
The Journey To Harrenhall


Walder Frey was a truly disgusting creature, he had to hold his face straight when in his presence with some of the things he did. He was glad in that moment to be known as a bastard, shoved at the back of the group out of the way. It hid the way his fists balled up and turned white.

"Fine, be on your way. You'll have to tell me if you change your mind about the betrothal." The old lord of The Twins chuckled out as he leered at Sansa.

Kireina would raze this shithole to the ground before you got as much as a sniff old man.

Lord Stark looked rightfully awkward when he nodded and told the old Lord they'd cross the bridge as quick as they could, not to interrupt any of Lord Frey's duties.

And to get away from their truly disturbing surroundings no doubt.

"He smelled funny." Arya whispered to him as they made their way out of the great hall of The Twins. He chuckled at her and mused her hair.

"The bath water probably can't stand being in his presence. Bet it scarpers as soon as it smells him." He japed. Arya chuckled as she hurried her steps to get out of this place.

"Do you think father will agree to his betrothal request?" She asked, a thin layer of worry laced her words.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and squeezed as they walked back to camp "Not a chance in hell, I wouldn't let him. Lord Wet Fart or any of his brood for that matter won't be getting remotely close to you, Sansa, Bran or Rickon." He reassured. He felt the tension and worry leave her shoulders.

"Thanks." She replied as she smiled up at him.

"What are brothers for eh?" He answered as he smiled back down at her.

A sly grin formed on Arya's face "Teaching me how to use a sword and not much else." She japed.

He held a hand to his chest feigning hurt "That cut deep, I might need time to recover. Sparring might have to wait now little wolf." He said as he closed his eyes and sniffed. He chuckled when he felt Arya punch him in the leg. He opened his eyes and saw she was smiling.

"How about a quick spar before we get moving?" He asked her as they entered the camp that most of the northern lords had called home for the afternoon.

Her face seemed to drop when he asked this, a grimace taking over "I would love to but I can't. Mother says she wants to see how my lessons have been going since we left Winterfell." She said "I mean, why did she have to bring that boring old septa with us, a moon or two without lessons won't turn any of us brain dead. Even Sansa seems distracted in lessons by the prospect of the tourney so I don't know what she expects from me." She moaned.

He knew why the septa was brought but didn't want Arya getting in trouble by rebelling.

The bastard hellspawn is prowling the camp in search of its next victim to corrupt, only the faith can protect these children from the monster now. He thought amusingly. He just found the old woman amusing now.

"I suppose it's so you don't end up thick like him..." He said smiling as he nodded his head in the direction of Theon who just had a mug of ale poured over his head by Dacey Mormont.

Arya laughed heartily.

"Arya!" He heard her shout from behind them. Arya grimaced and looked at him in the hopes he would save her. He whispered the word 'Sorry' in reply. She gave him a sad smile in response and walked towards her mother.

He received the cold glare from her that he'd always had, one he didn't even respond to as he turned and walked towards camp.

"Look who it isn't?" The GreatJon bellowed out at him as he received a bear paw sized clap on the back. "Heard you sorted my son out in a sparring session this morning." He said as he draped his arm over his shoulders.

"He said I was pretty like a lady, thought he should know what he was getting into before he tried to fuck me." He replied without thinking. He hid his grimace well.

The Greatjon was a good person to get on the right side of but awful to get on the wrong side of.

It had nothing to do with how big he was. He liked to tell himself.

Thankfully the giant of a lord bellowed out in laughter, turning a few heads in the process. "You should give that advice to young Theon over here, Maege's lass wasn't having any of his posturing HA!" He chuckled out as he pointed at a soaked Theon sat on a log and then at Dacey who was grinning.

He chuckled himself as he sat down on the log that Dacey and a few others were sat on, GreatJon sat next to him and handed him a horn of ale.

"What was this I heard of SmallJon?" Dacey spoke up as they all sat around the fire. She looked over to Lord Umber before looking at him.

Pretty. He thought.

"Nothing." He heard SmallJon shout over from the other side of the fire. He looked across at him and grinned, one eyebrow raised.

"Had nothing to do with the way you grimaced as you sat down earlier?" Harrion asked SmallJon who he was sat next to.

Harrion received a shove because of that, he just laughed it off.

"Fuck off." He heard SmallJon mutter. That set everyone off.

