! NOOO!!!!!"

Meadow: "Sorry you two but that's how a hunter is. Hunters can't always save people."

Young Christiana: "I know that wasn't a human. What was that being?"

He turned around and realized that it was the same girl he had met a few years ago.

Meadow: "It's you."

Young Christiana: "You didn't answer my question what was that being?"

Meadow: "A demon."

Young Christiana: "A demon... Since beings like you exist, that makes sense that demons exist."

Meadow: "These people do you know them?"

Young Christiana: "They're my aunt and uncle."

Meadow: "Sorry I didn't make it in time."

Young Christiana: "Do you always hunt demons?"

Meadow: "Yes."

Young Christiana: "Train me."

A series of events of her being trained as a demon huntress happened.

Meadow: "Train you?"

Young Christiana: "Train me to be a demon huntress."

Meadow: "Are you sure? Being a demon hunter means you would have to take a life."

Young Christiana: "So? I've taken a life before it doesn't bother me one bit."

Christiana: (In Narrative Tone) "In just a few months I became an infamous demon huntress all over hell. All the demons there willingly do anything to get my head just raise their ranks in hell."

Four years have passed, and Christiana is fifteen years old. Meadow is walking Christiana home after they finished a hunt.

Christiana: "That was quite a hunt, wasn't it?"

Meadow: "Hm?!"

Meadow is a bit surprised by her voice.

Christiana: "What's wrong?"

Meadow: "I'm just not used to your voice like that."

Christiana: "Well What did you expect? I am going through puberty my voice is changing."

Meadow: (Thinking) "No kidding." He started to check her out for the first time. "She's starting to have a nice firm ass. I didn't even notice that her breasts got bigger until now."

Christiana: "Meadow?"

Meadow was surprised and blushed for the first time.

Meadow: "Hm?!"

Christiana: "We're here."

Meadow: "Oh I didn't realize it I was in a train of thought."

Christiana: "Meadow are you blushing?"

Meadow: "What?! No, I'm not!"

He almost turns red.

Christiana: "You are. Your face is almost red. I didn't think that vampires can blush."

Meadow couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Meadow: "Well…um…see you later bye!"

He leaves out of embarrassment. He realized that this was the first time in his life that he was attracted to a female. A few days passed by Christiana and Meadow were on patrol for demons.

Christiana: "Meadow?"

Meadow: "Mhm?"

Christiana: "We've been together for quite some time…"

Meadow: "Yeah."

She blushes.

Christiana: "I um…I was wondering if you would spend the night with me?"

Meadow couldn't believe what he heard, and his face turned red.

Meadow: "You mean like being alone together."

Christiana: "M-M-Mhm."

Meadow: "O-O-Okay let's spend the night together for the second time." Hours have passed and it is late at night. Christiana is getting ready to go to bed upstairs. Meadow is looking around her house and sees photographs of her mom. "This must be her mother… I wonder what happened to her."

Christiana: "She was shot in the head by some robber."

Meadow: "Sorry to hear that."

Christiana: "It's fine I don't think about that much like I used to."

He looks at her up and down checking her out again as he is blushing.

Meadow: (Thinking) "Damn… She has such a beautiful body even in her pajamas."

Christiana: "Meadow?"

Meadow: "Hm?!"

Christiana: "Were you checking me out?"

Meadow: "No! I um!"

Christiana: "My. My. Am I that attractive?"

She blushes a bit as he walks up to her.

Meadow: "You're the first girl I ever found attractive."

Christiana: "Really? I thought you might have been with other girls before."

Meadow: "No I never found anyone attractive not until I noticed you changing."

He takes her hand and places it in his heart. She is shocked that she can feel his heartbeat.

Christiana: "How is that possible? How is it that you have a heartbeat?"

Meadow: "I wasn't born a vampire I turned into one long ago. I still have a heartbeat… I still have a pulse… Even though I'm technically dead."

They both blush as he tilts her head up by the chin and he kisses her gently on the lips. He warped his arm around her. They stopped kissing and both were blushing gazing at each other's eyes.

Christiana: "My Meadow you're quite a kisser."

Meadow: "Like I said you're the first girl I've ever been attracted to. To be honest you're the only one and always will be."

Christiana: "How sweet."

He looked down and noticed the way she buttoned her pajama top. Noticing the way is buttoned shows the curves of her breasts and reveals her cleavage.

Meadow: (Thinking) "Oh God!"

It caused him to have a nosebleed.

Christiana: "Meadow! I didn't think vampires could have a nosebleed."

His face turns red out of embarrassment and cleans the blood off his nose.

