
ASOIAF: The white Dragon

The son of Rheagar Targaryen seeks to reclaim his Throne. He'll look and act like Griffith from Berserk, but maybe I'll chage his charcter a bit.

waryfishy · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Sparks Fly

The muddy ground squelched as Griffith stepped into the courtyard, which had filled with knights and nobles while he was donning his boiled leathers.

Opposite him, next to the bailey, stood Jaime Lannister resplendent in his golden armour bearing the rampant lion.

Glancing up at the balustrade where his and the royal families stood, his eyes momentarily locked with Myrcella's and he smiled.

He then turned his gaze to the King, who had a stern expression on his face, "Begin."

Jaime's eyes narrowed and he drew a gilded longsword Griffith had never seen him wear, "I'd prefer not to kill you boy."

Griffith smiled, his long black hair billowing in the wind, "I feel the same, Ser Jaime." He then reached over and drew his sabre.

The knight grinned and slowly moved forward, his sword poised to strike.

"I do hope you don't disappoint my Lord." Griffith taunted, a sweet smile on his face.

"He's quite cocky isn't he?" Robert said, which caused Eddard to laugh, "Yes that he is, but he has good reason to, Griffith only started learning the way of the sword a few years ago, and yet he's one of the greatest swordsmen I've ever met."

Robert's eyes narrowed and he turned his gaze back to the two combatants.

They were now only a few feet apart and Jaime was close enough to strike.

An instant later the knight had swung down at Griffith, but the boy paired the blow and moved out of the way.

Spinning around Jaime swung the sword at the boy's torso but again it was paired.

"I never imagined the greatest swordsman in the seven kingdoms would be this slow," Griffith said as parried a stab, and moved closer, nicking Jaime's face.

Grinning, the knight wiped the trickle of blood off his face and swung at Griffith again.

Snorting, the boy dodged the blow and went in for another attack. His eyes widened as Jaime rammed a knee into his stomach, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Too slow you say, you're too arrogant, boy," Jaime said, raising his sword to strike.

Whipping the spital from his lips Griffith quickly jumped out of the way, and just in time as the sword came down on the place he once was.

"It seems I underestimated you Ser Jaime, but still you're not very quick." Griffith then rushed forward and dodged the swing struck at the knight's face.

A shock ran through his body as Jaime blacked his attack with his glove.

Jumping back Griffith massaged his arm, "Why it seems you are capable of fighting my lord."

Grinning, Jaime rushed forward and started to rain blows down on Griffith, giving him no opportunity to strike back.

From atop the balustrade Arya watched attentively as her older brother fought for his life.

She knew he was strong but even with all the confidence she had in him she couldn't help but doubt that he could beat the Kingslayer.

Feeling a hand grab hers tight, she looked up only to see Sansa looking down at the square tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

Biting her lip Arya forced herself to look past her anger at Sansa, "He's going to be alright, he's our brother after all."

Sansa smiled nervously, "You're right, I shouldn't doubt him."

A long loud peal echoed out from the courtyard, and Arya's eyes widened as she saw Griffith fall to his knees, Ser Jaime's sword pointed at his face.

Next to him lay his sabre, broken in two the blade lodged in the ground some feet away.

For a few seconds, the courtyard was completely silent except for the two combatants laboured breathing.

Then suddenly the crowd erupted in cheers, and Robert began to laugh hartley, "What a match."

"No," Arya whispered and tears began flowing down her cheeks, as she realised the reality of the situation.

Another loud peal echoed through the courtyard as Jaime's sword was knocked out of his hand.

The knight's eyes widened as Griffth grabbed his gorget and forced him on the ground, the broken sabre pressed against his throat.

Again the courtyard descended into silence and in that silence Griffith spoke, "Surrender, Ser Jaime, for I shall never fall not till you cut me down where I stand."

The Kingslayer chuckled, "Alright I surrender, I guess I can't match someone fighting for something so important to them."

A loud hearty laugh coming from Robert Baratheon was the thing to break the silence and everybody began to cheer.

Releasing Jaime's gorget, Griffith stood back up and extended his hand, "I must apologise, my lord, I insulted you in a most unfitting way, and hope you can forgive me."

The Kingslayer chuckled and grabbed hold of Griffth's hand, "No need to apologise, I understand that you were trying to rile me up."