A couple of whispers could be heard and he saw what had caused it, Ghost trotting into ring of people and sitting down in front of Jon.

They'd only been on the road for a week or so but in that week his little pup had shot up, he was the size of a small dog already. He couldn't compare him to the size of his siblings because Lady Stark had forced her children to leave the pups at Winterfell while they were gone. None of them were happy but begrudgingly accepted when they were given the choice of going to the tourney without them or staying at home with them.

He was given no such decision.

She wasn't and never would be his mother, she'd made damn sure of that herself.

"Still can't believe there's direwolves back in the north." Dacey said as she ran her hand over Ghost's head. The pup closed his eyes and pushed his head into her hand.

He nodded as he took a sip from his ale "Five more of them in Winterfell. Their mother didn't make it and it didn't seem right leaving them to fend for themselves." He explained as Ghost opened his eyes and took a sniff of his mug.

He held it down so Ghost could take a proper sniff instead he shoved his entire snout into the mug and lapped at the contents. He pulled it away and tapped the pup on the nose but it was too late, Ghost was licking his chops and looking mighty pleased with himself.

The last thing they needed was a pissed up direwolf in camp.

GreatJon laughed at the scene in front of him "I think a drunk direwolf is the last thing this camp needs HA!" He said as he took a sip from his own mug.

He pulled Ghost in between his legs and held him there so he couldn't cause any more trouble, the last thing he needed was Lady Stark on his back about it.

"Lay down." He whispered into Ghost's ear as he kissed the pup on the top of his head. Ghost followed his instruction thankfully. "Good boy." He said as he gave him one last ruffle of his white coat.

"I'll have to have a spar with you when we set up camp later tonight if you're up for it? Then I'll get to see for myself what my lad has been crying about HA." GreatJon said as he looked across to his son.

"Now THAT I would love to see." Theon spoke up with a grin on his face. "Bring him down a peg or two while you're at it, Lord Umber." He finished, laughing at nothing.

"Careful Theon, I'm not afraid to break your other nose as well prick." He warned the young Greyjoy.

Theon looked at him bemused but still had a grin on his face "And what other nose would that be bastard? Did your time away turn you thicker than you already were?" He asked, again laughing at his own words. A few of the lords around them looked on with interest.

He stroked Ghost to keep his hands distracted, it wouldn't help if he wrapped them around the pricks neck. "The one that's up his arse you fuckin brownnose." He answered, nodding his head towards GreatJon and taking a large sip from his mug.

Theon spluttered, denying everything before grumbling and walking off. SmallJon and Harrion chuckled, Dacey snorted into her ale and GreatJon spat his out of his mouth before guffawing.

"I see Halys wasn't wrong about you lad, Lord Hornwood said you was bold as brass. He said you reminded him of your uncle Brandon the old gods rest his soul." Lord Umber said, a quiet taking over the small group.

"Lord Hornwood likes to talk, ask his wife." He replied. The man himself knew he could speak the ear off anybody.

"Ha, you're not wrong lad." GreatJon replied. His eyes moved over Jon's shoulder and caught eye with something. "Speak of the devil..." He whispered to his, like they were conspiring or something.

He turned around and saw Lord Hornwood walking towards their group, unfortunately he wasn't alone, Lord Stark looking at him and GreatJon with a quirked eyebrow.

"Lord Stark, Lord Hornwood. Fancy a mug?" GreatJon asked as he pointed his own to the two men.

His uncle shook his head, catching Jon's eyes for a split second before responding "No thanks Jon, came to see if everybody was ready. I want us to make good time today, the meeting with Lord Frey didn't help in that regard." He said to Lord Umber but looked around to see if people were in fact ready to get moving.

Everyone seemed to get to their feet at that, Jon being the last as he necked the rest of his mug.

Lord Umber was the first to reply "Not to worry Ned, we'll make up that time no problem. That old fart wont rain on our northern parade HA!" He replied as he walked away, to get his own men ready he assumed. "C'mon you!" He shouted over at SmallJon who necked his own ale before leaving.

"Maege is looking for you my lady." Lord Hornwood said to Dacey, she nodded at him before waving at Jon and leaving the group.

"I best go and see if my father needs any help, probably needs me to round up his other two sons." Harrion chuckled before nodding to everyone and leaving himself.

Now it was just him, Lord Stark and Lord Hornwood.

...and Ghost. Can't forget about him.

