
Am I going to get deported?

As Gin is surrounded by the officers, he tried to calculate a plan and escape, he realizes that the walls next to him have no grab holds that he can parkour off, and he is seemingly out numbered.

High class officer: Behind you!

The high class officer goes for a slash at Gin's chest, Gin looks at the officer and he attempts a counter at officers blade with his arm, but he's attempt fails and he gets slashed terribly on his right arm, the high class officer attempts a vertical slash but suddenly, Gin's eyes flash red and time is seemingly stopped.

Gin: H-huh?

Within 1 second, time resumes and Gin barely dodges the attack.

Gin: W-What was that?

High class officer: You saw my attack...

The high class officer is surprised by the twist of events, the other officers began charging at Gin, ready to strike him, Gin quickly devises a plan, but he isn't sure that it'll work, Gin jumped towards a wall and quickly hopped off it towards the other wall, trying to continue this pattern to get out of the ally way.

High class officer: No you don't.

The officer jumps up and installs his blade deep within Gin's right arm which is already injured, Gin groans and loses his steps, quickly falling back down, the other officers quick jump in and began beating Gin up, Gin slowly, and slowly began losing consciousness.

Gin suddenly wakes up in a room, where he is tied up, he is really damaged, hungry and dehydrated.

Gin: Hey! is there anyone here?

He screams, but quickly coughs, remembering that he is really thirsty right now, began lowering his voice.

Gin: A-Anyone there?

A man suddenly walks up to Gin.

???: So, you are the infamous third class who snuck into the middle class, how intriguing.

Gin: W-Who are you? and what are you going to do to me?

???: Well, seeing how skilled you are, you have excellent agility and strength, but your combat skills needs some rework...

Gin: W-What are you talking about?

Hans: you asked earlier who I am, I am mister Hans. The manager of the Authority's registry.

Gin: Authority... registry!

Gin shouts, but then began coughing

Gin: I don't want to make it seem so that I wanted to join the army, I'll probably tell him I was looking for food...

Gin says in his mind,

Hans: Kid, what's your name?

Gin: My name is Gin, Gin-Taro!

Hans: Gin-Taro, and why were you sneaking into the middle class mind I ask?

Gin: I-I was looking for food... I-I didn't want to starve down there in the third class.

Hans: Food... with your ability and strength, we should really investigate that third class a bit more.

Gin: I have a question.

Hans: Ask right away, I'm all ears.

Gin: Am I going to get deported?

Hans: Deporting... that is right, I forgot that the third class can get deported for misbehaving... look Gin, was it? I have a proposition for you.

Gin: Proposition?

Hans: Precisely, you are a really strong and capable kid, I'll give you that.

Hans grabs a seat, flips it around and sits on it, staring at Gin right in the eyes.

Hans: We want your power, you have done really, really bad crimes Gin, leaving the third class, beating a recruit, running away from officers, engaging combat with officers, at this rate we would probably deport someone like you, but you are too... special, being able to see an attack of a high classed officer is no small deal, so this is what I propose, if you join the Authority, all charges against you will be dropped, as we will exchange the charges with duty, but if you refuse, you will be deported without any question.

Gin: D-Deported?

Gin is really excited to say yes, but he can't show that excitement, or his plan will be too obvious.

Gin: I-I guess I have no choice, I have to say yes, after all, I don't want to be deported.

Hans: Wise choice young man, we expect great things from you, the soldier behind you will take you into the main Authority building all the way up above the first class, where you will be given a few tests, this a goodbye for now, Gin-Taro.

Gin: W-Wait! I-I have more quest-

As Gin wanted to ask his final question, Hans began walking away as Gin's head gets covered by a black mask and he began blacking out.

Gin slowly opens his eyes, and finds himself in a bunk bed, Gin is on the down part, Gin quickly gets off the bed and began shaking his head

Gin: W-What happened... my head hurts...

Gin walks up to the door of the room, and opens the door, and he finds a big hall, which a huge number of officials and soldiers are walking through, Gin is excited but he is also in awe by the amount of people there are.

Gin: A-Ah...

Gin finds himself in a uniform, the same uniform the rookie wore when Gin broke his jaw, the uniform is black with blue slashes over it, and has an Authority symbol on the back, Gin is approached by an army official.

Official: Hello! sorry I'm late I just had a lot of work to do, you are the uh... whispers Third class.. normal voice that Manager Hans told me about, am I correct?

Gin: Y-Yes, I-I am...

Gin is dumb founded by who the person is, but goes along with it.

Official: follow me, I have to show you to your batch! all of you will be taking the physical, agility, reaction and written tests!

Gin: T-the tests... The tests!

Gin remembered Hans telling him about the test, the official goes through the giant corridor of people walking back and forth, Gin follows him properly so he doesn't lose the official, and they finally reach the room.

Official: Just go inside! I can't help right now I'm really busy! you'll find everything you need there, g-good luck!

The official quickly leaves while holding a box with a bunch of papers.

Gin: Oh alright then. here we go.

Gin opens up the door, and meets his batch.