
ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

(Important: For early access to arcs and other interesting works, make sure to join 'the Den of Fics' using the code 'denoffanfics' on Discord) "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Those were the words of a very suspicious but quite calm old man. What killed me? Was it a shot to the head from a burglary gone wrong? did I suddenly develop powers that stimulated my body to the point of death? Or had covid finally gotten to me after months of paranoid isolation? ‘No, apparently it was a heart attack according to the old geezer in front of me’. Join our unfortunate MC, as he tackles the mystery that is life, save an ungrateful world and hopefully find love along the way. (Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin, aside from my OC.)

FitzMagna · Book&Literature
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128 Chs

Kings, Merchants, Playboys and Dragonslayers... Oh My!

(??? POV, ???)

ASOIAF or Planetos as Fanon preferred to call it, was an incredibly dangerous place, both for the nobility and commoners alike. Granted, one could argue that being a commoner within any of the continents was practically a death sentence, and they would be quite right. You could only hope that your liege or the magisters were a somewhat decent lot, otherwise, you'd be quite screwed, literally if you end up their preferred gender.

Being a royal, if a somewhat exiled one, was still better than being a commoner. At least I had a questionable status to fall back on, that and a rather large army. Who knew that lineage mattered so much in this backwater globe?

House Mudd as one can tell, survived, unlike in the prime timeline, Tristifer the Last was not well… the last. Instead, he had a younger sibling, named Lucas Mudd who he had smuggled out by trusted retainers and escaped to the Summers Isle with a suitable portion of the kingdom treasury, to be taken in and protected by an oath-sworn brother of his father Tristfer IV 'The Hammer of Justice'.

The exiled Royal House for the next few centuries would find itself exploring the vast globe that was Plaentos, unable to return to Westeros as the Andals became too established and ingrained within the ruling body and eventually the common population.

House Mudd would not be left destitute by its exiled status, rather a few of the more shrewd descendants would end up using the gold they inherited to purchase precious gemstones, spices, and wood from the summer Isles and trade them throughout Essos, establishing themselves as one of the foremost merchant houses within Essos.

Eventually, the more martial descendants would end up within the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, having befriended the then-reigning Scarlet emperors and establishing themselves as loyal generals and retainers, rising to the status of Greater Nobility, gaining them a rather sizable territory from which they ruled over.

This would be the norm the for nearly a millennia until the death of Lu Bo, the last Scarlet Emperor, alongside him would perish a significant portion of the adults within House Mudd, leading to its decline as it struggled to survive under the eyes of ambitious vultures and warlords that sought to use it as a stepping stone during the reign of the following dynasties.

House Mudd would see its status rise again under the reign of the Maroon Dynasty, being far better suited to its martial court in comparison to their more bureaucratic counterparts, this would be its undoing as centuries later when the founder of the yellow dynasty, a sorcerer would successfully plot the death of the than child emperor.

While much of the imperial court would be cowed by the might of this foul sorcerer, the then head of the house Mudd would refuse and attempt to avenge the death of his nephew, leading to his death and subsequent exile of House Mudd from Yi Ti.

It would only be during the rise of the Azure emperor would this exile be rescinded and their status as Greater Nobility of Yi Ti would be restored, though no Mudd would opt to return to Yi Ti.

During the reign of the Yellow Dynasty ruled, House Mudd would find itself besieged by all sides, with assassins being sent from all over the globe. From the east, Yellow sycophants and loyalists would attempt to end the remaining descendants of the Maroon dynasty to raise favor with the Yellow dynasty.

From the west, the Valyrians sought to use the powerful magical bloodline found within House Mudd to power their blood rituals, and further west the Andal and Andalized houses such as the Justmans and Teagues sought to force marriage upon House Mudd, in their intent to legitimize their bids to claim the Riverlands with the Durrandons being the most persistent.

Frankly, it disturbed him just how far these assassinations and marriage proposes went, if they failed in one, they'd go for the other, to ensure House Mudd would present no threat to their rule. It had developed to the point that several scholarly members of his house would go so far as to document them and place them within their periods.