"I best go and get my men ready as well Lord Stark." Lord Hornwood said seemingly noticing a tension between Jon and Lord Stark.

"Make sure everybody is ready to move in the next 20 minutes Halys." Ned said as the other man nodded before walking away.

Now it was just him, Ned and Ghost.

You better not fucking leave as well Ghost. He thought.

Ghost oddly huffed at that from where he was laid on the ground.

Lord Stark cleared his throat "You ready to get moving Jon?" He asked, awkwardness surrounding them. He'd tried to stay away from his uncle for the past week.

"Couldn't we have just gone down the Kingsroad? We would've been able to avoid all of this mess." He said as he rose to his feet and pointed to the Twins.

Ned sighed as they walked on "Cat wanted to meet up with her side of the family and head to the tourney along with them. She also wanted the children to see their grandfather in Riverrun, her brother Edmure sent her a raven a few weeks ago saying that he's rather ill and might not have long left." He answered.

Lovely, a castle full of Tullys . He would definitely be camping outside of the castle, less chance of a dagger in his heart while he sleeps.

"Well, best get a move on then. Won't get far flapping our gums will we." He said as he started walking.

Ned grabbed him by the shoulder before he could go any further "Jon, we're okay, aren't we? I've barely spoken to you all week, I hope that chat we had before we left Winterfell hasn't bothered you." He asked.

The fucking cheek

He shrugged his hand of his shoulder "We'll never be okay ever again Lord Stark." He said before walking off. He faintly heard 'What?' being muttered from his uncle but didn't acknowledge him as he carried on walking, Ghost close at his heels.


She tapped her foot as she waited for Rhae, both Kingsguard assigned to the pair of them waiting with her.

"How much longer do you think she's going to be your grace?" Ser Jaime asked as he looked towards Rhaenys' chamber door.

Before she could open her mouth, her niece came rushing out of her chamber before closing the door behind her.

"All done." Came the cheerful response from Rhaenys.

"About bloody time." She muttered as they all made their way through the corridors of the Red Keep. She heard Ser Oswell snort but quickly cover it up with a cough.

They made good time as they approached the other wing of the Royal apartments, Princess Margaery along with her brother and assigned Kingsguard, Ser Loras waiting outside of her chambers for them.

She had to admit, and Rhae shared the same thoughts with her that they expected Margaery to be stuck up, scheming and an all-round a poor choice for Aegon's bride. Turned out they were wrong to presume and had crafted an almost sisterly bond with the Rose of Highgarden.

She'd also brought Alysanne into the world so that was another point in her favour. The little girl was the apple of everybody's eye lately.

Margaery waved at them as they approached, she seemed rather excited at the prospect of this tournament and to be honest, she couldn't blame her. An event touted as being the biggest the realm would ever see had to build some excitement, even in the most miserable of people she thought. Her brother, along with the council had invested a lot of time and effort to make it a spectacle that would go down in history.

It would be a crime if nothing memorable happened.

"We all set?" Marge asked the two of them as Ser Loras bowed at the pair of approaching princesses.

"Finally." She replied as she rolled her eyes and smiled. She looped her arm through Margaery's arm and set off walking, all the while playfully glaring at Rhaenys.

Margaery grinned at the whole thing.

Rhaenys huffed "Stop complaining would you, it's not like they can go without us is it?" She said as they rounded a corner.

"I suppose not. Though I doubt they'd find it hard to leave if it was just you they were leaving behind." She replied. Rhae just smiled and stuck her tongue out at her whilst everybody else, including their guards chuckled.

They all made their way through the double door opening to the courtyard where they were hit with a wall of chatter. She looked around and lost count of the amount of horses and carriages there were that held numerous chests of luggage. A few of the carriages were reserved for some of the lords and ladies that were already in Kings Landing that would be travelling with the Royal retinue.

Up near the front of the group was the Royal carriage, the one where all three of them along with the Queen, her mother and little Alysanne would be using to travel in. Stood next to it was the King and Queen, clearly having a discussion about something.

They approached the two of them and were noticed by Ser Arthur who cleared his throat whilst nodding in their direction, Rhaegar turned and looked at them.

"Finally. We thought you'd got lost or something." Her brother japed as he seemed to sigh in relief.

She shook her head but before she could even say anything, Rhaenys was speaking "Where's the little princess?" She asked, mainly to her mother.

