
Assassin's Reincarnation

Nyx Wolf was tired of her daily dose of danger, blood, and death. She has been living such a life for 20 years after being sold to a crime syndicate only to be trained and honed as a deadly assassin that no one can take down. But not because she excels at such a profession doesn't mean she likes every bit of it. She wants nothing of it anymore. She wants to stop. And that's how a mere action fantasy novel she stumbled upon one night of messing with her phone between an assassination job, became a big help. She fucked up and died. Only to wake up in a body of a twenty-year-old girl, who has eye-catching bright red hair, and a husband who clearly doesn't care about her at all.

Ronaliza_18 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1 Nyx Wolf

A lightning sparks across the dark sky, lighting up what seems like a glooming atmosphere followed by the sudden wild drops of rain. Such great timing to match up the deafening explosions on a mansion, where a current war is in motion. Cold lifeless bodies, bathing in blood, sprawl across the ruined mansion. Even the usual bright garden which used to be filled with blooming flowers suddenly turns into an unsightly pool of gore. Gunshots echoes against the loud raindrops, which are accompanied by what seems to be a mad sky.

Amidst the smell of death and constant sounds of groans of pains, a shadow lurks around the dark. Taking advantage of the distraction from the explosions, Nyx, a professional assassin, kills every man she come across as she invades the whole mansion. Anyone who would see her would be astonished by how clean, smooth and fluid she moves. It was unbelievable how she can kill a six-foot-tall full-grown man, with just a swipe of her hunting knife across the neck. Her preciseness is the main reason why almost every client in the organization wants to hire her. Although, not most of them could afford her. Nyx is the most expensive assassin in the organization. That was acceptable with no argument, considering her works. Precise and no evidence that could lead back to her or the organization.

That's why a mistake is hardly acceptable when it comes to her. After all, she's been doing such a job for almost her entire life, after getting sold to a syndicate where Nyx was trained and hone to kill. But tonight would be a whole change for her.

Nyx groans in frustration after a man luckily scratches her forearm with a knife. Unfortunately for the man, Nyx hates it when she gets scratches because it always leaves scars that kept reminding her how fucked up her life is. Ducking to dodge another swing, Nyx crouches and swept the man with her feet, before sticking a bloody knife into his torso. Almost as if she intends to gut him. When the man stops struggling from the pain, Nyx proceeds towards the door at the end of the dark corridor. Base on the information she received from one of the Organization's reliable sources, Mr. Kaizel, her target, would be hiding behind the door she's currently facing.

Not doubting the information, she takes down the door by kicking at it forcefully, only to be greeted with the silence that almost feels like a lullaby, luring her to sleep. She pulls out the automatic pistol from the holster on her hips and scans the room. Sniffing the air for any malice directed at her. But Nyx found nothing. She put back the gun on her hips, and frown. She was sure that Mr. Kaizel would be in the room because there are no other rooms around the mansion he could use to hide. She made sure to check the blueprint of the whole mansion for any possible escape route, but find nothing.

Something is wrong. Nyx was sure of that. Not wanting to stay any longer around the unsettling silence, she fishes out her phone from the hidden pocket under her bulletproof vest and went directly to the messages. Contemplating her situation, Nyx's best way was to message the organization directly or Caleb, the handler for the missions, and ask for anything that could help her out. The only problem was, Nyx was clearly tempted by the sight of the message of her college classmate. Something unusual. After all, she hates being unprofessional.

But without much thought about the consequences, Nyx clicks the message and reads it. Only to find out that it was only one of those Web novels her classmate kept talking about. Something about a thrilling action and a heart-wrenching romance plot.

Nyx still felt that something is wrong and if she doesn't move, she'll get killed, but she somewhat stupidly felt confident at the same time. She was sure that she had killed everyone around the mansion and didn't miss anyone. So, she decided to click the link and check out whatever it was that her classmate kept showing her.


Nyx frown at the title, before grinning. Without even reading it, she was already sure it would be like one of those cliche action stories where a professional killer would be killed, but then filled with a strong desire to live, a system would suddenly pop into the main characters' head and revive them into another body. Only if things were that easy, Nyx thought. Because in the real world, if you die, you just die. No more waking up as if it was all a nightmare.

