
Gin's Arrival.

Helen: C-Charm release.... B-Blizzar-

Before Helen could finish her casting, Kon and Gabe suddenly appeared on the scene. Kon wasted no time, landing a powerful kick squarely on the Dark King's face. Meanwhile, Gabe emerged from behind the Dark King, poised to unleash his Giant sword in a slashing attack aimed at the monstrous foe.

Dark King: Ah, reinforcements.

Kon swiftly moved to position himself in front of Olivia for protection, while Gabe remained behind the Dark King, observing the grim scene unfolding before him. To his dismay, he saw all his comrades lying on the ground, bloodied and unconscious, victims of the relentless assault.

Gabe: Hey, Shit King, you did this?

Dark King: Yes, I did all of this, do you not know how to refer to your superiors?

Gabe: I'll refer to you in anyway I want, Shit King.

Dark King: Looks like someone needs discipline.

Helen: Kon, w-where is Tameo?

Kon: He's fighting that dark ninja.

Kon seized the opportunity presented by the Dark King's distraction and unleashed a flurry of devastating blows upon him. The Dark King, caught off guard, swiftly retaliated, initiating a fierce hand-to-hand combat encounter. As the battle raged on, Kon gradually gained the upper hand, his relentless assault proving too much for the Dark King to handle.

Kon: Deadly combo's.

After Kon removed his glasses, he landed a decisive hit on the Dark King's face, causing him to spit blood. Despite the blow, the Dark King quickly composed himself, prepared to fight back. Kon, sensing the imminent danger, stepped back, leaving the Dark King momentarily puzzled. However, as the Dark King glanced around, he noticed a peculiar straight shadow on the ground behind him. In that moment of distraction, Gabe emerged and brought his Giant sword crashing down towards the Dark King, who barely managed to evade the lethal strike.

Dark King: I sensed a surge in your power once those glasses were removed. Were they suppressing your strength?

Kon: Yes. Those glasses were designed to hold my strength back.

Dark King: Well that seems so, looks like I have to unleash some strength as well.

The Dark King unleashed the chains on his claws, significantly boosting his speed and unleashing their hidden strength. With lightning-fast movement, he appeared in front of Kon, sending a slashing attack his way. Kon narrowly dodged, countering with a swift kick to the Dark King's leg, causing him to stumble and fall. Seizing the opportunity, Gabe hurled his blade downward at the Dark King. The Dark King's eyes widened in shock as the blade descended upon him, shattering the floor and causing the surrounding area to crack from the sheer impact.

Gabe: I-I got him! haha! eat shit, shit king!

Kon: T-That, worked?

Olivia: Kon! Behind you!

Kon feels the Dark King's claw deep within him, looking down, seeing the Dark King's bloody claw went through him, his lifeblood seeping out onto the ground. Gabe's rage intensifies as he witnesses his friend fall, fueling his determination to avenge Kon's injury. With a fierce resolve, Gabe charges at the Dark King, his massive blade poised to strike. However, despite his determination, Gabe's speed proves insufficient to outmaneuver the Dark King's defenses. In a devastating counterattack, the Dark King slashes Gabe with lethal precision, sending him crashing to the ground beside Kon. The battlefield now lies silent, save for the sounds of their labored breaths and the ominous presence of their formidable adversary.

Olivia: N-No... T-This can't be...

Dark King: Oh, I left one alive? my mistake.

The Dark King slowly walks towards Olivia, the blood on his claws ready to slice her and drain her blood, Olivia is frozen, not being able to move or walk, fell on the floor to her knee's.

Olivia: W-Wait, p-please... N-No... D-Don't...

Dark King: This is what you signed up for, protecting your nation now, is it?

Suddenly, Olivia felt a hand touch her shoulder.

???: Olivia, you can rest now.

Olivia: G-G... Gin?

Gin: Sorry I'm late... I just needed to refine my technique a bit more.

The Dark King gazes at Gin, taken aback by his unexpected presence amidst the chaos. It appears rather tardy for a soldier to arrive now, amidst the grim aftermath of battle: a field strewn with fallen comrades, Kon prone on the ground, and high-ranking officers vanquished. Meeting Helen's gaze, Gin sighs, his countenance turning grave.

Gin: I'm sorry, you all struggled and fought while I was back there inside the authority building, I'm deeply indebt for you all.

Dark King: Gin? are you everyone's hope?

Gin: Everyone's hope? nah, I'm not everyone's hope at all, but I'm the guy who'll beat your ass.

Dark King: Such confidence... alright then, come at me, Gin.

Gin and the Dark King slowly stood there in silence, Olivia felt mad and wanted to scream at Gin, but she understood the gravity of the situation and held it in her.

Gin quickly sprung into action, running to close the distance between him and the Dark King, Gin charges up his fist with Virtue, and his hand began flashing White.

Gin: Charm Technique! Impact Slam!

Dark King: You actually think that will work? hm, try it.

Gin signals his intention with a poised hand, aiming seemingly for the Dark King's face. Anticipating a strike, the Dark King braces himself, yet Gin deftly alters his trajectory at the last instant, driving his hand downward to trigger his impact slam ability. The forceful impact fractures the ground beneath, transforming it into a jagged, uneven terrain. Taken aback by this unexpected move, the Dark King momentarily hesitates, while Helen, immobilized on the ground, struggles to decipher Gin's strategy.

Dark King: Just what are you planning?

Gin: With those claws, you need to fight in a straight manner, creating uneven terrain makes it difficult for you to position your claw strikes, if they were fists, then I would've made a bad plan.

Dark King: You really doubt my ability to position my strikes?

Gin: Its a gamble.

Gin quickly closed distance between him and Dark King, as the Uneven terrain creates an opening for Gin, the Dark King is confused by Gin's unpredictable movement, only to be hit in the side by a flash of yellow lightning by Gin.

Gin: Step one, complete.

Dark King: That didn't hurt a bit, but I guess you've gotten proper training.

Gin and the Dark King stand in silence, the Dark King waiting for Gin's next attack.