
The Authority's efforts.

Dark King: Oh I didn't realize you all relied on this filth of a woman, she was the strongest? that must be pretty boring, anyone else wants to throw hands? I'm not done yet.

Everyone is ready to fight the Dark King, but they all know they can't compare to his strength.

Ranger, determined to take the lead in the battle against the Dark King, launched himself forward, his fist aglow with the vibrant hues of a rainbow. However, his attack was swiftly countered by the Dark King's overwhelming strength. In a swift motion, the Dark King grabbed Ranger's arm and forcefully hurled him to the ground.

Before Ranger could recover, the Dark King's fist descended with brutal force, striking him squarely in the gut. Ranger's eyes widened in shock as he struggled to withstand the blow, but the damage was too much. Swiftly overwhelmed, Ranger lost consciousness, blood trickling from his wounds as he lay motionless on the ground.

Dark King: One down.

With precision and agility, Petra swiftly closed the distance to the Dark King, catching him off guard with a powerful kick to the face before he could react. As he attempted to grab her, she evaded his grasp, leaping over his outstretched claws and delivering another forceful kick to his face.

The Dark King, visibly irritated by Petra's skillful evasion, unleashed a flurry of punches in her direction. Petra's reflexes served her well as she deftly dodged the first few strikes, but the relentless assault began to overwhelm her. Despite her best efforts, Petra found herself struggling to evade the Dark King's blows as they came at her with increasing speed and ferocity.

After enduring the relentless barrage of punches, Petra was left staggered and limping, her defenses weakened. With a swift and powerful uppercut, the Dark King delivered the final blow, knocking Petra unconscious and effectively ending her ability to continue the fight.

Ansu: Petra!

Ansu, consumed by anger, charged at the Dark King with fierce determination. However, in a moment of clarity, he realized the overwhelming danger before him. With a sense of impending doom, he quickly retreated, his heart pounding with fear as he gasped for breath, the ominous aura of the Dark King serving as a stark reminder of the peril they faced.

Dark King: What is it? brave warrior? what made you lose your confidence?

Ansu: I-I..I..

Ansu left speechless, Shinra grabbed his blade, stood in front of the Dark King.

Shinra: Dark King, I'll make you wish you never landed on our terrain.

As Shinra slowly drew his blade, an ominous aura began to emanate from him, spreading outwards in waves of palpable pressure. With each passing moment, the air crackled with intensity as the atmosphere around him grew heavy. Beneath his feet, a small crater formed, a testament to the immense power building within him.

Shinra: My blade holds immense power.

Dark King: This shall be an interesting fight.

With remarkable speed, Shinra surged towards the Dark King, his blade slicing through the air with deadly intent, despite the Dark King's attempt to block, Shinra's slashes broke through his defenses, leaving him vulnerable. following up with a relentless barrage of slashes, Shinra forced the Dark King on the defensive, leaving him open for a decisive strike.

However, before Shinra could land the finishing blow, the Dark King swiftly countered, driving his claw deep into shinra's abdomen pain seared through Shinra as he felt the claw pierce his flesh, blood pooling his mouth in his mouth as he struggled to maintain consciousness, with a powerful throw towards the wall, the Dark King renders Shinra unconscious.

Dark King: Three down, who else?

Olivia's eyes flickered with memories, her composure slipping in the face of the overwhelming tension. As the Dark King stood in menacing silence, awaiting the next move, a sudden presence materialized behind him. It was Razor, emerging with a steely resolve, poised to confront the looming threat head-on.

Razor: Cursed King.

Razor unleashed a devastating slash towards the Dark King, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The Dark King reacted swiftly, blocking the attack with formidable strength, but Razor's speed was unmatched. With a sudden disappearance, Razor employed his swiftness technique, moving around the Dark King with incredible speed.

The Dark King, caught off guard by Razor's agility, found himself growing increasingly irritated by the elusive warrior's movements. Despite his best efforts, the Dark King struggled to keep up with Razor's lightning-fast strikes, his frustration mounting as his opponent seemed to dance effortlessly around him.

Razor found himself suddenly ensnared by the Dark King's colossal claws. In that moment, realization dawned on him. Olivia's widened eyes betrayed her dread for his impending fate. Ansu, spurred into action, swiftly intervened to aid Razor. But before Ansu could reach the Dark King, the monstrous foe crushed Razor's bones with a merciless squeeze, eliciting agonized screams. As Razor was flung aside, Ansu finally closed in on the Dark King, initiating a desperate hand-to-hand struggle. However, Ansu soon found himself at the mercy of the Dark King's manipulative tactics, culminating in a devastating kick that sent him hurtling in the opposite direction.

Wicker and Carpet join the fight. As Wicker unleashed destruction upon the Dark King, Carpet joined the fray, launching an acid-infused fist from behind. However, the Dark King swiftly countered, delivering a punishing kick to Carpet's stomach. Despite spitting saliva, Carpet maintained his composure, but his hand was suddenly seized by the Dark King. Agonized screams pierced the battlefield as the Dark King twisted Carpet's hand. Meanwhile, Wicker hurled both hands downward at the Dark King, who responded with a sinister smile. With a powerful shove, the Dark King cast Carpet aside and intercepted Wicker's giant fists, pushing them away. Leaping up to Wicker's chest, he delivered a devastating blow, launching Wicker backward and reverting him from his curse release transformation.

Olivia: Wicker! Carpet!

Carpet: Ah! s-shit!

Dark King: Oh you guys are so desperate to win, can someone strong actually show up?

Carpet: Hehe, you think you've won haven't you?

Dark King: Hm? Do I hear a weakling speaking?

Carpet: I don't care about your insults... we will get revenge.... one way or another.

Dark King: Shut up.

The Dark king sends a shadow ray towards Carpet, piercing him on abdomen, Carpet slowly blacks out from the pain.

Olivia: No! Carpet!

Helen slowly woke up, but did not interfere, she laid on the floor, not being able to move from the pain the Dark King has caused to her.

Helen: T-This is getting dire... I-I have no choice... everyone will die if I don't do it... Charm Release...