Meadow: "I still have blood in my veins, so it is possible." (Thinking: "How embarrassing! I never had a nosebleed before so why now?!")

Christiana: "Meadow are you okay?"

Meadow: "I'm fine. I should go to bed."

Christiana: "Okay then Goodnight."

Meadow: "Goodnight."

She left the room and went to bed in her room. Meadow went to bed and couldn't stop thinking about Christiana. As he drifted to sleep, he started to dream about her. He dreams of them together alone at night passionately kissing. Then she takes her clothes off and he takes his clothes off. He gently lays her on the bed as they continue kissing.

Christiana: "Meadow let's make love, but this time let the wolf beast inside you out."

They make passionate love, and he marks her on her neck. Afterward, he wakes up feeling hot from the dream.

Meadow: "God what a dream... I gotta admit it that was a hot dream. Hm?!" He looks down and sees that he has an erection. "Oh, God! I can't believe that I have an erection! That never happened to me before! Uh... Cold shower that's what I need!" He ran to Christiana's bathroom and took a cold shower. "Good thing Christiana isn't up yet I don't want to be embarrassed..."

He finished his shower and got out of the shower. Christiana got up and headed for her bathroom to get ready for school.

Christiana: "I'm glad today is Friday I actually can't wait for the weekend."

She walks in not knowing that Meadow is in there until she looks up. She sees Meadow completely naked still dripping wet from the shower.

Meadow: "Oh I didn't hear you come in." She blushes as she looks up and down at Meadow. "That's right you didn't see me naked well you did that night, but it was too dark, so you didn't see me well enough in the dark."

Christiana: (Thinking) "Those abs those muscles those scars my God… I never thought I would find myself attracted to Meadow like that. I think I'm gonna… Huh?!"

She has a nosebleed and Meadow is surprised.

Meadow: "I can't believe you had a nosebleed. That's so cute."

He cleans the blood off her while he cleans her, she looks down and notices Meadow's crotch. She blushes when she sees that it's long and big.

Christiana: "Um..."

He realized that he didn't have a towel wrapped around his waist. His face turns red out of embarrassment as he covers himself with a towel.

Meadow: "Oh God! Sorry! I should have had a towel on!"

Christiana: "It's... It's fine... I um... Didn't see much..."

She leaves the bathroom.

Meadow: "How embarrassing..."

Christiana: "That's his sword... It's so big and long... How did he not split me in half almost two years ago?!"

After he got dressed, he went to see Christiana to apologize.

Meadow: "Hey I didn't mean for that... That... That..."

He looks up and sees her buttoning her blouse and blushes.

Christiana: "Hm? Oh, I didn't hear you come in. Well, I guess that makes us even after all I did walk in on you completely naked."

Meadow: (Thinking) "She's wearing a black bra and black panties. It really brings out her everything." She finished buttoning her blouse and tied her tie then put on her skirt. (Thinking: "A skirt! She's wearing a skirt!")

He has a nosebleed.

Christiana: "Meadow. It's like you've never seen a girl in a uniform before."

Meadow: "I just never seen you in a uniform..."

Christiana: "Well that's true when we meet up, I'm always in my hunting wear. That's because I didn't want my uniform to get dirty with blood."

Meadow: "I just um... didn't think that you like wearing skirts..."

Christiana: "I don't but it's required for girls to wear skirts, so I have no other choice."

Meadow: "That must mean you go to a private school."

Christiana: "Not exactly it's true I do go to a private school, but not just private schools wear uniforms so do public schools."

Meadow: "Oh…"

He continues to look at her from top to bottom.

Christiana: "Anyways I'm going to school now."

She walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek. They both blush.

Meadow: "How come you gave me a peck on the cheek?"

Christiana: "It's a kiss goodbye you know before I head out. Isn't that what lovers do?"

She leaves her house and goes to school curious about what she does at school Meadow follows her. The school bell rang, and all the students were heading for their classes. Meadow hid in the shadows to observe what she typically does at school.

Girl Student 1: "Collins is lucky."

Girl Student 2: "Yeah, she got the beauty and the brains. I'm like so envious of her."

Meadow overhears some boy talking about Christiana.

Boy Student 1: "Damn Collins is hot."

Boy Student 2: "Not only that but smart and athletic too."

Boy Student 3: "I wonder why she didn't join any athletic clubs?"

Boy Student 4: "You know every athletic club asks her to join and she turns them all down."

Boy Student 2: "The student council even asked her to join, and she turned them down."

Boy Student 1: "I heard it's because of her job."

Boy Student 3: "Oh I forgot she works."

