
The Energy that bends us.

All living beings have Virtue inside of them, Virtue is the energy that courses through your veins and body.

Aspect, is the embodiment of all Virtue. What every nation seeks. Obtaining Aspect means absolutism.

There are 5 nations, the two that are important to our story are the Authority, and the Dark Entity, who have been in war for decades over Aspect. The Authority believe that they have been safe keeping Aspect but the Dark Entity stole it from them, whereas the Dark Entity believe that Aspect rightfully belonged to their ancestors. The Authority is a blue painted and an army-oriented island, the highest level being the richest people and clans, the middle being the middle class, while the lowest being the poor people. Our story begins at the lower levels of the Authority, where a young 7 year old known as Gin-Taro, begs for the war to stop.

Gin: Stop the war! Stop the war!

Gin chants in the middle of the streets, suddenly an officer approaches him and takes the sign off his hand.

Officer: Hey there kid, ya'know chanting like this in the middle of the street is illegal?

*Gin spits at the officers face*

Gin: Shut up you stupid pig! you and your war is the reason my dad died!

*The officer gets irritated.*

Officer: You little brat!

*A woman stops the officer from trying any further actions, the woman seems a lot older than Gin.*

Woman: Please stop! he didn't mean it, please forgive him!

*The officer calms down and sighs*

Officer: Hold that little brat of yours!

*The officer leaves, the woman sighs in relief and turns to Gin, and began pulling on his left ear, showing her annoyance at his attitude*

Woman: You almost got us deported! you know the lower levels get deported because of disrespect, right?

Gin: S-Sorry! H-He took my sign though!

Woman: I don't want to see you chant out here every again!

Gin: F-Fine.

Woman: And I don't want to see you going to the middle level again, you already got caught twice! one more time and you are surely going to get deported!

Gin: W-What happens when I get deported?

*The woman gets down to Gin's level and puts her hand on his shoulder*

Woman: Listen Gin, when you get deported, they take you to... a really bad place, and I don't want that for you, so please for one time, just follow the rules, kay?

Gin: W-What's the bad place?

Woman: you'll understand when you get older, but for now, just try to follow the rules, down here at the third level, we have to follow the rules or we'll get deported, they don't have use for us homeless people.

Gin: A-Alright then, I-I'll follow the rules, I don't want to go to a bad place.

*Gin decides to leave the streets and go back deeper into the Third level, he starts moving to his small hut, he lights 2 candles and begins praying in front of a picture of his father.*

Gin: May you rest in peace, father.

*Gin over hears the men and woman of the third level speak and starts eavesdropping on them.*

Men and women: But we can't let him know... he's too young.

Gin: Let me know what?

*Gin suddenly appears next to them, they seem startled that they didn't hear him at all...*

Woman: Oh Gin! uh... we didn't want to let you know that... uhm, there is an opening to the middle class!

Gin: you can't fool me, why would you tell me now then? if you didn't want to tell me, you are obviously hiding something, just spit it out.

*They are startled again, this kid is really smart and saw right through their lie, they give up and began calling on the other men and woman*

Gin: What's going on?

*The oldest woman of the third level walked up to Gin.*

Old woman: Gin, ahh. You remind me of your father.

Gin: Y-You met my father?

Elder: Yes, and its about time we tell you the truth...

Gin: W-What truth?

Elder: you know how we told you your father died in the war?

Gin: Yea?

Elder: well he died in the war because he was a soldier, your father fought for the Authority, the Authority value his life just like every other soldier out there, your father is truly respected, and he expects you to follow his footsteps.

*Gin turns his head down, and tears begin to flow out of his eyes*

Gin: W-Why? why are you telling me this now! after how I badly treated those officers!

Old woman: We wanted to wait for you to grow more older. But now, would you please treat the officers with more respect?

Gin: Yes, from now on I will not only respect them, but I will bow down to them. I-I want to join the army!

Woman: hey now! slow down, you are just a kid, and besides, the Authority only accepts strong healthy 15 year old's and above, and you have to be middle class or upper class, they don't accept homeless people like us.

Gin: I'm still going to join, either way, I think that's what my father would want, and I still want to end this stupid war.

Elder: Let him attempt to join when he's older, at least we can make a name for our third class.

Gin: Then it's settled, I'll be joining the army when I'm older, for now. I'll make use of this time with training.

*From now on, Gin commits the 8 years he requires to join the Authority, to training, he keeps his consistency no matter what.*