
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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132 Chs

The Obligatory Fluff


Catelyn and Lysa will be OOC, Changes will be made for the sake of Redheads, there will be fluff, you've been warned.


(Catelyn Tully POV, Riverrun)

The past few weeks had been some of the most peculiar in her life, not since her mother's death had she felt such a sudden shift in the air around her. Riverrun had somehow come alive from the melancholy that had spread since her brother's death.

She couldn't help but send a smile to the man that she owed this change to, Erlend. She found herself around him whenever she wasn't administrating her fiefdom. Constantly telling him stories of her childhood and listening to his own. Giving him all she could about the history of her House and that and of Riverrun.

He listened aptly to all of them, and much to her surprise she realized that Erlend was quite interested in the history of the Riverlands and the Houses that ruled it. There were times he sat there listening to her opinions and thoughts on both the present Lords and those belonging to the past. Learning about the rise of the ill-fated royal houses, the numerous civil wars, the squabbling between petty kings, and the rebellions led against tyrants ranging from Storm Kings, Gardeners, Lions, and Reavers.

Whilst on other times they would discuss the actions of their predecessors, and how different things would've gone if they took an alternate approach. How they could've done better and what they did well.

It became increasingly difficult for her not to admire the handsome young Lord. She had been quite taken with him when she first laid her eyes on him. Making the fierce Brandon and the Dour Eddard pale in comparison, something she couldn't help but inwardly think.

What genuinely raised her opinion of him was his intellect, while he had an impressive physique, it was his intelligence that piqued her interest. After it wasn't all that hard to find a martial man in Westeros, but one that thought things through and used his mind was rare, and no she didn't mean the old geezers in their fancy towers.

Their conversations had spanned numerous topics, such as the history of both their houses, plans to ensure the Riverlands thrived, and Change.

The more they spent time with each other the more she found herself enamored with the young Mudd.

The Lady of the Riverrun's eyes stared at the courtyard as Erlend fought his Guards in a deadly dance of steel, never faltering once. Of course, how could she forget that he certainly was easy on the eyes?

"Catelyn!" She turned to see her sister calling her.

"Lysa, what is it?" While her tone wasn't harsh, there was some steel in it, as she narrowed her eyes at her sister.

They had both known Catelyn's plan concerning Erlend, yet the little witch dared to try and turn his attention to herself.

While she had not been worried about Lysa stimulating his intellectual interest, that didn't mean she couldn't try other less subtle methods to gain his attention, much to Catelyn's annoyance.

She had tried the same with Petyr, though that ended up in smoke, she had no clue what happened between the two, but the sheer vitriol in her sister's eyes when their former foster brother was mentioned was enough to send shivers down her spine.

"Ser Utherydes requested for you, something about deserters being caught" Lysa said.

"I see, I'll head there immediately" Not before sending a quick glare at her sister who didn't even bother to hide her smirk as she head straight to watch Erlend.

'I need to make a move fast, before Lysa does something foolish' Not willing to allow her sister to get one over her, not when it came to Erlend.

(Lorimas POV, Gates of the Moon)

"Lord Mudd, Welcome to the Gates of the Moon" Ser Nestor nodded his head respectfully.

Beside's him little Mya holding a large bouquet, a large toothy grin on her face. Lormias wouldn't admit it but he found the sight adorable. He couldn't help but sight inwardly, why couldn't Erlend ever act as adorably when he was a child?

Bending down, he took the offered bouquet, staring at it thoughtfully before grabbing Mya and giving her a fierce hug, and mussing her hair into an unkempt mess.

The little girl squealed in shock and joy as her adoptive father proceeded to swing her in circles.

They were interrupted by an amused cough from Nestor "I hate to interrupt this moment my Lord, but Lady Dalia is waiting for you". Freezing Lorimas in his tracks.

"Wait… Dalia's here" The pale look in Lormias's eye told Nestor all he needed to know about who ran the relationship between the two.

"Indeed, I assumed Lord Erlend would've informed you" The little shit, for 2 decades he'd raised him and this is how he repaid him, by throwing him to wolves, Lorimas cursed inwardly.

"Come on Daddy, Mommy said she had a special surprise for you" Ah, he could melt from the sweetness of her tone, on one hand from Mya's tone his wife had certainly been taken by the little child, on the other hand, he couldn't help but start sweating, wondering what he brought upon himself.

Think of the Devil and they shall appear, a soft yet frightening voice spoke up "Indeed my Dear Husband, I have quite the surprise planned, after all, it wouldn't be fair if you're the only one giving them…"

Lorimas slowly turned and stared at the beautiful form of his beloved wife, while her smile was warm, her eyes sent shivers down his spine.

He could only say one thing "Shit."

"Shit!" Little Mya immediately parroted.

"Mercy…" Lormias Squeaked.

(Lysa Tully POV, Riverrun)

"The smallfolk have taken quite a liking to you" She said with a coy tone.

"Perhaps, though they might just be glad the war is at an end" Erlend hummed.

"Perhaps, but I am inclined to believe they can judge your character quite well"

The both of them had been riding through the wilderness around Riverrun, occasionally making stops through the various minor settlements close by.

She had taken advantage of the fact that her Sister would be busy with the administrative portion and had convinced Erlend to take a ride with her. The mere thought of one-upping Catelyn had brought no small joy to her.

While she loved her Sister dearly, she couldn't help but take immense satisfaction from beating her prim and proper sister.

Despite understanding the fact that Catelyn had been forced to grow up prematurely thanks to their mother's death, that didn't change the fact that bouts of jealousy would occasionally overtake Lysa.

It was hard not to when everyone always talked about Catelyn this and Catelyn that, how great she was at this, or how she was the perfect lady, it would grate on anyone's nerves when you're constantly compared to your sibling.

They continued to ride until they finally made it back to Riverrun, their guards only a distance away from them. Throughout the ride, she and Erlend would have small talk, make jokes or simply be at ease with each other's presence.

Lysa certainly hoped they did, having come to genuinely like the young Lord, as they spent more time with each other these past few weeks, she didn't want to lose out on the chance of being with someone like him.

Not after the Petyr fiasco, the little weasel dared to consistently call out Catelyn's name while he was groping her, even after she intended to give her maidenhood to him. After the drunkard had done it the 7th time, she had enough and called the guards to throw him out of her room before they could go any further.

It was in the following days, she would realise how much the little shit had been using her and her family to raise himself, while that was to be expected of a minor noble, it didn't make it any less painful considering their shared childhood.

Her father though hadn't taken kindly to his ward attempting to get handsy with his youngest daughter and an apparent attempt to seduce his eldest. It didn't help Petyr when he tried to duel Brandon Stark for Catelyn's hand.

With that being the last straw on her father's patience, he forcefully ended Petyr's wardship and had Uncle Brynden escort the little shit back to the shithole that was his home.

Lysa for her part had to deal with vicious rumors and whispers of her being a harlot, no doubt petty vengeance from Petyr for her role in having him thrown out. This ironically brought her and Catelyn closer, though there was doubt between the two, that Lysa fully intended to pursue Erlend.

As she stared at the broad back of the man she quickly found herself falling for, plans amongst plans ran amok within her mind, all centered around getting his attention solely for herself.

She deserved a bit of happiness after the nonsense she had to deal with, and gods be damned she would get it.