Boy Student 4: "I wonder if she is seeing someone."

All: "Yeah I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend."

Popular Boy: "She'll soon have a boyfriend when I ask her out."

Boy Student 2: "You're wasting your time."

Boy Student 1: "Practically every guy in our class asked her out and she rejected them all."

Popular Boy: "Unlikely. No girl has ever rejected me. Watch and see."

Meadow: (Thinking) "Damn him! Talking about her like she is some kind of trophy girl! Wait! Why am I like this?! Could it be jealousy? Or am I being protective of her?"

The boy walks up to her.

Popular Boy: "Hey Collins."

Christiana: "Hm?"

Popular Boy: "You're the most popular girl in school and I'm the most popular boy in school. What say you go out with me. Then we'll be a power couple for sure."

Christiana: "No."

Popular Boy: "Huh?!"

Christiana: "I have a boyfriend and even if I don't have one, I would still reject you."

The popular boy cries out in defeat and she walks away. The school day ends and the bell rings, all the students who aren't in clubs or activities are going home. Meadow stands at the school gates waiting for Christiana.

2nd Year Girl Student 1: "Who is that hunk?!"

3rd Year Girl Student 1: "I don't know but I haven't seen him around here before. He has to be a 3rd-year student."

2nd Year Girl Student 2: "Maybe he's from another school."

3rd Year Girl Student 2: "Must be because there's no way a guy that hot could go to this school."

He gets annoyed by the attention he is getting.

Meadow: "Oh God... Why do girls squeal like that?"

He notices Christiana and blushes.

Christiana: "Hm? Meadow? Why are you here?"

Meadow: "I wanted to walk you home."

They walk together heading for her house.

Christiana: "You were stalking me, weren't you?"

Meadow: "I wouldn't call it stalking more like observing."

Christiana: "Sure let's call it that."

Meadow: (Thinking) "Her observation of her surroundings is getting much better than before. I say she'll be a top huntress one day."

He looks down to see her skirt trying to look under it.

Christiana: "Are you trying to look under my skirt?"

He turns red out of embarrassment.

Meadow: "N-No! Of course not! Hey um, how about we go on a date tonight?"

Christiana: "Date?"

Meadow: "Yeah isn't that what lovers do?"

Christiana: "Y-Yes."

It is back to the present.

Christiana: "Your father is quite romantic he always shows me affection in his own way. Then a year later, he proposed to me."

Zachary: "You were sixteen when he proposed to you."

Christiana: "Yes, I got married when I was seventeen Afterwards, I finished high school. Just before the year ended, I finished university luckily, I took classes there while I was in high school."

Angel: "What degree do you have?"

Christiana: "Business."

Violet: "Were you planning to have your own business?"

Christiana: "Not really, I only went to university to have something to fall back on in case being a full-time huntress didn't work out. Unfortunately, that day happened the day I was taken."

A flashback to January 8, 1846, Christiana is walking in the city when she spots Ana. She notices that Ana has been waiting for her.

Ana: "I figured you be here you always walk here, don't you?"

Christiana: "What do you want?"

Ana: "What it is about you? Everyone practically worships the ground you walk on."

Christiana: "Well that's because unlike you I'm actually true to myself I don't hide behind a mask like you do."

Ana: "You bitch!" She tried to hit her but stopped midway. "It doesn't matter anyways... You'll be gone soon."

Christiana: "What do you mean?"

Ana: "You'll find out soon enough."

She sees the two men in black walking slowly behind Christiana about to grab her, but Christiana stops them by fighting them both knocking them both to the ground.

Christiana: "What? You thought that I'm some innocent-looking girl you thought I couldn't handle myself. Please. If I wanted to, I could kill you both, but I won't. There's a time and a place for a girl to get her hands dirty but this isn't one of those times."

Before she knew it another two men in black got behind her and grabbed her. One of them grabbed her by the chin.

Man 3: "She's a looker."

Man 4: "Not only does she have a cute face, but she has a hot body too. She'll be sold a lot of money I might even try to buy her."

Ana looks at her with an evil smirk on her face.

Ana: "See what I mean by you'll be gone. You'll be just like those other people who went missing. You know human trafficking."

Christiana: "Those who betray others will find themselves killed by an act of betrayal*. Don't believe me? You'll soon find out someone out there will betray you and you'll die from it."

*I mentioned in an early chapter where I used the quote from.

One of the men used a cloth with chloroform over her mouth and she tried to fight them off.

Man 4: "What the f**k?! This could knock out anyone! How can she withstand this?!"

Man 3: "This girl must have strong endurance!"

