
The Sector Exams, Commence.

Razor and Olivia look through the middle, what seems to be a small spark of lightning, which quickly flashes into Tameo standing in the middle of the room.

Tameo: Welcome rookies, to your sector exam. Your exam is not easy. Whoever wants to qualify, shall land a hit on me, if you do not land a hit, and you black out, you will fail, easy rules, right?

Everyone is shocked, but they contain their composure. Olivia sees this as a struggle, landing a hit on a captain would not be easy.

Tameo: You may begin, as a bonus, I won't be using my sword or arcane to fight back.

Everyone starts charging at Tameo, but everyone is getting knocked back, no one is able to land a hit, even with a hundred people in the room, no one is able to land a single hit, Razor and Olivia are standing and analyzing.

Olivia: W-What are we going to do? if this many people can't land hits, then how are we going to land hits?

Razor: We can forge a plan here while they occupy for us.

Razor and Olivia watch as people keep getting knocked down and failing the exam.

Back to Gin and Ansu, people aren't able to land a finger on Helen, she is too fast and too quick, Ansu decides to charge along with the others, but he's efforts are of no use against Helen, and he is easily sent flying back.

Ansu: S-She is took quick and fast!

There were 2 people stand next to Gin and Ansu who were also analyzing.

????: You guys are trying to find a plan as well?

Gin: Yeah, who are you guys?

Wicker: My name is Wicker, and this is my friend carpet.

Carpet: Nice to meet you, how about you two?

Gin: Oh my name is Gin, this is my friend Ansu.

Ansu: Nice to meet you, Carpet and Wicker.

As the 4 of them converse, people keep falling down, and failing one by one.

Helen: Oh, isn't there anyone who is able to offer me a challenge?

Gin: We have to find a plan quickly.

Carpet: I have an Idea, Wicker. Can you go berserk?

Wicker: Sure can.

Ansu: Berserk?

Carpet: Yes, just watch. Wicker, we want you to hold her so each of us can land a touch, is that fine?

Wicker: I mean sure, I can try.

Wicker walks towards Helen as she knocked out the last person, Wicker tears his shirt and stretches.

Helen: Oh, are you trying to flatter me?

Wicker: I'm going to pass no matter what! Curse release: BERSERK!

Helen's eyes widen as she heard the words 'Curse' and 'release'. She had no idea anyone here knew how to use virtue, let alone arcane, Wicker slowly began transforming into a giant, his eyes turning white, he has completely lost it, he's not himself anymore, but he is willing to attack anyone in front of him, Wicker has transformed into a giant, Gin and Ansu's jaw's completely drop to the floor.

Helen: Oh, an arcane user? this is going to be interesting.

Gin: H-How did he do that?

Ansu: He knows how to use his arcane?

Carpet: Well, Wicker doesn't know how to utilize his arcane, but whenever he uses his curse release, he gets abnormal power.

Wicker quickly began attacking Helen, throwing fists and chasing her around the room, destroying and crushing everything in his way, Helen isn't having trouble with this and is still not letting him touch her.

Helen: Too slow, looks like I need to take you down before you destroy anything.

Wicker: RAHHH!

Wicker screams and hits the floor really hard, destroying and cracking it bits by bits, Helen ran towards Wicker and gave him an uppercut to the face, Wicker felt that really badly, but continued to fight either way.

Helen: Really durable.

Wicker attempts to grab Helen with his impressive agility, but to no avail, he can't match with her speed, Helen took this chance and put her hand on Wicker's huge chest, flowing it with Ice and damaging him internally, Wicker fell down and began groaning from the cold pain.

Helen: Oh I'm not done yet.

Helen quickly created a weapon made out of Ice and began slicing and chipping away on Wicker, making sure he won't get back up, Wicker has completely exhausted all his options and is not able to move.

Carpet: Wicker!

Carpet quickly ran to Wicker, checking up on him as Wicker gets off his curse released form, Wicker is completely knocked out.

Helen: He had a great run, but at the end of the day, he wasn't worthy enough, and you are going to meet the same fate.

Carpet: N-No...

Helen: Yes...

Gin: Carpet! Watch out!

Helen pierced Carpet's chest with her finger, as Carpet fell down, knocked out from her finger.

Helen: 2 down, 2 left to go.

Helen stared at Gin and Ansu, ready to test their skills.

Gin: Ansu, just like we practiced.

Ansu nods, and begins charging at Helen, ready to throw his fist at her.

Helen: You are just like the others.

Helen got ready to strike Ansu with her finger, Ansu suddenly ducked and Helen missed her finger shot, Gin appear from Ansu's back, throwing a devastating fist, only for Helen to shift back before it touches her.

Helen: There is teamwork potential here.

Helen stepped back a few feet away, Gin and Ansu standing next to each other, they are locked in, Helen is surprised by their team work, and created arrows made out of Ice, quickly began launching them at Gin and Ansu, they did not anticipate this.

Helen: I really want to see your resolve.

Gin and Ansu begin dodging randomly, not knowing which side the ice arrows are going to hit, Helen sends a barrage their way, they have no choice but to keep dodging.

Gin: W-We can't keep doing this forever!

Ansu: I know!

Suddenly an arrow hit Ansu on the shoulder, rendering him unable to move his arm from the sheer amount of pain.

Ansu: Agh!

Gin: Ansu!

Gin notices a cold ice arrow heading towards him, and then suddenly. It happened again, time has stopped for a second, giving Gin enough time to dodge, Gin turns left, time is resumed and he barely dodges it, sustaining minimal damage compared to Ansu, who is on the floor groaning from pain.

Gin: Ansu! we aren't going to give up so easily!

Helen: Oh this is just too easy.

Gin is suddenly hit by an arrow in the abdomen, then he is hit by another in the arm, followed by one in the leg, and he just keeps getting hit, the sheer force of the arrow's send Gin flying back towards a wall, crashing terribly, Ansu realizes this and he feels afraid, Ansu is on his last leg, and Gin has clearly failed, they were not prepared for this.