

It was an inclement morning. The path to the bar was closed due to the heavy snow. "What the hell are we going to do now? We were supposed to meet a potential suspect. Well… More of I'm going to pay him an uninvited visit but that's just semantics." 

"Bradley Blackwood son of Brandon Blackwood, president of Brand Armoury, claimed to be a murderer. He was a prodigy, well trained, experts on swords and guns. His hand to hand combat skills match those of a musketeer's (the king's personal guards). Now after his mother has perished, he is just a regular at Roads End Tavern"

"That's right… Well done Ivy. You have done your research."

Ivy smiles. The cold doesn't seem to bother her. Well then again she was raised in the streets up north.



She is a girl born in Backlit. A town way up north in the Blizzard Mountains. She was a beautiful baby with muddy brown hair and ocean green eyes that could stare in your soul. Her mother passed away at birth, her father was a drunk. He rarely fed her as a baby, never changed her dippers. He blamed her for her mother's death. One night while she was crying too much (to his will) he just decided to kick her to the curb.


She was taken into an orphanage where they fed her, clothed her and gave her a warm bed.

She made a few friends as she grew up do to her being very wild child and played rough with the boys. Her best friend, Amelia, was a girl with ginger hair and amethyst eyes. Amelia Quinton was a few years older than Ivy and was very intelligent young girl and could've been seen as a genius with perfect memory. Amelia was also very well mannered and acted like a true lady. She was always neat and precise and was never impulsive.

"Ammy, why do people not like?"

" Maybe because you act without thinking, you are wild and you hate to bath… And you act like those stupid boys. But why do you care all of the sudden. And by the way since when am I a nobody. I like you. 

 That night there was a horrible storm. It was freezing outside. They made a huge fire that lit the whole orphanage. But a sudden wind that broke through the cracked window blew a spark upon the curtain. The whole place went up in flames.


She was then sent to another orphanage. It was basically a massive shack split into a few small rooms. The walls was cracked. When it rained the water dripped through the ceiling. When the wind howled it would feel like a thousand ice spikes shooting into your skin. The floor was just broken tiles and stuck in your feet like broken pieces of glass. And the place reeked of milk long past its expiration date.


On the age of nine she became a runaway. On the streets you survive by first of all looking out for yourself. She scavenged for food. Some nights she would go to sleep without having anything to eat but still, this life was better than suffering in that hellhole.


A year later another storm came. Supplies of the village was running low and with all the snow crops weren't growing. The village went in despair as starvation was inevitable. Survival of the fittest or those who do not mind losing their humanity.

Ivy knew that there were no way that she could possibly survive. She started stealing, blankets here, food there. Just enough to survive. Just as she had to adopt to unconventional ways of doing things, so did others too. The only difference between them was that Ivy was still honourable. They would not just steal to survive they would rob, hurt if they didn't get wat they want. Some even killed for the fun. They all saw the Storm and despair as a way to finally let loose.

Ivy was attacked several times. Sometimes she was hurt badly other times she would throw them with the food and run. One night while she was brutally kicked in a corner of a street whose name she couldn't even read with all the tears and blood. A single thought came to her. KILL. Kill them. Learn to fight, fight dirty, just; don't lose. As the next boot came in crashing into her stomach she bit her tongue. Blood spat. She could taste the metal in the blood. She felt the warmth in her mouth started to play with it. A sudden pain shot through her. She suddenly became aware that she can't breathe. All the oxygen has left her lungs. A headache started deep inside her head. And as the next boot came crushing down she lost all conscious.

As she shot up everything looked different. Not knowing where she was, she decided to have a look around. As she stood up, she collapsed immediately. Falling to the ground in sudden pain. "Three broken ribs, concussion and full of bruises. What happened to you?" A beautiful woman dressed in blue with a white coat came around the corner and helped her up again. She had short blond hair and while everything smelled of blood, a sweet lavender smell broke through. 

"Where am I? Why is it so warm? Am I still in Backlit? And who, who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Stacy. Yes, you are still in Backlit, you are in the de la Serre mansion. The youngest son, Leonard, found you unconscious and carried you here."

"What happened to me? I can't remember anything?"

"That is what I wish to know as well? You need to rest now. We will talk more in the morning. Good night now girl."

"It's Ivy… Thank… Thank you for your help."