

As Daniela and Adriana continued their lively chat on the third level of the art masquerade festival, their discussion ranged from the latest gossip surrounding the Ten Great Families to various scandals and intrigues among the elite. They shared tidbits of information, whispered secrets, and exchanged playful banter, enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the gala.

For instance, Daniela brought up the recent scandal involving the Orion family, where a high-ranking member had been caught in a compromising situation with a rival family's heiress. Adriana, equally intrigued by the juicy details, added her own insights into the matter, forming a delightful bond over their shared love for the city's social scene.

"Adriana, did you hear about the Orion family scandal? It's positively scandalous!"

"Oh, Daniela, you're talking about the one with the stolen love letters, right? The city can't stop buzzing about it!"

"Exactly! It's like something straight out of a romance novel. Can you imagine the drama?"

"I know! And apparently, the heiress from the Orion family was quite resourceful in tracking down those letters. You have to admire her determination."

"True, true. If only we could all channel that kind of determination into our own pursuits, right?"

"Oh, Daniela, you always have a way of making even the most scandalous stories sound like fairy tales."

"Well, speaking of time, it has been a while since our intriguing friend excused himself. What do you think could be keeping him?

"You mean Mr. Alex from earlier? Who knows? Maybe he's just lost track of time. Or perhaps he's embroiled in his own intriguing masquerade".

"You're right; we can't jump to conclusions. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see."

However, as the minutes ticked away, Daniela couldn't help but steal glances at the ornate clock adorning the grand hall. It had been precisely 15 minutes and 23 seconds since Alex had excused himself from their company. She maintained her cheerful demeanor, but beneath her smile, a nagging concern had taken root. What could be keeping him? Daniela wondered, her thoughts drifting back to the intriguing and enigmatic man she had met earlier.


Daniela leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You know, Adriana, I can't help but wonder about that Alex man we met earlier. What do you think happened to him?"

Adriana, ever the level-headed one, sipped her champagne before responding. "Well, Daniela, it's a masquerade gala. People come and go, and sometimes they disappear into the night, like phantoms."

"But he was different," Daniela mused. "There was something about him"

Adriana chuckled. "You have a sharp eye for interesting characters, my dear. Maybe he had an urgent matter to attend to. Or perhaps he simply enjoys the thrill of mystery."

Indeed, Daniela's heart raced uncontrollably after meeting Alex for the first time at the masquerade gala. She found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. It was an inexplicable feeling, a rush of sensations that left her both bewildered and captivated.

She couldn't help but wonder if this sudden infatuation was sparked by a deep-seated yearning that had lingered within her for years. The desire to meet her savior, the one who had once rescued her from a perilous situation during her childhood, had always tugged at her heartstrings. Could it be that the mysterious man she had encountered bore some resemblance to her cherished prince from the past?

As the minutes passed, Daniela's feelings grew increasingly intense. Her heart raced with every second that Alex remained absent from their conversation. The sense of longing and infatuation that had taken hold of her continued to intensify, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

She couldn't deny the growing connection she felt with the enigmatic man she had met earlier. It was as if an invisible thread had woven itself between them, drawing her closer to him with each passing moment. The mysterious allure of the masquerade, the enchanting atmosphere, and the enigma of Alex had combined to create a potent cocktail of emotions that left her both exhilarated and restless.

Daniela knew that she couldn't ignore these feelings any longer. She had to find out more about the captivating stranger who had become the center of her thoughts. The masquerade held the promise of intrigue and discovery, and she was determined to unravel the mystery that had taken hold of her heart.

With a flushed face and a racing heart, Daniela decided it was time to excuse herself from her conversation with Adriana. She couldn't ignore the growing urgency to find Alex, the enigmatic man who had captivated her thoughts and feelings.

"Adriana, I think I need to go," she stammered, her voice betraying her nervousness.

Adriana raised an eyebrow, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Why the hurry, Daniela? It's a bit lonely here without you."

Daniela hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "I have some business to attend to," she finally managed to say.

A knowing smile crossed Adriana's lips. "You want to meet Alex, don't you?"

Daniela's cheeks flushed even deeper, and she found herself stuttering, "N-No... I... I mean..."

Adriana chuckled softly, teasing her friend. "You forgot about your sister when you met your prince."

Daniela couldn't refute her friend's observation. She knew that Adriana was right. Her encounter with Alex had left her feeling inexplicably drawn to him, and she couldn't ignore the yearning in her heart.

"Anyway," Adriana continued, "let's meet again at the end of this gala, Daniela."

Daniela nodded, her blush still lingering. "Yes, of course," she replied, her thoughts consumed by the desire to find Alex once more.

As Daniela left, Adriana couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness that seemed to cling to her like a shadow. Loneliness had been a constant companion throughout her life, which was perhaps why she found solace in her art. Her drawings often depicted the solitude she felt deep within her.

Sitting alone in the elegant surroundings of the gala, Adriana's gaze drifted aimlessly until she heard a deep and unfamiliar voice. Startled, she turned her attention toward the source of the voice, her eyes widening as she took in the presence of a new arrival.

"Hi, lady," the man greeted her, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. Adriana found herself drawn to the mysterious newcomer, a flicker of curiosity brightening her melancholy gaze.


After leaving Adriana behind, Daniela retreated to a more secluded area of the gala. She knew that time was ticking, and her heart's yearning to find the mysterious man she had encountered earlier only grew stronger with each passing moment.

With a sense of urgency, Daniela called out, "Aqila," and a shadowy figure emerged from her own silhouette. This shadow soon took on a more defined and majestic form, revealing Aqila, Daniela's loyal guardian.

Aqila possessed a commanding presence, with short, striking yellow hair that framed her elegant features. Her eyes held a depth of wisdom and a hint of stern determination, and her attire was both regal and practical, reflecting her role as a guardian. She stood by Daniela's side, ready to assist and protect her young charge in any way necessary.

Aqila acknowledged Daniela's greeting with a warm smile but quickly dismissed the formalities, saying, "No need to be so formal, my dear."

As Aqila shared her thinking about not being able to obtain information on the mysterious man, Daniela couldn't hide her surprise. "They couldn't reveal his identity? That's unusual," she remarked, her curiosity piqued.

Aqila nodded in agreement. "Yes, they mentioned he's on the B level, and only my dad, who's also on the same level, might have access to more information. But even then, it's not guaranteed."

Daniela understood the complexities of their world well. "Ah, I see. The B level is indeed a different league altogether. It seems my prince is no ordinary person," she mused, her admiration for Alex growing.

"Continue to search for information, by the way, where he is going, Daniela asked,

"He goes to the Level 2?" Daniela bewilderment and take a step back "Why do you think he's gone down to Level 2?" she added.

"Where do you think he's headed in Level 2?" Daniela asked, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Aqila, her guardian with the extraordinary "Eagle Eye" technique, allowed a small smile to grace her lips. Her eyes were not just keen; they were legendary. "He's moving fast, blending into the crowd effortlessly. But my eyes never miss a beat. He's going deeper into Level 2, towards an area that's usually reserved for those of higher standing."

Daniela nodded, her thoughts racing. "It's highly unusual for someone of his status to venture there. There must be a compelling reason. Let's discreetly gather information and find out why he's chosen to navigate into the heart of Level 2."

Next chapter