As she was about to shut her phone off and put it away, a gunshot ripple through the once unbreakable silence, and before she can even move, blood gushes out on her chest, and for a moment Nyx thought that her bulletproof fall off, but as she looks down on her body, it was still on her. The shot was followed by a burning pain, quickly spreading like a wildfire. Nyx coughs out blood and fell on her knees with a thud. Burning with the sudden will to not die, she tried to grab her gun from her hips, but another gunshot emerges, boring a hole into her torso. What the fuck was the vest for, she thought.

Nyx's body falls on the cold floor with a loud thud, that she didn't feel at all. The pain already subsided, and numbness starts taking over her whole body as she loses a lot of blood. Her eyes starts getting blurry. All she can do was lay helplessly on the floor and wait for her death. She almost laughs at how ironic it was. Just a few seconds ago, she finds it hilarious how the characters in the novels would still want to live after being murder, and now she feels the same all of a sudden.

"You were stupid, Nyx. Overly confident with your work, that you even fool around with your phone in the middle of a mission... What a fucked up choice for the Organization's perfect assassin."

Nyx's teeth grind in anger as she realizes who owns the voice. The man she was willing to risk her life for if the situation occurs. The man she never even bat a doubt at all. The man who promised her to stay by her side forever until the gates of hell welcome them.

"W-Why–" Nyx's voice was muffled by her constant cough of blood. Her eyes slowly fluttering close as she felt tiredness overwhelmed her body.

"Why? Really, Nyx? Well, since you're dying and only an answer is what I can send with you down to hell, I'll tell you. It's because you're annoying, Nyx. You're easy to manipulate, and you're completely dumb. Well, you're great at assassination, I can give you that, but you're getting boring. That's why I'm disposing of you now. Farewell, Nyx Wolf."

Nyx clenches her fist around her phone, using all the strength that her body can muster. She was trembling with rage. Trembling with lust to kill. Blaming herself for being stupid and letting herself believe every sweet word that comes out of the man's mouth. Holding on to it as her only way to salvation.

"Ahh... I should've at least read the Web novel so I can tell Lilian that I like it even if I lie..." Nyx thought, before finally letting her eyes shut close.

Nyx suddenly felt lightness. As if she was floating. She slowly opens her eyes and widens them at the sight of pure oblivion. She was sure she died, but there was no pain, blood, and wound at all. She thought that she could be in heaven because everything she sees was plain white. But then she remembers just how many innocent lives she took without even batting them any sliver of mercy. She could never be accepted in heaven. She belongs in hell.

But knowing this doesn't settle the burning rage inside her. She wants to wring his neck, and prove to him just how much he fucked up for killing her. She wanted to kill him badly, that she can't even decide what way will be the most befitting way to kill him. She... She wanted to have another chance to live, maybe this time, to correct everything and do what's right. Nyx desires another life where she could be who she wanted to be and do whatever she wants without anyone ruling her around.

"Do you want to live?"

A gentle woman's voice echoes around the place, which Nyx can't figure out the owner or where it is coming from. As she keeps looking around the endless oblivion, pain shot through her whole being. It was a feeling she never felt before. It was painful than anything she ever felt. Worse than being stabbed or being shot. It was a whole new concept of pain, that drowns her very own being. Her scream ripple through her throat. It kept coming out even after her voice became hoarse.

"Do you want to live? Say yes, and I'll grant you my own body."

Not understanding what's going on, Nyx ignored other detail and listen to the only thing her entire body screams for.


It was a dreadful process that Nyx can't even wrap her mind about. She spent the whole time, which she wasn't sure still exists, writhing in pain. As if she was undergoing the process of getting a rebirth. Nothing of what the voice said registered to her. All she knows was that after the most agonizing moment of her life, she opens her eyes and was greeted by a white stone ceiling.

Lying on a bed, sweating, and covered in a blanket, inside a room she has never seen in her entire life.