Elia smiled and looked back into the carriage "She's in there with your grandmother, Rhaella has just gotten her off to sleep." She said as she smiled.

"Your grace." Margaery said as she curtsied and entered the carriage to reunite with her daughter.

Her eyes widened when she saw Viserys and his little band of idiots approaching and with her decision swiftly made, she entered the carriage herself in haste.

The inside of the carriage was very spacious, plush sofas lined the sides of their new home for the next few days. On one of the sofas sat her mother along with Margaery, sat in front of the pair was a crib and a sleeping Alysanne. She cooed at the little snores the precious girl was making.

"Try not to wake her darling, I've just gotten her off." Her mother said as she looked into the crib. She nodded as she stared at the little girl with a smile.

"You'll be wanting one of your own someday, we have to find you someone to help you with that though I suppose." Her mother said. She rolled her eyes and sat on the opposite sofa facing them.

"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady." Her mother said, although there was some amusement behind her own eyes.

"I don't need it from you as well mother, I already get enough of it from Rhaegar." She replied as she shuffled around on the sofa, eventually finding a comfortable spot to curl her legs beneath herself.

Before her mother could reply, Elia and Rhae entered the carriage, the latter with an annoyed look on her face.

Rhae settled down next to her on the sofa with a huff and Elia rolled her eyes at her daughter as she took a seat next to her.

"You alright?" She whispered to Rhaenys, she looked towards Elia but the older woman was currently striking up a conversation with her mother. Margaery was cooing over her daughter but was sneaking looks of intrigue in their direction.

"I would be if people got off my back." Rhae whispered back in reply, side eyeing her mother in the process.

Oh dear...

She furrowed her brow in confusion, she looked across the carriage at Margaery who also seemed confused by Rhae's attitude.

"Has something happened?" She asked, Rhae was currently rubbing one of the bracelets on her wrist between her finger and thumb.

A nervous tick. She mused, something Rhae had done for years.

"It would appear I am to be wed soon." Came the shocking reply.

She looked over to Margaery who too had a look of shock on her face. Returning her gaze back at Rhae she replied "Wed? Who to?"

Rhae just shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms "Ask my mother." She replied.

She looked over towards the Queen "Your grace?" She said, Elia sighed in reply.

"You're over reacting Rhaenys, I said you should keep an eye out during the festivities, in the hopes of finding a suitable suitor that's all." She said as she reached for the fruit bowl on a small cabinet at the side of the carriage and plucked a grape from it.

"Yeah and then father said I should just marry Margaery's brother and be done with it." Rhae replied. Dany looked across at Marge to gauge her reaction, she looked torn on the situation.

Elia tutted "You know he was joking, he wouldn't force anything upon you, you know that." She said. Her mother was sat on the other sofa, silently absorbing the situation.

"Do I? He looked awfully serious when he said it and it would explain the fact that he had me host Margaery's family when they were here a few weeks ago, alone might I add." Rhae replied. Elia just looked fed up with the whole conversation as she reached for another grape.

"Two unwed Princesses of the realm appearing at what will be the biggest tourney in history, I would say the pair of you will have every eligible man eating out of your hand. That doesn't sound so terrible does it?" Her mother mentioned as she sipped on her wine.

"Don't involve me in this." She said as she filled a goblet of arbour gold for herself.

She'd probably need it with the route this conversation was going.

She narrowed her eyes at Marge when she saw mirth dancing around her face.

"You were always going to be involved in this. Due to your reluctance to even look for an eligible suitor, you and Rhae will be the top prize at this event, none of the winner's purses would come close to marrying a Princess. You can hate that fact all you want but it won't change anything, you've placed a target on your own heads and you'll have to deal with the consequences. You'll be tripping over fawning men for most of the tourney." Her mother finished, amusement in her eyes as she took a sip from her goblet.

"This isn't funny." She huffed as she saw Marge chuckling.

"It is a little bit." Elia spoke up. She turned in her direction and saw Rhae necking a whole goblet of wine.

Somebody definitely has the right idea. She thought as she reached to refill her own goblet. As soon as it was refilled her mother moved the jug away from the pair of them.

She narrowed her eyes at her but huffed in resignation when her mother quirked an eyebrow at her.

That isn't a fight I'm gonna win.

