
Assassin of the System (Dropped)

Silent_Auth0r · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

Andre slowly regained consciousness, he was back in the room Mr.Smith lent him, as he laid there on the bed he heard a Feminine voice with a trace of mechanical sound  in his head, "Mission one activated, complete the tutorial, reward; ticket for the class draw, and 8 stat points to distribute as the host so wishes"  Before Andre could speak, he heard the voice again, "Hello, I am your system, I have forever been bonded to you, you can only get rid of me by dying. You can access the things provided by the system by thinking about them, like your stat bar, please pull up your stat bar now."

    Andre thought about it like the voice had said, sure enough, in his field of vision a set of information appeared. 

Name; Andre Aralamin

Race; Elf (Wood Elf)

Class; N/A

Level; N/A

XP: 0/0

Strength; 10

Dexterity; 12

Constitution; 10

Intelligence; 10

Wisdom; 11

Charisma; 10


Basic Clothing (Black), Hoodie (Black), T-Shirt (Red)

Inventory; Not unlocked (unlock level; 2)

Skills (Passive); Darkvision (60ft), 50% chance to cancel being charmed, Immunities: Magically being put to sleep

Stat points to distribute; 0

Andre was slightly confused, but again before he could say anything the system spoke again. "Inventory and store unlocks at level two, your class determines the skills you will get, and at what level, a total of 20 levels per class and 14 classes are available at the moment."  There was a slight pause, "Mission complete! Reward; ticket for class draw, 8 stat points. Would you like to pull a class now or later?"  A box with the words 'Class draw' written on it appeared in the bed in front of him, there were pieces of paper in it, Andre stuck his hand in and pulled a piece of paper out and read it. It said Rogue. "Congratulations! You have drawn the rogue starter class! You have gained new skills! You have learned a new language! You have gained new equipment! You have gained new skills! Please check your stat bar and distribute your 8 stat point!"

Name; Andre Aralamin

Race; Elf (Wood Elf)

Class; Rogue

Level; 1

XP: 0/300

Health: 8/8

Defense: 12 (Leather Armour)

Strength; 10

Dexterity; 12

Constitution; 10

Intelligence; 10

Wisdom; 11

Charisma; 10


Basic Clothing (Black), Hoodie (Black), Shirt (Red), Shortsword x2, Dagger x2, Leather Armour, Thieves Tools

Inventory; Not unlocked (unlock level; 2)

Skills (Passive); Darkvision (60ft), 50% chance to cancel being charmed, Immunity: Magically being put to sleep, (New!) Sneak Attack: Extra Damage dealt to surprised victims

(New!) Skills (Require activation); Deception (+0), Persuasion (+0), Sleight of Hand (+1), Stealth (+1), Thieves' Tools (+1)

(New!) Languages; Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant

Stat points to distribute; 8

Andre was slightly taken aback by the new things added to his stat bar. He looked around the room, and sure enough the new equipment was resting beside the bed. He looked at the stats a second time, he realised that deception and persuasion were probably related to his charisma, were as sleight of hand and stealth was related to his dexterity. He thought a minute, then it hit him, he was either going to be a thief, or an assassin! That's what this class seemed to be. He smiled, after all, he was a fairly good thief in his previous life. He distributed his stat points so that his dexterity became 16 and his charisma became 14, after all, a thief needed to be able to get what he needed, and to be able to deceive those that had suspicion. He smiled, standing up and then dressed himself before hearing a knock on the door, it was slightly lighter than when Lewfald knocked. "Come in" The door opened and Sarah walked in, she looked at Andre, who was wearing a dagger strapped to the side of each leg, two shortswords across his back, and night black clothing and was slightly taken aback. 

    "D-did you already figure out your occupation?" In her mind he looked like an assassin. 

    Andre nodded calmly, "Yes, I have"

    "Okay, w-well, breakfast is ready, so. . . yah. . . " she stood there awkwardly for a minute, before she left, presumably to have breakfast.

    Andre also went to have some food. When he arrived he noticed it was just some eggs and toast, but the atmosphere was kind of awkward for some reason. He sat down and started to eat, Lewfald cleared his throat, Andre looked up, the food on the end of his fork half way to his open mouth, waiting to be eaten. Everyone was looking at him warily, that's when Andre realised he still had his weapons on him. "Oh right. Sorry." He quickly shoved the piece of food into his mouth then stood up, carefully taking the weapons off of his body, he handed them to a nearby servant and asked them to take them to his room before sitting back down to continue eating. Lewfald smiled awkwardly, gesturing at the servant who was frozen to the spot to do as Andre had asked, only then did they stifley walk off with the weapons in hand.

    "I see you found a profession Si-- Andre." Lewflad said calmly.

    Andre finished what was in his mouth before responding, "Yes, could you possibly tell me where the nearest adventurers guild is? So that I can register and make myself some money."

