

A Voice asked in his head, " Human Do you desire Power, even if you are consumed by darkness," Yes, he answered, and the voice asked again why would you desire such Power. He answered vengeance.

The voice laughed boy, get here and make an accord with me. I will grant your profound desire, he reached it. He asked what do you expect from me, the voice replied I want your body and soul to be mine, Theoden replied grant my wish, later my body and soul will be yours for forever the voice has laughed savagely, infiltrated into his body.

Several Years Earlier :

There was a village surrounded by grasslands and valleys, Our lead and his friends are playing in the fields. His parents were farmers, and his eldest boy is a law-enforcement officer in the capital city visits every week, but one day, he was pleading with the heads and higher-ups not to take this decision but no use the higher-ups commanded the assassins to kill the nearby villages.

Unfortunately, our lead's village is one of them. In the early morning, the whole town was asleep, the assassins invaded into the village and killing the people without humanity, they were fleeing for their lives to protect themselves, but there is no use they were killed by assassins.

Our 12-year-old lead is crying and searching for his parents in the dead bodies of the villagers, then he found his parents lying dead in a pool of blood. He was crying while watching their villagers and his friends die right in front of his eyes, but he realized one of the assassin's face and outraged with despair and hate towards him he is none other than.

To protect himself, he hid into the corpses after some time he moved out of the remains and checked are there any survivors, but all are slaughtered. He was outraged with anger and hate towards the assassin whom he saw, he was traveling into the jungle for food and water for his survival.

" Suddenly a voice called in his head... "

Voice: " Human... why are you in this forest and what do you seek..... ",

Boy: "Who are you? Moreover, what are you? I need the Power to avenge deaths of my villagers and my parents" he replied,

Voice: (Laughing Wildly) " Do you seek Power, Even if you are consumed by Darkness,"

Boy: " Yes," he replied.