
Gin's punishment

Five days post the Authority skirmish, glimpse into batch four's dorm, unveiling the internal chaos.

Gin perches on his legs, the rest of the batch glowering at him with disdain.

Gin: I-I'm sorry!

Razor: You think sorry is an excuse to get out of this?

Olivia: I just can't express my anger!

Ansu: You were late!

Gin: B-But I eventually arrived!

Olivia: That doesn't matter! you weren't there when we needed you! you didn't get to experience the horror! many people died!

Ansu: Wait until miss Helen hears about this.

Gin: D-Don't tell her!

Ansu: Oh she already knows, I just need to remind her about it.

Abruptly, their dorm door swings open, unveiling Helen herself.

Helen: Gin-Taro!

Helen strides toward Gin, who starts trembling and perspiring profusely. She crouches to his level, her smile taking on an unsettling twist.

Helen: Gin, why did you appear to the battlefield late?

Gin: I-I was asleep...

Helen: Asleep during the most crucial moment?

Gin: I-I was tired...

Helen: Tired during the most crucial moment?

Gin: I was training my technique at night, and I didn't get enough sleep, so I was sleeping during the day...

Helen: And how did this technique benefit you during the battle, when you arrived late?

Gin: I-It bought time for the virtue master to appear?

Helen: Mhm, and was that your intention?

Gin: Not really, I-I thought I could win with the technique...

Helen seizes Gin's ear, her nails piercing through his ear as he squeals in pain.

Gin: A-Ahh!

Helen: Your punishment is, running around the Authority eight times! and don't stop! or I'll add another eight runs to it!

Gin: E-Eight times??

Helen: Are you complaining? because if so then I'll give you an even worst punishment!

Gin: A-Alright! S-Sorry!

Gin hastily exits the room, commencing his punishment by sprinting around the entirety of the Authority's island eight times.

Helen: Sigh. He's hopeless. Ansu, follow me, I need to discuss something with you.

Ansu: Oh okay.

Olivia: M-Miss Helen!

Helen: Yes?

Olivia: Can you let us know where Tameo is?

Helen: Oh Tameo, he's become so arrogant recently, ever since The Inspector emerged, he's been acting differently, don't worry though, we will let you know when the sector trainings will commence, as for Tameo, he's going through his own struggle at the moment, you may want to give him some space. For now you may rest, Ansu, follow me.

leaving Olivia speechless, Ansu trails behind Helen as she exits the dorm, heading towards her own room.

Helen: Ansu, you have been keeping note that the Authority's army has had a massive decrease ever since that battle, right?

Ansu: Yes? what about it?

Helen: The third class has been causing problems around the middle class gate, and we don't have enough officers to keep them out, since their homes have been destroyed during the battle. And there is also some conflict in the middle class because some third class members stayed in the middle class, hiding ever since the evacuation.

Ansu: What should I do to help?

Helen: I want you to go patrolling down in the middle class, Ranger is also there keeping guard, make sure no problems are caused, the higher officials would punish me for trusting a rookie to go down there at this moment, but I trust you, Ansu. Would you keep that trust for me?

Ansu: Don't worry, I won't break your trust!

Helen: Good, you may leave now.

Ansu departs from Helen's room, exiting the Authority building and traversing through the first-class area, before descending into the middle-class section.

Ansu: Oh the middle class, what's happening here?

As Ansu spots a group brandishing signs and torches, they swiftly pivot their attention towards him, initiating a rapid pursuit. Ansu panics and bolts in the opposite direction.

Citizens: Its an army member! quickly catch him!

Ansu: W-What's wrong with these people?

Ansu hastily attempts to climb a nearby small house to evade the middle-class citizens, but his grip falters on the slick walls, causing him to plummet to the ground below, where he collides with a thud, striking his head.

Ansu: A-Ah my head... o-oh no, they are going to catch up to me!

Ansu scrambles to his feet, a sense of urgency flooding him as he senses their proximity closing in, but abruptly, they halt in their tracks, freezing in place just behind him.

Ansu: Huh? what's going on?

Ranger: Yo! Ansu, how's it going?

Ranger materializes, seated with crossed legs atop the house Ansu had been attempting to climb. With a barrier erected, he effectively blocks the citizens, preventing them from advancing any closer to Ansu.

Ansu: High class officer, Ranger?

Ranger: That's me! why are you down here in the middle class, its like a civil war down here!

Ansu: Helen sent me down here to patrol.

Ranger: Helen? rookie's aren't suppose to be here though.

Ansu: She trusted me with this, I can handle it!

Ranger: Nice! some rules to go over, don't hurt any citizen, even if they anger you to the brim. Our plan is to stop them, not hurt them. They are angry because they are looking for equality, if you see any third class, send them to the gate forcefully, we need to solve this quickly.

Ansu: Got it!

Ranger: Great!

Ranger swiftly seizes Ansu, leaping from building to building with agile grace, skillfully evading the pursuing citizens as he endeavors to lead Ansu to safety.

Ansu: Mr. Ranger, you have arcane?

Ranger: Oh you haven't realized it yet? I have the barrier arcane, which allows me to conjure barriers where I see fit.

Ansu: Wow, amazing!

Ranger: What about you kid? any arcane?

Ansu: I have some type of knight's armor.

Ranger: How about you give it a proper name?

Ansu: A proper name? but I don't even know what it is!

Ranger: Nah, its fine, you said your arcane is probably a knight's armor? then give a name relating to that!

Ansu: Something relating to a knight... hmm, I'll think about it.

Ranger: Great! we are here!

Ranger gracefully descends to the main level of the middle class, gently lowering Ansu to the ground.

Ranger: You can patrol here in peace, don't get into trouble, kay?

Ansu: Got it!

Ansu begins his patrol through the middle class, but as he turns to his left, he is suddenly met with someone incredibly dear to him. His eyes widen in utter shock at the unexpected encounter.

Ansu: I-It... i-it can't be...

Tears well up in Ansu's eyes, his heart swelling with emotions as he lays eyes on his little brother, whom he has been separated from for what feels like an eternity. Standing beside him is a man, a mentor perhaps, teaching Ansu's brother the ways of virtue and control. Overwhelmed by the sight, Ansu is filled with a mix of longing, joy, and pride at the sight of his beloved sibling taking steps toward growth and mastery.