    "Of course, it's. . ." Lewfald started before being interrupted by his daughter.

    "I'll show you where it is. I was going to head over there myself anyway." before Lewfald could say anything she had grabbed Andre and dragged him away, Andre stared pituffly at the half finished plate of food while following along obediently. After getting all of his weapons and equipping them they went to the guildhall. It wasn't a very long walk through town before they arrived at the guildhall.

It wasn't a very complicated process to join the guild, a drop of blood was all he needed to give them, and in turn he got a level F dogtag with his name on it. They walked over to the request board. Because he was only a level F they could only take a level F request. So they only had the option of gathering herbs in the nearby forest. Nothing of interest happened during the time of collecting herbs or during the rest of the day. For the next month every day Sarah and Andre would go out and do the herb collecting request, as always they left on another day of herb collecting, but this time half-way through they were attacked. A group of three Goblins, one with a bow and the other two with a shortsword each, attacked them, they were alerted to their presence when an arrow stabbed into the ground beside them.

"Go! I'll deal with them, you get yourself out of here." Andre said to Sarah as he kept his eyes riveted at the three Goblins, carefully drawing his shortswords off his back. 

"I'm not useless you know. I am a C rank, you're the one who is only F rank." She said calmly, then started chanting something in an arcane language, probably a spell.

Andre smirked, he walked forward slowly, ready to kill the things that decided to attack them. The Goblins screamed something, probably a war cry, and then the ones with the shortswords ran at Andre as the one in the back readied another arrow. The first Goblin that reached Andre slashed down at him, getting its sword interrupted by the shortswords that Andre held in an X formation in front of him to ward off the blow. He twisted the swords around so that the sword of the Goblin was directed to the ground as the other one stabbed Andre in the right side of his stomach, he grunted as the pain transmitted to his brain and blood started to come out of the wound. He stabbed down at the Goblin facing the ground with one sword, and thrust at the one that stabbed him. His first sword successfully skewered the first Goblin, whereas his other sword was deflected by the second one. At this point Sarah finished her incantation and an invisible force shot out at the Goblin with the bow, it slammed into its stomach, making it cough up a mouthful of black blood as it stumbled back a few steps. Andre danced with the Goblin for a short time before finishing it off, as he finished his battle Sarah had just finished burning the other Goblin to a crisp. Andre got a message from the thing in his head. Congratulations! You have successfully killed two Goblins! Reward; 100 XP. Andre was slightly taken aback, but he smiled, So killing things gives him XP, good. Then he realised something, were did he learn to fight? The thing in his head answered for him. "Combat techniques have been downloaded into the host's muscle memory, XP can be spent to buy additional techniques."

Thinking ther might be something in the bodies he went to the two corpses of the Goblins he had killed and ruffled through their contents. He only found the weapons they had and a small pouch of coins on one of them, it was filled with coins. He recalled a repeated subjugation request from on the board, it asked for people to kill Goblins and return with an ear of each, so he deftly sliced an ear off of each of the two Goblins. When he looked up and saw Sarah looking at him he smiled and tossed her the bag of coins. She caught it clumsily.

"T-this, I can't take this. Y-you are the one that got it." She walked over to him to hand it back.

He smirked. "Well then you can have half if you don't want the entire thing, you participated after all, it's not like you haven't earned it. In fact, isn't there a rule that F ranks can't participate in subjugation requests? Therefore you should be getting the reward for these." He handed her the two ears of the Goblins that he had just chopped off. "I'll go get the ear from the other one for you."

The grand total of coins from the three Goblin ears when they turned them in was just a silver piece an ear, as well as Andre being promoted to D rank after Sarah explained what happened. In the bag was 34 silver, and 16 copper, of which Andre and Sarah each got 17 silver and 8 copper, and then of course Sarah got the money from the Goblins. 

When they got 'home' Catherine immediately scolded them like little children for coming back with blood on their clothes, but after Sarah told the entire story she sighed and dragged Sarah off to get cleaned up. On his way to his room Andre was stopped by Lewfald. 

"I. I just want to thank you for protecting Sarah, she. Means everything to us. "' He smiled, "Just. Take this." He shoved something into Andres hand before running off. Andre looked down at the package that Lewfald had given him, it was a bundle wrapped in plain cloth, so Andre walked the rest of the way to his room before he opened it. Inside the package were 40 gold coins, three potions with labels that read 'Mags Marvelous Healing', as well as a map that showed the directions to a cave, the cave was labeled 'dangerous' and  'vast treasure'. 

Andre smiled, free stuff was always accepted. He stuffed everything into his bag before he had his shower and cleaned up. When he came out he put on the black clothing that he was wearing when he first woke up in the house. After breakfast he went back to the library and did more reading on the world he now lives in.

Lots of just STUFF, I'm a first time author so suggestions are very much wanted

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Silent_Auth0rcreators' thoughts