
Assasin System

Aaliyah was a travel blogger who loved exploring new places and cultures.but despite her life as a well-known blogger, Aaliyah spent all her money on romance video games and with that Aaliyah knew a lot about dating except that she never dated anyone. Aaliyah loves action and adventure games and was unbeatable . But her life ended abruptly when she was killed in a car accident. She woke up in a new world called Larcin, where magic and monsters existed.

Ava_000 · LGBT+
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101 Chs


I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation, hidden in the shadows of the alley. Delilah seemed pleased with the progress of the plan, but the details remained unclear. I strained my ears to catch more information.

"Excellent. The distractions are working perfectly," Delilah replied with a sly smile.

Distractions? Plan? I pondered on these cryptic words. It became evident that Delilah was deeply involved in some sinister plot. My instincts told me that whatever was unfolding, it posed a threat not just to me and Lydia but to others as well.

My clone, still observing Delilah's mansion, messaged me, "Be cautious. I sense dark magic emanating from the alley. This is more than just an ordinary conversation."

I nodded to myself, acknowledging the warning. It was time to intervene and unravel the mystery. Stepping out of the shadows, I made my presence known.

"What are you up to, Delilah?" I questioned, my tone firm.