Rhae nudged her in the arm when both of their mothers carried on with their conversation. "My cousins will be meeting me there, Arianne even managed to get her father to return to Sunspear so she could come as well. We'll find our own fun while we're at this tourney, mark my words." She whispered to her.

"Should be interesting to see what happens with her and Viserys." She replied, Rhae chuckled and took a sip from her goblet.

"I think he'll be too busy with whatever scheme he's got going at the moment." She answered.

"Urgh, don't remind me please. He's got it into your cousin Quentyn's head that if he were to win the joust and place that flowery crown on my head that I couldn't possibly refuse his hand." She said as she took a sip from her own wine.

Rhae shook her head "Quent is quite gullible but nobody seems to be able to stop your brother from whispering in his ear. He's gonna get himself hurt, he's not even a great rider to begin with." She said.

"Don't speak about that cousin of yours around me at the moment." Elia interrupted.

Her and Rhae just looked at the older woman "What's he done now?" Rhae asked.

"Let's just say he's gonna be in for a rude awakening when he returns to Sunspear. I think brother dearest is gonna make an example of him." Elia answered.

Please please please be something that keeps him off my back for the foreseeable future. She prayed.

"Is it that bad?" Rhae continued.

Elia chuckled "Let's just say this tournament might be the last time you see your cousin for a long time. Oberyn and Ellaria are meeting us there along with his brood, Ari and Trystane will be with them as well." Elia replied.

Rhae smiled "I knew Ari, Trys and the girls were coming but I didn't know uncle Oberyn and aunt Ellaria were coming with them." She said.

"I've never met Prince Oberyn." She said.

Rhae turned to her a smiled even more "Oh you'll love him, he's the fun uncle." She said.

"Rhaenys!" Elia scolded.

"Oh come on mother you know it to be true. I love uncle Doran but even you have to admit uncle Oberyn is the wilder brother of yours." She said with a smirk.

Elia just looked away with a soft smile and took a sip from her wine.

Her silence answered that it would seem. She thought.

Just as Rhae was about to speak again the carriage door opened up, Ser Arthur popped his head in "We're about to set off your Graces, is everybody ready?" He said.

"Yes I think so Arthur." Elia said as she looked around the carriage to see if anybody would object.

She turned back to the knight when nobody said anything "Will we be seeing your sister at the tourney, Ser Arthur? I know his grace left it to you to send her invitation." She asked.

Ser Arthur smiled and nodded "You will your grace, along with Clarissa and Edric. Allyria will be joining them with her betrothed Lord Dondarrion as well." He answered. Elia smiled and nodded at that, it was no secret that Lady Ashara was a good friend of the Queen.

"Thank you Ser Arthur, that will be all." Elia said as the knight nodded and shut the carriage.

A few shouts were heard from outside and it wasn't long before the carriage was moving.


It had been a few days since they'd crossed the Twins and they were making good time on their journey to Riverrun. Scouts claimed they might even make it there by the end of the day.

"Is everybody ready to get moving?" He asked Lord Karstark as they walked through their temporary camp.

"Pretty much, some of them are still sparring near the river." Rickard replied.

Bloody hell.

Ever since Jon had humoured Greatjon in a spar the evening after they'd crossed the Twins, everybody had turned increasingly competitive in their daily training sessions.

He'd not actually seen what had happened at that sparring session but if he believed the word that'd got out, they might be seeing a northerner winning the big melee.

If Jon had made an impression on Lord Umber then it was safe to say that he'd done something impressive.

Him along with Rickard and two guards made their way towards the bank of the river they'd decided to rest near, he could already hear the booming voice of the Greatjon as they approached.

"Put ya back into it Greyjoy!" He heard Lord Umber bellow out.

Approaching the group, he noticed Theon currently sparring with Rickard's son, Torrhen. Everybody else was stood and sat around the pair looking on.

He shouldered his way in between Smalljon and his father, Greatjon look like he was about to shout at whoever was jostling him until he saw who it was.

"Lord Stark, come to show the young'uns how it's done?" Lord Umber japed as he grinned.

He chuckled at the bigger man's question, the Greatjon was always a joyous man to be around.

"Fortunately for them no, I've come to see if everybody is ready to get moving." He said as he looked around at all the people there. He noticed Jon who was having a conversation with Maege's daughter.

