
ASOIAF: The Tale Of Aurelius Fenris

Reincarnated dude with the some powers messes around during the time when dragons were still alive . . . . .that's it also it's a complete AU

Raul_vaz · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Preparation a century in advance

As the small council convened in the chambers of the Red Keep, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, flanked by his advisors, sat at the head of the table, his expression grave as he listened to the reports from the North.

Aurelius Fenris stood before the assembled council, his presence commanding the attention of all who beheld him. Zero Point, the towering ice dragon, stood at his side, his gaze fixed on the council members with a mixture of curiosity and vigilance.

"We stand on the brink of war," Aurelius Fenris declared, his voice echoing in the chamber. "The White Walkers have returned, and the North is ill-prepared to face this ancient enemy alone."

The members of the small council exchanged nervous glances, their minds racing with thoughts of the implications of another war with the undead. Grand Maester Orwyle, his brow furrowed with concern, spoke first.

"We must act swiftly to bolster the defenses of the Wall," he advised, his voice tinged with urgency. "The Night's Watch will need all the support we can provide if they are to stand any chance against the White Walkers."

Lady Elinor Penrose, the Mistress of Coin, nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed, Grand Maester," she replied. "But we must also consider the cost of such endeavors. The realm is already stretched thin by years of war and turmoil."

Lord Hand, Ser Jaremy Longwaters, furrowed his brow in thought, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy and diplomacy. "We must seek allies wherever we can find them," he declared, his voice firm. "The fate of the realm hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to face this threat alone."

And so, as the small council deliberated on their next course of action, plans were put into motion to bolster the defenses of the Wall and seek allies to aid in the coming battle against the White Walkers. Ravens were dispatched to the lords and ladies of the realm, calling for aid in the defense of the North, while emissaries were sent to the Free Cities to seek support from across the Narrow Sea.

Meanwhile, in the North, preparations were underway to fortify the Wall and gather forces to confront the ancient enemy. The lords and ladies of the North rallied to the call to arms, their hearts filled with a fierce determination to protect their homeland from the horrors that lay beyond the Wall.

In Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark, Rickard and Lyanna Stark watched with a mixture of pride and apprehension as their father, Lord Stark, prepared to lead the North into battle. They knew that the days ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they were determined to stand by their father's side and defend their homeland to the last.

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months, the preparations for war continued unabated. The Wall was fortified with new defenses, and the Night's Watch was bolstered by reinforcements from across the realm. But despite their best efforts, the threat of the White Walkers loomed ever larger, casting a shadow of fear and uncertainty over the Seven Kingdoms.

And so, as the long, cold nights of winter stretched on, the fate of the realm hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion. But amidst the darkness, there was also hope, for the people of Westeros were united in their determination to stand against the ancient enemy and defend their homeland to the last. And with courage and determination, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that the fate of the realm depended on their actions.