
Assassin's Concentration In Another World

(Hiatus. Return date: Unknown) One day, a young, skillful assassin died in an assassination mission. However, he was given another chance but in order to claim that chance, he needs to prove his worth to the god reincarnating him. Eventually, he passes. Later applying to become an Adventurer, using the knowledge he retained from his original world and the magical abilities he gains, he will make use of them to protect the friends that he meets and destroy anyone that gets in his way. His journey begins and as he faces the danger that runs in front of him, he will be completely concentrated. ______________________________________________________________ Cover doesn't belong to me.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Sadistic Pleasure

My instincts told me to duck, and so I did. Trisha dashed forward and performed a roundhouse kick, which I dodged.

It was a bit obvious too. She was in a stance where you get prepared to do a kick. I would attack back, but for now I will evade her attacks. Who knows what this woman will do if I attack recklessly.


She said as she tried kicking me again but I propelled myself away using soaring fist towards the ground. Not only can soaring fist be used as an attack, but it can also be used as a technique to propel yourself.

I landed on the side of one of the pillars. I looked up or sideways to see Trisha flying towards me. Looks like she used soaring fist to propel herself as well.

I dropped down onto the ground, Trisha crashing into the pillar. I ran over to the other side and decided that I wouldn't need to attack her with my daggers. So I put them away. No idea why I brought them out in the first place.

I noticed there was a dark spot in the corner of the hall, but before I could head over there, I felt the feeling that I had to move. And so I performed soaring fist through my feet, launching me into the air. Trisha zipped right past me and crashed into another pillar. Hmm, this should be called soaring feet. Actually… no that sounds horrible. Soaring fist is alright.

I landed softly on the floor and turned towards Trisha. It seemed to be quiet for a few seconds, so I thought she was unconscious. After all, she did crash into two pillars. But when I took a step forward, I saw a face mixed with anger and pleasure.


I quickly drew my dagger and swung it. My blade clashed with her metal armbands and she backflipped away. Trisha was bleeding, blood trickling down from her head. Crashing into two pillars, I'd expect her to have a broken bone or two.

"Amazing, no one has ever dodged my attacks like that."

She said as she stared at the blood dripping onto her hands.

"Amusing. Let's see if you can keep going. Let's continue, shall we?"

She began to emit an intoxicating aura. What is this? Is this bloodlust?

As I was registering what was going on, I suddenly received a powerful blow to the stomach.


I got launched, crashing into a pillar.

Struggling to even stand, I received another blow from above, slamming me onto the floor.

This woman just suddenly went into full sadistic mode, huh? If she's gone sadistic, then I'll just have to counter with maximum bloodlust.

I sensed an incoming attack and evaded it just before I got crushed.

As I got onto my feet, I took a deep breath, then I released any limits that I've placed holding my killing intent back.

Smoke began to emit from my mouth. Don't question, I seem to always do that whenever I remove all restraints.

Trisha looked at me curiously and gave me a smile filled with sadistic intent. I returned a smile, but with more murderous intent.

Trisha moved towards me first. I also ran forward.

She threw a right cross punch and I feinted an obviously telegraphed overhand. And just as we were about to collide, I slipped the cross and latched around Trisha.


I swept her feet and then slammed her into the ground. The floor cracked and made a tiny crater from the impact.

"W-what the?"

I looked at her face which was planted with a bewildered look. It seems she's snapped out of her sadistic mode.

That was until she brought my head closer into her breast.


"Let's see if you can escape," she said as she licked her lips.

She was... she was strangling me! I couldn't breathe. She was hugging me so tightly, applying pressure onto my lungs. This woman... she's smart.

I was about to pass out but luckily I was saved by a deep voice.


When Trisha heard the voice, she'd let go of me. I could breathe again. Damn, she may not look like it but she has a strong bear hug. I almost suffocated in her breasts.

"Please remember what you are here to do. Do that again and I will revoke your license."

An elderly man wearing a robe walked in and Trisha got up to her feet. She bowed to the man, blood dripping onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, headmaster."

"It's alright, how about you head to the infirmary first? You look pretty injured."

"Yes, excuse me."

She turned back towards me and bowed to me, apologizing. As she walked passed me, she quickly whispered with a grin.

"Let's do that again."

This bitch… I hope I don't run into her again.

"Ms. Trisha!"


She quickly shuffled through the crowd and exited the hall. The headmaster walked up to me and apologized for what just happened. I said it was all cool, just hope I don't meet her again.