"Just about Lord Stark, just have to settle something that was said earlier today. Ser Wylis here reckons that son of yours isn't as good with a blade as everybody else reckons he is. He hasn't seen the lad fight but thinks he can take a green boy like him." Greatjon said. He got closer to his ear and whispered "Think you might wanna see this if you're looking for a laugh."

He looked up at the grinning giant of a man, he was quite excited to see if Jon had improved in his years away from home and the small delay was worth it in his eyes.

Greatjon turned to the two men fighting "Right you two, you've had your fun." He said as he declared the spar a draw "Someone here needs to put his money where his mouth is before we get going don't you Wylis?" Greatjon grinned at the Manderly knight.

With the looks of confusion around the group, Greatjon was the only one privy to Ser Wylis' claims.

Ser Wylis stood "Aye, let's get this over with. There's bigger game to be had at this tourney and I don't want to waste energy on green boys." He said as he took the blunted blade that Theon was holding.

Greatjon clapped his hands and rubbed them together "Remember the bet Wylis, I want my gold dragons after this." He said as he grabbed Torrhen's blunted blade.

"HA, good luck with that one Jon." Ser Wylis said as he twirled the blade, stretching his limbs to loosen up.

"Snow!" Greatjon bellowed as he walked towards Jon, he seemed confused at the older man. Once the blade was held out in front of him, he knew what was going down. "Don't let me down lad, got money riding on this."

There were a few snorts and chuckles around the group, seemingly realising what was about to happen Ned could feel a little excitement building in him as well.

"First one to yield loses." Greatjon said as both men moved into the middle.

Ser Wylis looked primed and ready for this spar but Jon, Jon looked disinterested, holding his blade low. "It'll be all over soon lad, maybe I'll take you on as a squire after, who knows." Ser Wylis said. Jon quirked an eyebrow at the older man but didn't reply, he just rolled his shoulders and nodded to Greatjon.

"Don't blink." Smalljon said to him as the two of them looked on.

He turned to the young man "Excuse me?" He asked.

Smalljon folded his arms, still looking on at the two men "I found out the hard way how good that son of your is." He said.

How good was he?

Very good it would turn out.

Jon had Ser Wylis on his back within ten seconds. The group around him were laughing along with Greatjon as Jon helped the large knight to his feet.

What had he just seen?

Claiming Jon was good with a sword in his hand would be an insult to the lad. Smalljon was right, blink and you'd miss it.

Everybody was up on their feet now, mulling around, preparing themselves for the continuation of their journey. Jon was receiving a few pats on the back as people passed him as he cleared up what was left of their makeshift sparring yard.

Greatjon Umber approached him and Rickard with a big smile "Think we might be in with a chance of winning the melee with your lad on board Lord Stark. He has a gift and I wish to exploit it HA!" He said as the three of them watched Jon walk towards the river to relieve himself.

"Has he urrr...has he got any plans for his future?" Greatjon said as he nodded towards Jon.

He shook his head "Not currently, no. I think having him squire for someone so he can become a knight seems a bit of a step down for the him, don't you?" He replied. He really did have to have a good think about what he could do for him now.

He could walk into any keep in the north and become their new master at arms in an instant with his level of skill.

Maybe he was destined to take over from Ser Rodrik, maybe Catelyn would have to begrudgingly get used to having Jon around.

His mind was running in circles, so many decisions had to be made and he was slowly running out of time to make them.

Rickard sniffed "He's gonna catch a few eyes at this tourney I reckon. Who knows, the white bull's getting old, this tournament is the perfect place to find a suitable replacement for Ser Gerold." He said.

His blood froze.

Greatjon chuckled "Don't let the white bull here you say that Karstark, he's old but he'll still whip you around HA."

A white blur out the corner of his eye caught the three men's attention, Jon's direwolf, Ghost, bounding across to his master with his tail wagging and a rabbit gripped in his jaw.

"Fuckin' scary how fast those things grow, nearly up to my bloody knees that wolf of his." Greatjon muttered, Rickard hummed in agreement.

"Wonder how Alys and Robb are getting on with the other five." Lord Karstark mused.

"Probably too busy doing other things eh Stark." Greatjon said as he nudged him in the shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Knock it off Umber." Rickard said in annoyance. Before any arguments could brew, Jon came walking up towards them with Ghost's fresh rabbit in his hand.

"What you got there, Snow?" Greatjon said as the four of them headed back towards retinue.

