
Assassin of the night

My name is Noah miller and this is the story of how I became "The Assassin of the night". Location: Bryan kingdom 122 ad. In the dark of the night people were celebrating the throning of Prince Charles. it was a joyous moment for the whole Kingdom but, what they didn't know was that his life was hanging from a thread. Literally. When the guard opened gates of chamber of the prince,what they found was his body hanging from a thread from the ceiling. A thread thinner than that of a spider took his life. That day the whole Kingdom heard the roar of retired king Brian IV. "I want his head on my wall NOW".

atharva_saraf · Action
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1 Chs

Before the awakening.

Read the synopsis before reading the chapter if you will.


Location: Bryan kingdom 102ad prisite town.

In a small but clean house

A five year old Noah was reading the "Tale of Benjamin Carter" who was a pirate with unimaginable wealth and power of 'The sea' .The book depicted how he a bastard son of a noble became "Ruler of the seas".

He loved how Ben(Benjamin) never feared anything but also was not rash and took every step with certainty.

He too wanted to be like him, remembered in the pages of history and in the hearts of the people.

As he was day dreaming he didn't notice a shadow that crept behind him.


A sudden attack came towards him from the mysterious shadow. it was very fast and no normal person could deflect it.

But at this moment the time seemed to come to hault. The figure was now visible, it was a boy of age similar to Noah,He was not very tall but still towered noah as noah was sitting.There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes and a confident quirky smile on his innocent face.In his hand was a wooden sword with which he planned to attack Noah.

But before he could successfully attack, Noah spun on his axis and thrusted his elbow into the Gut of the boy.

The boy rolled on the ground in agony while cursing Noah.

On the other hand noah had a cocky smile on his face with his hands on his hip.

"How do you always escape me"The boy said in frustration. He couldn't understand how noah dodged and counter attacked him, it was seemingly impossible in his mind when he planned it.

"No matter how many times you try you cannot ambush me kyle".

The boy that now laid on the ground suddenly got an evil smile on his face and said."your doom is near dear brother wait till mum comes home and then I will see you cry". just as kyle said it a woman in her early twenties came from the front door.

As she saw kyle on the ground clutching his stomach she shrieked.

"What in the gunges name are you doing".

At that moment kyles face showed satisfaction and noah's showed terror and failure.cause she was their mother and her temper was equavent to that of a dragon.