
Assassin's orphanage*canceled*

A orphanage where kids are trained to be assassins for Kin Lin who makes his money of an assassin project

Spaz_Dragon · Action
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Introduction to a life of competition

*3rd POV*

In an orphanage in the middle of a forest stood about 20 kids around a small stage. A man with black ragged hair, pink eyes and a white complexion came out. He wore a black tuxedo with a white shirt. He stood infront of the kids and smiled. "Finally! Your all old enough to start your journey in a competitive world!" The kids cheered. "As you know I'm your caretaker. Most know me as Mr. Lin. From today I'm Master Kin Lin! Your all finally apart of my assassin project. Time for your ranking!" The kids cheered again. He smiled. "Your two Aces also known as Negetive rankers are! -2 Summoner!" A boy with black slicked hair and black eyes. He was a white boy. He wore a black cloak with a hood. He had one blade on his waist. He wore black gloves. He had a scar on his face from the top right area to his right cheek. He stood at the mic and said. "I am honored to be your first Ace." The kids cheered as summoner stood behind Mr. Lin. "Your second Ace! Mumble!" The kids cheered hard as a girl with long pink hair, pink eyes walked up. She wore a pink crop top with pink shorts and pink sneakers. She had a spear on her back. "Thank you for the cheering. Love you all!" The kids cheered louder. After that Mr. Lin smiled as he said. "Time for the top 5. Number 1. Spaz Dragon!" The kids stayed quiet. A boy with green eyes and grey hair. He had particular green skin. He wore a black hoodie with black jeans he walked to the mic. "It's just too easy with trash competition!" The kids were shouting at him. "Die asshole! Fuck you!" He smiled devilishly as he said. "Baaakas." The kids went quiet as Mr. Lin smiled. The boy walked and stood next to Summoner and Mumble. "Number 2! Axel Green!" The kids cheered. A boy with green hair and green eyes walked up to the stage. He smiled as he looked at the crowd. "Thank you sir and everyone!" He went and stood next to Spaz. "Number 3! Ronda." A girl with red long hair and red eyes walked up and she was pretty muscular. She was only wearing two pieces of leopard skin. Around her big boobs and waist. She said. "Thanks everyone." She stood next to Axel. "Number 4! Nevil!"  A boy with black hair with red highlights and red eyes walked to the stage. He wore a red tuxedo. His weapon of choice was a gun and a small katana. "To everyone. This one time I'll be number 4. Next time I'll be the last one standing!" He stood next to Ronda. "Number 5! Link!" A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to stage. He wore a shirt unbuttoned and brown pants. He walked bare footed. "I hope we all compete fairly." He stood next to Spaz. "This is your top five and leading Aces! Anyone with a disagreement?" No one spoke.

*Spaz's POV*

Theses pathetic losers I thought to myself. I decided to take initiative. I walked up to Mr. Lin and smiled. "Spaz?" He was so confused as I took the mic put of his hand.

*Kin's POV*

What's on his mind. Is he crazy. What is he going to do. I stood there as if I couldn't do anything as Spaz took the mic and looked at everyone and spoke. "Baaaakas!" I looked as everyone got angry. I kept scilent as this intrigued me. Spaz laughed at the crowd going crazy. I looked at the ones behind me. Summoner and Mumble were not phased. Axel looked worried as if he didn't want a confrontation. Ronda and Nevil were clenching their fists as if they wanted a piece of Spaz that very moment. I could see the anger on their faces. Link seemed as if he was in his own world and he didn't really care. I turned back to Spaz. "Ok you idiots. I am number 1 and if you want that to change. Challenge me in a gauntlet battle!" The crowd went quite as Spaz's idea was complete suicide. I looked at summoner who seemed to be thinking about something.

*Summoner's POV*

This is a challenge to the Aces. Spaz you basturd. Your really thinking to beating up all the students what a reckless idea. I thought to myself. I watched quietly while Axel went to Spaz. "A gauntlet challenge? Isn't that extreme?" Spaz turned to Axel, in that moment I knew Axel had fucked up. "What you scared number 2." Hands rose in the crowd. Six hands to be precise. The six walked to the stage. They were each gifted individuals. The first one my dear sister Lily. She unlike me doesn't proposes a element instead she is just a human with intense learning capabilities so she knows every martial art in the world. The second Kinen a Russian experiment. Her DNA was mixed with that of a cat. She's fast agile and she was trained by russian special forces. The third Alastor. A high demon from hell. He is a great spell caster. The fourth Tuki. Am alien from the 3rd galaxy. His race is blessed with incredible speed, strength and the ability to fly. Fifth is Charlie a copy ninja. He is a Skilled ninja with the power to copy any power. Sixth is Eve am angel from heaven. She is extremely gifted with the power to manipulate light. Theses six are incredible. Will spaz take this gauntlet?