He nodded down at Ghost "This one's dinner. Spoilt little wolf wants me to skin it for him." He said as the white pup walked along with his tongue lolled out.

"Careful, he might expect it every time he catches owt. Next thing you know, he's dragging a buck carcass onto your lap HA." Greatjon replied as they finally made it back to their readied horses for the day.

Before Ned could say anything to Jon, Bran and Rickon came running towards them "Jon!" They both shouted as they knelt down in front of Ghost and started fussing over him.

"C'mon boys, you can help me skin this before we get moving." Jon said as he walked off with Bran and Rickon, Ghost playfully nipping at his leg.


4 days later...

Ser Edmure didn't like him, it was blatantly obvious with the looks he was sending his way. Ser Brynden, or the Blackfish as he was more commonly known, didn't like him either, but he was a lot better at hiding it than his nephew.

He wasn't naïve enough to not know why they disliked him.

Their arrival at Riverrun a few days ago wasn't very eventful, they arrived, they ate and settled down for the night. By the next morning, they were back on the road and on their way towards Harrenhal.

Jon had spent most of the time in the camp instead of the castle, it wasn't that he was afraid of how he would be received in the house of Lady Stark's family, he just spent his time with Ghost instead. And when the tents went up for the night and the camp was shrouded in darkness, he was able to sneak off and meet up with Kireina for a little bit as well.

The meeting between Ghost and Kireina was beyond comical. He feared Ghost would be rather scared of the mountain of power and magic, but no, he just wanted to play. And when Kireina deemed herself above such foolery, Ghost hiked up a leg and attempted to pee on her.

He'd never seen her move so fast.

Thankfully, Jon was there to play peacemaker and to prevent the white pup from becoming a pile of furry dust.

That had been a few days ago, now they were about an hour away from the tournament grounds. He could feel the excitement in the air as they passed the odd merchant here and there, hoping to get a head start on plying their wares on travellers.

He was currently riding side by side with Greatjon Umber, a man he'd managed to strike up an easy friendship with.

"So, we've got you and me, obviously. I'm struggling with the last two though. Ned left it up to me to decide the group so I'm not sure if he'd be interested. That's something you can ask I suppose." Lord Umber continued with the conversation they'd been having.

This melee was turning out to be the talk of the realm according to some people, lords were becoming increasingly competitive with the whole thing. Four fighters from each one of the different kingdoms would be competing in one huge fight to determine the best in the realm. Not only would they be rewarded with such a claim, the winning group would also receive a purse to share between the four of them and more importantly, profit their kingdom as a whole as the crown had announced that the winning kingdom would be devoid of tax for a moon's duration. That last prize was huge for all the lords.

The Crownland's team was already touted as the ones to beat, since the Kingsguard was to be fielded by the Crown along with the Crown Prince. Three Kingsguard and a man who had been trained by the sword in the morning himself was definitely nothing to take lightly.

The other kingdoms seemed to have kept their teams quiet however, even the Riverlands. Jon had overheard that Ser Edmure and the Blackfish would be part of their team but the other two members identities evaded him.

And now Lord Umber was trying to work out who would be joining both of them. He'd not even said he would like to compete, Greatjon hadn't really given him a choice and most people agreed with him after seeing Jon spar.

He looked across towards the giant lord "What about Ser Rodrik?" He asked.

Greatjon hummed and stroked his beard "That could work, the man is still sharp despite his age. I was thinking more along the lines of Ser Jorah, I imagine he would be the most determined to win out of the lot of us, can't be cheap having a wife with expensive tastes HA!" He said.

He shrugged "Why not both? Unless you can think of anybody else..." He replied. Ser Wylis might have been a choice if it wasn't for the humbling he'd received a few days ago. Dacey was also another good shout but she'd already said she would rather watch instead.

Greatjon reached over from his horse and clapped him on the back "I think we might have our team my friend."

"What's this?" He heard Lord Stark say as he trotted his horse next to Lord Umber's. He mentally sighed.

Greatjon sat up in his saddle when he saw the Lord of Winterfell "Lord Stark, me and your lad here were just deciding who was gonna be on the melee team." He said.

That seemed to perk the warden of the north up "Oh aye? Who've you decided on then?" He asked.

"Well, there's me obviously..." Lord Umber said as he grinned at his liege lord chuckled "...and then there's our secret weapon here." He said as he patted him on the back. He turned and smirked at the man but noticed behind him that Lord Stark's smile dropped slightly.