[Mudd Time Periods:]

- The First Exile

- The Commerce Era

- The First Golden Era

- The Great Decline

- The Second Golden Era

- The Second Exile

- The Century of Blood

- The Reconciliation


Ironically, House Justman a union between a blackwood and a bracken would be the only successful royal house to wed a Mudd outside of the Maroon Dynasty during this tumultuous period which brought great legitimacy to their already solid rule over the Riverlands, though this would be destroyed a century later thanks to the actions of Qhored Hoare.

The last unconfirmed Justman, Lucifer Justman 'The Unsuccesful' would later marry into the Mudd bloodline, after his brief yet inglorious reign as River King, uniting both recognized first man and Andal claims to the Riverlands, one that would plague the later teague royal line throughout their turbulent reign.

It would be during the century of blood, that House Mudd would find itself on the rise, regaining a portion of the vast wealth it used to hold now that it no longer had to flee the pursuit of the persistent Valyrian sorcerers and Westrosi nobility.

Some of the more outlandish rumors in regards to the doom of Valyria would claim that the Aryan 'Dragonslayer' Mudd played a key role in the doom, going so far as to claim a deal was made with R'hllor the fire god to agitate the fourteen flames; citing his role in the slaughter of surviving dragonlords within the free cities as evidence. These claims would later be thrown out due to lack of any real evidence and the fact that no Mudd lay worship to the infamous fire god thereafter.

During Aegon's Conquest, there was speculation on whether the Conqurer would restore House Mudd as rulers of the Riverlands, citing their brief interaction during the burning of the Volantene fleet, yet this was largely put down after the raising of House Tully.

Like its predecessors House Tully sought the hand of females members of House Mudd, seeking to gain legitimacy through the strong claim they held, owed to its previous reign as River Kings as well as the much beloved Justman claim that it carried, ultimately failing due to a lack of female Mudds to wed.

Notable Marriages to House Mudd after the conquest would be Princess Viserra's marriage to Edger Mudd 'The Spirited' after she chose to flee her betrothal to Theomore Manderly, it was well known that the pair would invite many women to their bed-chambers, their most notable lover being her sister Princess Saera Targaryen.

Another marriage would be that of Celia Tully who after being spurned by Prince Jaehaerys for his sister, would end up falling in love and wedding Tristifer Mudd, the then heir to House Mudd, gaining House Tully both mockery and respect from the River Lords.

House Arryn, a former enemy of the Mudds would end up reconciling after the wedding of Lady Aemma Arryn to my father John Mudd, my mother was the younger sister of Jon Arryn and younger twin to Alys Arryn. Lorimas Mudd, John's brother would wed Lady Dalia Mallister, partially bringing House Mudd into the fold.

"Lenny, don't tell me you're meditating again, come on lad you need to eat more" exclaimed a rather large figure, he had light copper skin, brown hair, and piercing brown eyes.

Broken from my thoughts on the history of my House, I turned to my uncle with bemusement choosing to simply raise my eyebrows rather than respond.

This was a rather normal moment, considering his general attitude to anything resembling patience, 'After all, why wait when you cant eat' was a common saying, it was a miracle he hadn't ended up fat, though Aunt Dalia didn't help the matter, what with her overly mothering behavior.

After a quiet moment, I finally broke my silence "I'm quite sure you consume more than enough for the two of us, dear uncle".

His response was to let out a bellowing chuckle at my rather dry comment, having long gotten used to it.

They would be interrupted by the appearance of a comely woman, she had brown hair and fierce blue-grey eyes, according to his uncle when he was drunk she was what his good uncle Lord Jason Mallister would be like if he had tits and looked pretty. Though it would often end up with him sleeping in the stables shortly after that.

"You two better not be thinking about sparring, the cooks took quite a bit of effort into this meal, so you best both get ready to eat" She gave me a motherly smile and stern glare at her husband, though the twinkle in her eye betrayed her amusement at our interaction.

Wisely, we chose to follow her as she left for supper, lest we invite her wrath. As for the household guard within the area, they could only stare in amusement at the odd dynamic my small family had.