She kept on fighting as much as she could, but she couldn't and eventually was knocked out by the chloroform.

Man 2: "Damn it took that long for the chloroform to take effect."

Man 1: "How can a girl like her be able to endure chloroform like that?!"

As they took her away in a van one of the men looked at her from head to toe with a creepy grin.

Man 4: "I hope they don't mind if I have some fun with her before she gets sold."

Man 2: "I wouldn't do that she might not even be legal."

Man 1: "Here's her wallet." He opens her wallet and looks for anything to identify her. "Her temporary license says here that she's seventeen."

Man 3: "So that means she's legally an adult."

Man 4: "I'll bet she'll be the most popular one in the auction."

As she is unconscious, she is being taken to an unknown secluded area far from the public. Not knowing what will happen to her and it is back to the present.

Christiana: "Next thing I knew I regained concussion and found myself tied up in a van with four men in suits. Before I knew it, I was taken to an unknown location. Then I was put in a cage surrounded by other people who were in cages themselves. Then that's when I met someone who's in this room."

The others realized that it was Violet whom she had met before. 

Angel: "So that's when you two met the first time?" 

Violet: "Pretty much..." 

A flashback to January 9, 1846, Christiana finds herself in a red dress in a cage surrounded by people in individual cages as well. 

Christiana: "What the hell? Where am I?"

Violet: "Where they keep the merchandise."

Christiana: "The Black Market."

Violet: "Yep."

Christiana: "How long have you been here?"

Violet: "Almost a week..."

Christiana: "Really?"

Violet: "Yeah... Some old man was about to buy me as his well sex slave, but he didn't have the money to buy me, so they brought me back here."

Christiana: "You must not be the first one to be sent back here."

Violet: "It happens when someone wants to buy you, but doesn't have the money to get you. Either way, you pretty much kiss your freedom goodbye."

They were both taken to separate auctions. Before she knew it, she was blindfolded and taken to auction.

Announcer: "Gentlemen here's who we have for sale today. Ms. Christiana Collins!"

The spotlights shine right on her all the men in the audience grin in a creepy way. Half of them are surprised to see someone as beautiful as Christiana.

Man 1: "Damn she's hot."

Old Man: "My. My. If only I was younger, but I could use her for my escort services. She'll make a great escort for my young clients."

Man 2: "She'll probably be sold to be a service slave."

Man 3: "What makes you think that?"

Man 4: "Look at her she's a high schooler I bet she's a first-year student."

Announcer: "Gentlemen what you see here today this girl's beauty is real she has never had any work whatsoever! Also, her breasts are real and natural not only does she have beauty, but she also has brains! One last thing gentleman she's seventeen years old!" 

Man 2: "Seventeen?!"

Man 1: "That means she's legal oh I can't wait to have her."

Max: (Thinking) "Scum!"

Announcer: "Now let's start the bidding of 100,000 currencies!"

A man raised his hand to place the bid.

Man 3: "Damn why did he have to place the bid so high?!"

Man 2: "I don't even have that amount."

Announcer: "Already a bid!"

Old Man: "175,000!"

Announcer: "We got 175,000 currencies!"

Man 4: "What are you going to do with her old geezer?"

Old Man: "For my escort services she'll be the most popular one, and I'll make a lot of money with her."

Announcer: "We have 175,000 going once!"

Man 5: "250,000 currencies!"

Announcer: "Another bid! My Ms. Collins you are very popular!"

Man 5: "She'll make a good mistress I bet she's a virgin too I've always wanted an innocent girl."

Man 4: "300,000 currencies!"

Man 6: "425,000!"

Old Man: "1 million currencies!"

Announcer: "1 million currencies! We haven't had a bidding war in quite some time!"

Max: (Thinking: "No! No! I must have her! I can't let anyone else have her!")

Announcer: "1 million currencies going once! Going twice!"

Max: "7 million currencies!"

All the men were shocked. 

Old Man: "Damn if I bid any further then I lose all of my money."

Man 6: "I can't believe he bid that much."

Man 5: "I bet he doesn't even have that amount."

Announcer: "My! My! My! 7 million currencies! Nobody has ever gone more than 5 million this is a day in history gentlemen! 7 million going once! Going twice! And sold to that gentleman!"

Man 2: "Shit..."

Man 1: "Damn..."

Announcer: "Congratulations sir! Your prize will be ready soon just go to our front desk and pay the amount by cash or by wire transfer!"

Before she knew she was bought by an unknown man not knowing what would happen to her next.

To Be Continued….

Honestly I wasn’t planning of having Christiana’s chapter a two parter it sorta just happened!

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