Now what?

"I didn't think you'd be that interested Jon?" Lord Stark said as Greatjon turned around.

"Are you kidding Ned? Your lad's our ticket to victory. There was no way I was letting him avoid this after seeing what he could do HA!" He said "Coupled with Ser Rodrik and Ser Jorah, I think we have a genuine shot. I've already spent my purse in my head HA!" Lord Umber finished as he clapped his uncle on the back, nearly knocking him off the horse in the process.

Lord Stark smiled back at Greatjon but it seemed a bit false in his eyes "Aren't the Crown fielding the Kingsguard?" He asked.

"Ah piss on that! We'll sort those tin pot knights out good and proper! They won't be able to deal with the northern storm coming their way HA!" Greatjon bellowed out. He looked at Jon with a smirk "Some might say a snowstorm is coming their way." The giant lord japed.

He rolled his eyes but grinned at the older man's jokes.

He turned his head when he heard the galloping of a horse, two horses in fact. Ser Edmure and Ser Brynden approached Lord Stark's side, not without the younger of the two shooting a glare his way.

Carry on, little man. He thought to himself. He'd done nothing but glare at him ever since they'd joined the retinue. He would have no problem showing Ser Edmure up in the melee if the two of them ever met in it, and with how much of a hard on the man seemed to have for him, he reckoned the chances of that happening were rather high.

"Lord Stark." Ser Bryden spoke up as they trotted side by side with him "This is where we go our separate ways my lord. The Riverlands camp has already been established and we must see to our own people." The Blackfish explained.

Ned nodded to the two men "Of course my lord, I imagine we'll see each other again soon. Edmure." Lord Stark said as he clapped Ser Brynden on the back and nodded to his brother-in-law. With one last glare from the both of them, the two Tullys galloped off supposedly in the direction of their camp.

"They don't keep their dislike of you very hidden do they lad HA!" Greatjon said when the two men were out of listening distance.

He shrugged his shoulders "Eh, its whatever. Take a bit more than two fishy little idiots to get to me." He said. Greatjon laughed at that.

"Jon." Lord Stark seemed to say in a warning tone.

"Hmm?" He replied as they trotted towards their designated area to set up camp, a lush green field just on the bank of the God's Eye. In the distance he could see a large camp, a couple of Tully banners indicating that it was the Riverlands camp.

He turned in his saddle and noticed Lord Stark was just looking at him, he quirked his eyebrow and the man just shook his head and sighed.

Greatjon made him jump when he bellowed out after they finally stopped "RIGHT YOU SORRY LOT! LET'S GET THIS CAMP SET UP SO I CAN GET PISSED HAHA!"

Everyone seemed to move a little faster after that, moving to erect the tents that were needed for everyone, people laughing and japing whilst getting on with their jobs.

There was a feel good atmosphere within the northern camp.

He took one last look at Lord Stark before moving into the camp to set his own tent up, Ghost darting past everyone with his tongue hanging out, clearly in a playful mood again.

This tourney had the potential to be very messy, in more ways than one. He thought amusingly as he approached the spot that Ghost had clearly chosen for him to set his tent

Something I can leave you with though is the teams that I've come up with, obviously I'm open to ideas but this is what I've come up with so far:


Jon Snow

Greatjon Umber

Ser Rodrik Cassel

Ser Jorah Mormont


The Blackfish

Ser Edmure Tully

Jason Mallister

Tytos Blackwood


Ser Lyn Corbray

Bronze Yohan Royce

Ser Andar Royce

Ser Mandon Moore


Victarion Greyjoy

Asha Greyjoy

Ser Harras Harlaw

Andrik the Unsmiling


Ser Gregor Clegane

Sandor Clegane

Ser Lyle Crackhall

Ser Preston Greenfield


Prince Aegon Targaryen

Ser Arthur Dayne

Ser Loras Tyrell

Ser Jaime Lannister


Brienne Of Tarth

Ser Balon Swann

Ser Cortnay Penrose

Beric Dondarrion


Ser Garlan Tyrell

Ser Arys Oakheart

Ser Baelor Hightower

Ser Tanton Fossoway


Prince Oberyn Martell

Ser Gerold Dayne

Ser Daemon Sand

Obara Sand

Again, ideas and suggestions are welcome :)

Pantless_Ninjacreators' thoughts
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