
The Conqueror Of The Sun.

The Inspector: Gravity Dominance.

The fiery figure, clad only in pants and enveloped in a red armor-like aura, with jet-black eyes and wavy hair, is abruptly halted in his tracks by the Inspector's Gravity Dominance ability, the figure is shoved back the ability, as The Inspector deactivates it.

The Inspector: You, are the prototype?

Conqueror: I...I'm back, I'm back from the dead... what timeline is this?

The Inspector: Timeline? W-What's your name?

Conqueror: I only know myself, as the Conqueror Of The Sun.

The Inspector: The Conqueror Of The Sun?

Dark King: C-Conqueror! I've brought you back to life by finding your parts, now I request you to rescue me!

Conqueror: You, brought me back?

Dark King: Yes! Now please rescue me!

Conqueror: The individual in front of me seems to have a power level beyond mine right now, I'd need to wait to regain my strength to have a proper fight.

Dark King: D-Don't engage! Just save me!

Conqueror: Very well then.

Dark King: Aki! Start the Ship!

Aki: Roger that.

As Aki rushes over to start the ship, The Conqueror launches himself towards The Dark King, only to be intercepted by the Inspector, who attempts to land a blow. The Conqueror, however, swiftly grabs the Inspector's arm and pushes him aside, then dashes over to the Dark King, scooping him up and sprinting towards the ship. Determined not to let them escape, the Inspector gives chase, but the Conqueror retaliates by unleashing a finger of fire towards him. With lightning reflexes, the Inspector manages to dodge the attack and continues his pursuit.

Meanwhile, Aki successfully starts the ship, and it begins to sail away. The Conqueror leaps up and lands safely on board, while the Inspector is left standing on the shore, watching them sail off into the distance.

Shortly after, Zashi is spotted running towards the ship, with Tameo in hot pursuit. Despite Tameo's efforts, Zashi manages to reach the ship and grab hold, joining the others as they flee the scene.

Dark King: I-I'll be back one day! W-When I recover!

The Inspector: Dang, you let him get away Tameo.

Tameo: Huh, hey... Virtue Master?

The Inspector: Call me The Inspector, long time no see.

Tameo: You have a lot of explaining to do! why are you out of your-

Tameo's gaze sweeps over the battlefield, taking in the sight of the fallen bodies of high-ranking officers, including Kon and Helen lying motionless on the ground. In that moment, the realization dawns on him as to why The Inspector has appeared.

The Inspector: I declare the battle for the authority, officially, over, you can rest now buddy.

The Inspector extends a comforting hand towards Tameo, but Tameo reacts by forcefully shoving it away, his emotions clearly in turmoil.

Tameo: Many people died... we lost everything, and they've lost nothing.

The Inspector: They've lost something. They've lost their sense of strength and freedom, that Dark King will never be the same, something serious is going to emerge, the prototype that the Dark King was talking about? its actually an ancient Yokai.

Tameo: Ancient Yokai?

The Inspector: Yes, and he's pretty powerful, he stated that he's not at his full strength.

Tameo: I can probably beat him if I was there.

The Inspector: He saw my attack and shoved me away, and he said that he can't compare his power level to mine...

Tameo: And?

The Inspector: He still hasn't reached his full strength...

Tameo: And when he does...

The Inspector: also, start calling the hospital, we need to treat these people.

Tameo: Oh right.

Tameo swiftly calls for paramedics to rush to the third level and provide medical treatment for everyone. The aftermath of the battle has taken its toll, leaving the Authority's army in a desperate and severely depleted state. The urgent need for medical attention underscores the gravity of the situation they now face.

Back at the ship, the conqueror abruptly drops the Dark King down on the floor of the ship as they sail away.

Dark King: H-Hey! I brought you back! treat me with respect!

Conqueror: We have made amends, I saved you from a life threatening situation that would've also had me killed, and you brought me back to life, our deal has been sealed, I no longer have to do anything for you now.

Dark King: W-What do you mean by that.

Zashi: Hey, Conqueror, are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?

Conqueror: Since your ruler is so weak, I think we are going to need a new ruler for your nation, what's its name again?

Aki: The Dark Entity.

Dark King: W-Wait! no! I've worked hard to get to my throne! I'm not going to let some cheap stake like you take it away just like that!

Conqueror: Dark King, if you can't handle a Virtue Master, then what makes you think you are fit to rule a nation?

The Dark King is left speechless, a profound sense of powerlessness washing over him as he reflects on his inability to contend with a Virtue master. In a moment of stark realization, the true extent of his limitations becomes painfully clear, haunting him as a stark reminder of his vulnerability in the face of formidable adversaries.

Conqueror: Look at your hands.

As the Dark King gazes down at his trembling hands, marred by cracks from the devastating erasing fist delivered by the Inspector, a profound shift occurs within him. In this moment of vulnerability, he begins to see things from a different perspective, confronted by the stark reality of his own mortality and the limitations of his power. The cracks serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of his existence, prompting him to reevaluate his beliefs and motivations in the wake of such a humbling defeat.

Conqueror: I was alive forty thousand years ago, and never in my life was I shaken.

Dark King: N-Never?

Conqueror: Never, that's what it means to be a ruler, and a Virtue Master.

Aki and Zashi regard the Conqueror as a figure worthy of rulership, impressed by his strength, determination, and decisive actions on the battlefield. In the chaos and aftermath of the conflict, his leadership qualities shine through, instilling a sense of confidence and respect in both Aki and Zashi as they witness his capabilities firsthand.

Zashi: He seems to know what he's talking about, I'm sorry Dark King, but he seems to be more of a fit to be a king than you are.

Aki: I feel the same way.

Dark King: I-I...

Conqueror: You are no longer a Dark King, you are just, Dark.

Dark: I-I'm just... Dark...

The Conqueror's display of strength and dominance has dealt a severe blow to the Dark King's confidence and self-esteem. In the face of defeat and humiliation at the hands of a formidable adversary, the Dark King grapples with feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability, shaken by the realization of his own limitations. The encounter serves as a stark reminder of his fallibility and ignites a profound inner struggle as he grapples with the aftermath of his defeat.