The entrance exams were delayed for some few minutes until Ms. Trisha was fully healed. I joined the other examinees that had passed. Even though I passed, I wouldn't really say it was official. I didn't even do anything that could hurt her. Not that I want to hurt her anymore since it turns out she's a masochist.

"Wow, that was a nice move."

I turned and it was Ordos, with his cyan hair again. He was much better with his desert colored hair.

"Are you some kind of martial artist or something?"

He asked intriguingly.

"No, not really."

That's a lie, I've taken countless classes. Ninjutsu, Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which I kinda just demonstrated, and more. All for the purpose of killing, but of course, I won't kill anyone in this world.

Unless provoked…

"To think you could defeat her without activating your Spirito. I mean, that was an impressive move too. Hey think you can teach me?"

"Teach you?"

We've only just met like a few minutes ago and he wants me to teach him how to fight? First of all, I've never taught anyone before. I was always the one being instructed and two, why should I teach this guy? What use is there? I'll just keep all of my knowledge to myself. Maybe I should hide my shadow magic. If I were to guess now that I know he has sand magic, his weakness is probably water. Another reason is that I don't have time to teach anyone. Work demands for to make sushi. Yeah, that's right, sushi. The menu in the Golden Sun was a bit bland. To me anyway, so to spice it up, I decided to add sushi. There was rice, seaweed, everything to make some classic sushi. I had Mr. Julio try it, and that got me an instant promotion. Now I make five gold per day. I should get back, I'm getting hungry myself.

"I have no time to teach you. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and every day so don't even try to ask me."

"Ahh shucks. Well, I understand, my family runs a bakery and I also have work."

"Bakery, huh? What's it called?"

"Sahara's dessert. Where do you work at?"

"The Golden Sun."

Did he just say Sahara… dessert? I… I'm not gonna talk about it.

"The Golden Sun? If I'm correct, that's in the east part of the city. So it's somewhere around here. The bakery where I work at is south of the city."

"Huh, nice."

But the name, I still cringe at it.

A few minutes later, Trisha came back and the entrance exam continued.

Now as everything was taking place, I was curious about how I will unlock my Spirito form.

Since I just discovered my Spirito, I'll need some guidance to unlock it. The first part of my body that I want to unlock are the wings. Why? So I can fly. I mean, who doesn't want to fly? I've flown in a jet once with my teacher and it was a fun experience.

But who should I ask to help me?

I looked over at Ordos, but he was busy talking about… whatever. Yeah, definitely not him, even though he can do partial body transformation. I looked over at the others who had passed. Nope, not them either, especially the princess.

One of the examinees that passed was a handsome tall fellow. Blonde hair, blue eyes, looks like a prince, those kinds of guys. If I heard correctly, he's from a noble house. He was flirting with the princess and she had an irritated look on her face. I don't like these kinds of guys, even if they were in an anime. They just always leave that jerk impression on you.

The fellow took the princess by the hand and tried to kiss it but that was a bad idea. The princess looked like she was at her limit, she really wanted to punch this guy in the face. I should go and stop this.



"Can't you see you're bothering her?"

"What does that have to do with you? It's none of your business."

He said with a cocky attitude. See what I mean? Ticks me off.

"Talk to me when you can actually win a fight. You only pass because that woman turned out to be some kind of masochist."

Please don't remind me of that.

"I can win a fight alright. But this has nothing to do with what happened earlier. Your gonna piss her off. I don't know what she can do, but she can probably kick your ass."

"Say what now?"

He turned his body away from Aurelia and was now he was up close to me. If I were to guess, his height would be 185 cm. That's dumb, why am I so short. He's like a goddamn wall standing in front of me. Ticks me off. He's probably taller than Ordos.

"Hehe, who knew you were so short. What a midget?"


What did he just say?

"I can probably crush you without even trying. You think you look cool in all black? It doesn't suit that white hair coming from your side though."

"What did you just say?"

"Huh? I can crush you without even trying?"

"Before that."

"You're a shorty?"


"Hehe, so what? It's the truth, isn't it? Hmm, now that I look at it, you are probably the same height as the princess."

He's pissing me off now.

"Say one more thing about my height and you're going to get an ass beating."

"Oh, so you want a fight? You, a mere bug, fight a noble? Marth from the Bairro house?"

"Fight you? Hahaha... no."

"Then what?"

"I'm gonna kill you."


