
Assassin Straight

Assassins from different worlds are forced into an odd predicament. Before a VHS tape suddenly appeared. Playing the Audio revealed that this is nothing but a big game for the damned...

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 9: Red Moon

Unbeknownst to Joseph and Aziue, as they grinned at the corpse of the guard, a group of entities watched their every move. On a higher plane of existence, a group of deities could be seen sitting around a large table made from celestial bodies such as stars and planets.

Thousands of screens surround the deities as they watch every outcome of the first test with an indifferent look on their faces. A man wearing a pitch black cloak and a mask covered in ancient runes scoffed before speaking in a deep voice

" Looks like barely any of the contestants can pass the first test. Who thought of putting a Wendigo as the first test? "

The masked deity started to look around at a group of nine deities before a light chuckle could be heard on the right side of the table. The masked deity looked over towards a pale skinned woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a brown robe covered in vegetation like vines and moss.

The woman grinned at the masked man before speaking in a friendly voice.

" We all agreed to put a Wendigo as the first test, besides the second test is about to start soon. In a couple of hours when the moon rises and you look at those mortals flying through the second test, they have already figured out the guard is a fake. "

Said the woman pointing at a screen of Joseph and Aziue who were currently talking to each other, standing next to the guard's corpse. They were trying to figure out what was the best course of action. The masked deity looked over towards the screen before shaking his head and face palming.

" Of course, they're flying through the test. They are assassins, but not everyone taking this test is a skilled killer like an assassin. Some of the contestants are forgers and carpenters. "

As soon as the masked man said this, an elderly man sitting on the left side of the table spoke in a raspy voice. He was wearing a plain white t shirt with brownish cargo pants.

" Why do you think we made the second test only have Duo's instead of having all of the contestants grouped together? Those assassins will struggle to stop a horde of monsters by themselves, unlike a carpenter who could build a strong enough wall to keep the residents of the village safe. "

The masked deity just shook his head disagreeing with the elder before a man with bright green hair and sunken black eyes spoke.

" Protecting the village isn't the goal of this test. It's the slaughter of monsters. I highly doubt those ruthless assassins will protect the village's residents at all. "

The masked man nodded his head in agreement before the blonde woman spoke once again.

" However, I think their ruthlessness will bite them in the ass soon. "...

While the deities argue about the rules of the game they've created. Joseph and Aziue can be seen standing on wooden slanted roofs. Joseph tightly held onto the metal dagger, as he stared at the sky.

The sun was beginning to set. Joseph and Aziue glanced at each other before nodding. After discussing what the ideal course of action would be Aziue and Joseph have decided not to warn the village residents. Instead, they plan on using the residents as bait while Joseph and Aziue pick the monsters off one by one.

Aziue looks over at Joseph before speaking to him.

" Are you sure you can handle that many monsters in close combat? "

Joseph nods his head as he answers Aziue's question.

" I can guarantee it. The regeneration skill I gained after beating Wendigo gives me almost unlimited stamina. I just need to make sure that too much of my body doesn't get eaten at once and I'll be fine. "

As soon as Joseph says this, the setting sun suddenly vanishes casting dark onto the village, the residents walk out onto the street confused before a blood moon appears at the very peak of the sky, the residents stare at the moon in horror as hundreds of thunderous roars echo shaking the frail wooden walls of the town.

In a matter of seconds, deafening bangs ripple while debris flies out wildly into the air from monsters slamming through the wooden walls surrounding the town. Massive creatures several feet tall storm into the town as the sound of death and screams covers the village.

Aziue and Joseph stood there patiently listening to screams with indifferent looks on their faces. These screams were nothing new to these two skilled assassins. Joseph stared down at an eight foot tall shadowy creature. The creature was holding onto a half eaten corpse until Joseph leapt off the roof, gracefully slicing the monster's head off, making it loudly collapse onto the floor.

Joseph started to look around the alleyway he was in as lightning spewed above him. The bright light of the lightning began to attract monsters as loud footsteps ominously approached Joseph who was waiting patiently for the monsters to arrive.

Joseph watches as a rhino with three heads and burnt skin slowly walks towards him until it suddenly charges at him. The ground under Joseph shakes as he calmly watches the rhino approach until his right arm flickers and he flings the dagger at the rhino. The dagger cuts through the air before piercing into one of the rhino's eyes making it roar out in pain.

The rhino's balance shifted from the sudden sharp pain piercing through his pain making it slam into a wooden wall crashing through it. Joseph watches as the rhino collapses into the building before he smacks his lips and ducks under claws. Joseph twirls and dashes away from a lengthy frail humanoid monster with long eagle-like talons for fingers.

Joseph glares at the creature while the rhino behind him slowly rolls to its feet. Steam blows out the rhino's noses as it starts to stamp its right foot on the ground. The rhino begins to angrily charge toward Joseph while the humanoid monster swipes its claws at Joseph making him dash back.

Joseph glances back at the rhino charging towards him, watching as it quickly approaches him until Joseph rolls dodging the rhino. Before the rhino can stop, it slams into the humanoid monster making it fall on its back while the monster's claws scrape across the rhino's thick hide causing gashes to cover the rhino's body.

The stinging pain makes the rhino even more enraged as it leads back its head and slams its horns back into the monster making it roar out in agony. Joseph quickly walks towards the fighting rhino before he reaches out and grabs onto his dagger embedded in the rhino's eye. Joseph yanks the dagger out while speaking.

" In my world, rhinos are known for their bad eyesight. I guess even with those extra heads your eyesight is still terrible huh? "

Joseph watches as the rhino rips the humanoid monster in half, before it raises up on its hind legs and stomps onto the monster's head violently killing it. The rhino stares down at the monster pleased with itself before its heads are suddenly chopped. The rhino flops onto the ground still twitching.

Joseph glances at the rhino corpse before he looks up into the sky and sees several bird-like monsters flying through the air illuminated by the red moon. Joseph scoffs as he murmurs to himself.

" Looks like this is going to take far longer than we planned. "...