*3rd POV*

The six stood before Spaz as he simply smiled and took a fighting stance. Mr. Lin intervened. "Crowd open a circle so this gauntlet cam start. Not on my stage." The crowd did as asked. The gauntlet started. Mr. Lin commentated. "WELCOME TO SPAZ'S ULIMATE GAUNTLET! First fight Spaz vs Lily.!" The two took the ring. Lily was a girl with long red hair, red eyes and she wore a red crop top and red short shorts. She wore red sneakers. She had two guns around her waist. She held the guns and looked at Spaz. "START!" The battle started. Lily shot at Spaz who easily dodged. She kept shooting as he kept dodging. He tried getting closer to close the distance between them. Instantly as Spaz dodged a bullet and was about to land, Lily caught him off guard with a kick to the jaw sending him flying. She threw her guns down. "I ran out of bullets. Now let this battle start Spaz." She charged as he got up. He dodged another kick but was tripped soon after. He fell on his back and was stomped on his chest. He grabbed her leg and threw her in the air. She did a backflip and landed on her feet as he got up. "Lily this fight is pointless." "Pointless. Don't make me laugh Spaz." He charged with immense speed and threw a punch with immense power. The punch landed as she easily countered with a hit of her own. Spaz's nose started bleeding from the hit. "What in the hell was that!" "I've been watching a lot of one punch man lately. Ky favourite character is Garou. I learned his fighting style." She advanced and threw a barrage of blows that Spaz barely dodged keeping him on the defensive. She kept attacking relentlessly as he kept dodging. Mr. Lin smiled in enjoyment as Summoner became interested in the fight.

*Summoner's POV*

Is she actually keeping him on the defensive. Incredible. She's very fast so my sister has grown in the years. Yet Spaz gives an uneasy feeling. Is he hiding something or is he holding back. Mr. Lin is intrigued while everyone is amazed at Lily. Those two are both incredible.

*3rd POV*

Lily tripped Spaz successfully. He fell on his back as he just blocked as she started raining blows from above. He kept in that position as he was continously attacked. He kept holding his post as he was continously attacked. She kept breaking through his defence with a few blows but those blows her strong. Spaz saw a moment and seizing it he threw a kick with connected with her jaw as she did a backflip holding her mouth. "Your good. But Spaz this battle won't be easy for you to win." "Now time for me to get serious." Spaz got on one knee as his left hand was on the ground as instantly he created a group of emrald spikes that attacked in Lily's direction. She dodged with a jump. She landed and almost instantly Spaz gave her a punch to the stomach and it sent her up as her caught her with a roundhouse kick sending she into the wall. She hit the wall cracking it. She got up and coughed out blood before putting on wrist bands that were in her pockets. "Activate Killer blades." A blade appeared from each band. She charged Spaz as he charged her. He threw a punch which she easily dodged and cut his cheek. He slided and looked back at her. She looked back at him. "You could have gotten a fatal cut. But you cut my cheek. Your stupid." Lily laughed.

*Summoner's POV*

What the. Why is she laughing. Instantly I realized that Mumble next to me was also laughing. Something is wrong. Why are they both laughing. Why am I panicking. Oh yea. Mr. Lin told us to pick students for the ace three man teams. Has she picked before today. Ronda is laughing too. So is Kinen. Damn you Mumble! Your striving to be the better ace and you planned before hand.

*Spaz's POV*

Why are they all laughing. Seems the crowd is also confused. Summoner seems to have a small idea. Mr. Lin is as confused as us. Damn it! "What's so fun.."

*3rd POV*

Spaz instantly started vomiting blood violently. He was on his knees vomiting. "Wante to explain?" Lily said as a smug expression crossed her face. She laughed and Mumble started clapping her hands. Summoner was pissed. He looked at Mumble who looked back at him and smiled. Spaz kept vomiting. It stopped as he looked at Lily. "These blades of mine are made up of Nanobots and when I cut you. I injected some into your body. Now they are killing your from inside. It's over." Spaz started vomiting blood again. "How pathetic!" Summoner caught Spaz's attention with those words. "How truly pathetic our number 1 is! Weak! Axel you'll make a better number one than this failure!" He kept quiet after saying so. Mumble looked at Summoner with confusion. Spaz got angry as he stopped vomiting. [Weak! Pathetic! How dare he call me that! I'll beat his girl!] Spaz got up and out his hand on his mouth as his hand lit up. Spaz's body went completely stiff. His pupils went lifeless. In and instant his body lit up. He coughed up blood in that blood were the Nanobots. He looked at Lily who charged at cut him again. She went for the cut but Spaz dodged by jumping. She looked at him above her as he made a giant hammer that extended from his hand using his emrald. He hit her back and knocked her into her ground. She started bleeding from her mouth and nose.

*Lily's POV*

How? We sent so much time perfecting my nano tech. Spaz is great. You win Spaz Dragon.


"Summoner honey. Call Lily and your dad." Said a sweet voice. A young summoner with blonde hair and blue eyes ran to call Lily. He out side and saw Lily with his Dad. Their father was very muscular and had red hair, red eyes. He had two small horns. "Lily. Dad. Mom is calling you two." A young Lily answered. Young Lily had blonde hair and blue eyes too. The three walked and saw Lily's birthday cake. "Happy birthday! Lily." Lily smiled as everyone sang her the birthday song but instantly Summoner fell to the ground in pain as his hair and eyes turned black. He cried out. Lily watched his parents take Summoner to the doctor as they left her with their Butler. They came home late. At night they were speaking in their room as Liky brought them cake. She almost entered but heard they say. "Summoner gas blackset." "I was hoping Lily would develop it." "I understand so are we sending them to Assassin orphanage." "Them? Lily has nothing special. She didn't even develop my demon DNA. She's just your average human." "Well then we can't help it." Lily ran to her room crying after hearing so. She dropped the plates. For the next three weeks she started training in martial arts discovering her talent. She was an incredibly fast learner. She kept at it and to get closer to her dad, she dyed her hair red and her eyes took a red colour after she kept training in her dad's demon pocket dimension. She was finally sent to the orphanage.