
Overcoming Our Fears

"Look at you and your little friends, Haha I bet you're not even strong." The thugs laughed. Mayumi sure was angry. She pulled out her bow and shot a warning shot, with fast motions. This struck fear into the thugs and so they ran off. "Nice work," I said, "Promise you'll buy me more chicken when we're out of the tower hmph!" Mayumi pouted. I pat her back and head on to the entrance once again. Something was off about this one.. an ominous aura that sent chills down our spines. Screams of the people who died within the tower could be heard. Screams that sent anybody sweating with fear. *Gulp* I push open the door once again. I didn't want to show it, but I was in fear. I was sweating all over and my feet were trembling. Thinking about the two of them and what I've done to get here. I stick my ground and lead our group. We approach the first group of monsters. It was wolf humanoids this time, Lycans. Their claws were sharp and long. Screams that would inflict fear on the enemies. Having strong mental strength is a key to defeating them. Mayumi would be the perfect counter to them because of her ranged attacks. Mayumi takes charge and kills off the smaller monsters, leaving the big ones left for us. I and Haru take charge, he takes out his staff to counteract their range, and I focus on speed. Quickly beheading the larger monsters. Meanwhile, it was easy to work for Haru, he was flawlessly defeating the bigger monsters. Not that surprised though, he is a prodigy after all. Panting, I felt lightheaded all of a sudden. I looked over to the other two, they were already knocked out. Struck with confusion, I try to find something to cling on to before I passed out as well. I eventually find something to cling to. After a while of conserving my energy by meditating. My mental state was much better. This showed me how dangerous this floor must be. The boss had a power that could inflict the worst nightmares on the opponents it faced. It felt as if I stepped into the lion's den. Regretting coming here, I finally stopped. I promised myself I would have no regrets coming forward. And so I made up my resolve and stood up. I was about to challenge the boss, alone. Anyone else would think this was suicide, but I had to do it. For my friends, or should I say the brother and sister I never had. They were family, and I could never let it end like this. And so, I open the door that led to the boss. His physique was scary. He was ginormous, almost as tall as a building. With confidence and motivation, I made the first strike. Leaving not even a scratch on it. I unsheathed my Katana, in hope of inflicting any kind of damage on it. It took its strike on me, barely dodging I release a quick counterattack up its arm, after my effort to at least take a hit on it, I did. But this was still not enough, one scratch on its skin would be no more than a tickle to it. I did my best. The fight went out for multiple days, I was still not defeated. Nor was the monster, the tower master gazed upon me. Looking at my pathetic self, pitying me. That was the moment I heard mysterious energy flowing through my body as if something had changed. I was no longer fatigued, my wounds were gone. I was shocked, but I had something to deal with at the moment. My strikes felt stronger, more calculated. The more I kicked, the hotter and tingly my legs felt. Doing rapid strikes onto the boss, wasn't as much straining on my body. My body felt lighter. After a rapid successive chain of attacks, the boss finally was beaten up to an extent. It kneeled. Seeing this as an opportunity to attack, I follow up with multiple blows. My kicks were so fast, to which extent the force created by my kicks would curve the air around me, forming an external force. With this newfound power. I had found hope. The only downside to my current abilities as well. It strained my body, as it was not used to these new things. My muscles felt worn out only after a few strokes of this new power. The boss entered a berserk stage. The bloodlust was even stronger and the infliction of fear was stronger. I felt as if I was going insane, but I couldn't give up. Even if my body would give up. After a long, long battle. It finally ended. Haru and Mayumi were finally freed from the effects of "Fear". They woke up, I was so tired but I gave them one laugh of relief and passed out. I woke up on a hospital bed.. a plain white ceiling. My head hurt after waking up after so long. I opened my eyes, it was dark outside the window, I saw Haru and Mayumi sleeping on chairs next to me. I was in awe. I go back to sleep, wanting to not wake them up. The next day, I woke up to nurses going around my room, I was confused. I got up, and one of the nurses rushed to me. Making sure if I was okay, by asking questions like "what is your name? where do you live, how old are you? I looked at the lady, and ignored her. I asked where my friends were. They told me they were waiting outside, "Oh and also, you've been asleep for 5 days. Your friends were worried to death about you" I laughed and went outside to meet the two. They shed tears of happiness "Do you know how scared you got us? All that for nothing, damn you Akita" Haru hugged me, I think "Well. This is new" They both proceed to thank me for protecting them and defeating the boss alone. We have a nice chat about what happened after I finished the raid I was on the news. Although I didn't care about it much. I asked them "Wheres sensei? How is he?" They told me he was fine, I take a sigh of relief. "You should take it easier on yourself, you know!" Mayumi said. And with that, the second-floor raid was over. We went back home. Finally getting to meet sensei and Ron again after what felt like months. They were happy to see me well and alive. I hugged sensei and Ron. We had a big celebration in the evening! We partied and ate as much much food as possible. We cherished every moment that day