
The Beginning

*Yawn*.. what time is it?.. The time on my alarm clock had more or less surprised me.

This has been the 4th day of me missing work, Wont be surprised if i get fired today that's for sure.. Suddenly I get a call from my manager, he goes on and on about the sales going down, I just laugh it off. Haha.. seems like he did fire me afterall. I think to myself, "Hey what a great start to the day this is, isn't it?". Oh how embarrassing, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Akita, just a failure NEET recluse.

While still in bed, I hear distant rumbling. Sound of cars honking.. people screaming, out of curiosity I look out of my window and spot a tremendously tall tower, confused I switch on my TV and look at the news, all around the globe towers had been appearing. The government was trying to control the citizens from running haywire, they speculated that the towers must have something contained in them. Several months passed, random earthquakes started happening around the towers ever since their appearance. The government tried investigating the structures but didn't get anywhere. The doors just wouldn't budge, I wonder if they even did anything? Heh, beats me. One evening the gates all around the globe started opening. Oh?.. I wonder what the towers contain, maybe valuable stuff? Curiousity had struck my mind. Everyone all around heard messages from a being who referred to themselves as "Tower Keepers or Masters." Announcing that the towers contained many artifacts for the price of participating in the exploring. Shook, the authorities formed a party of people capable of protecting the researchers that would look around the towers. They also stated that everyone who took this job would be paid an equivalent pay for risking their lives.

Hearing this, I was interested but doubted one thing. How was I going to get into one of those parties? Someone as incompetent wouldn't be accepted. I tried applying everywhere, but it got myself nowhere. I thought about giving up, countless times but one thought, ONE THOUGHT struck my mind every time I thought so. What was I going to do with my life? My life was in shambles already. I didn't have a steady income, no friends, and my family barely contacted me. I decided to train myself so I could participate in these "expeditions"