

White Room,????

As for my powers let's choose…,


Blood magic: Blood magic involves the sacrifice of both animals and humans for enhancing anyone to cursing anyone. Also enables to form blood contracts/pact among people only.

Necromancy: The ability to raise and manipulate the dead, and store them in the shadow of the user. The said undead and only bring out half of its capabilities.

Aeromancy: The ability to manipulate air freely and feel the air to a great extent.


Well, these abilities seem fine, with blood magic I could trust someone in that scheming world and I could kill someone in a distance with air magic. No need to dirty my hands and it is discreet too, compared to fire. But isn't fire a weakness to those zombies …, well whatever.


After confirming the abilities I suddenly felt relieved all over my body. It was like holding your piss for a long time and reliving it..., Haaaahhhhh.

The moment I opened my eyes I was once again in Winterfell. It was good as I chose aeromancy since a burnt body reduces the effect of returns from blood magic.

I then watched Benjen Stark of the Night's Watch, and his so-called father's ward, Theon Greyjoy entering the hall. Benjen gave me a warm smile as he went by.

Something rubbed against his leg beneath the table. He had a slight panic attack as he saw red eyes staring up at him. It was Jon's pet dire wolf. He took a chicken from the center of the table, tore off a leg and gave to it as he watched the pup go back to eating its chicken.

The knowledge of blood magic was present in my mind like a movie watched recently. I couldn't feel any dark aura nor any necromancy wisdom, as I was about to try and manipulate the air,

"Is this one of the dire wolves I've heard so much of?" a voice asked close at hand. It was Benjen Stark looking at me eagerly expecting an answer.

'Yeah, yes …, it's my …., pet wolf'

"Does it have a name"

'A name huh, yes its …., Whitey'

"You are not good at naming it seems Jon" saying that he started to laugh.

Shit what kind of name is Whitey, I couldn't remember its original name, what was it again. I started to anxiously laugh to meet the pace of Benjen.

"There are still dire wolves beyond the Wall. We hear them on our ranging's." Benjen Stark gave me a long look before saying "Don't you usually eat at table with your brothers?"

Yeah, just now I noticed why I was sitting at the back of the table, maybe Jon was a shy person like me in front of guests. As I was silent without responding to him,

"Must be Lady Stark huh, my brother also does not seem very festive tonight."

After saying that and exchanging some more pleasantries to which I gave him an answer in nod or a few, he was deep in drinking the fifth round of the summer wine. Staying there for a while I excused myself to find a suitable place for trying some air magic.

Whitey followed close at his heels, out into the night.

The yard was quiet and empty. A lone sentry stood high on the battlements of the inner wall; his cloak pulled tight around him against the cold. He looked bored and miserable as he huddled there alone.

I found an abandoned holdfast once, a drear place where nothing moved but the wind and the stones kept silent about whatever people had lived there.

The sounds of music and some unknown ramblings spilled through the open windows behind him.

"Boy," a voice called out to him as he turned to see Tyrion Lannister in flesh, he liked that man a lot in the show for his snarky and witty responses. He was sitting on the ledge above the door to the Great Hall, looking for all the world like a gargoyle. The dwarf grinned down at him. "Is that animal a wolf?"

'A dire wolf, his name is Whitey.' He stared up at me in surprise,

"Great naming sense, I assume"

'I get that a lot, what are you doing up there? Why aren't you at the feast?"

"Too hot, too noisy, and I'd drunk too much wine, I learned long ago that it is considered rude to vomit on your brother. Might I have a closer look at your wolf?"

'Sure, go ahead', as he reached to pet the wolf, Whitey backed away from him uncertainly.

The dwarf dusted himself off and laughed. "I believe I've frightened your wolf. My apologies."

'I think he could see through your human transformation, you use to hide your demon form, in the tales of the" Imp the Demon" maybe that's why he is frightened.'

After staring at me for a while he busted laughing, "That's a new one boy".

"Anyways, I am Tyrion Lannister."

'I know,' Jon said. He rose. Standing, he was taller than the dwarf. It made him feel strange.

"You're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you?"

'That's how I go by, its pleasure meeting you lord dwarf'

"Should I feel offended?", the Lannister said

'Did you?',

"No, but let me give you some counsel, bastard," Lannister said. "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you."

'Speaking from experience, I suppose?',

With a small nod "You never know", then with a rueful grin. "Remember this boy, all dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs." And with that he turned and sauntered back into the feast, whistling a tune. When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a full-grown man.

Now I stood there all alone and decided to try my air magic.

I brought my hands forward facing some large stones and tried to move it, but nothing happened for a while. I once again tried, but it felt like something was blocking me internally, it was like trying to say something to your friend and then suddenly forgetting what you wanted to say.

I did some jumping, relaxing my shoulders and once again tried hard to do it, but this time something did happen.

[Insufficient Magic]

[Substituting Magic with Life Force]

The large stone, like a small meteor that crashed with the nearby wall and the area surrounding me with center, was fully scattered like a barren land, which was caused due to a helicopter trying to land on the ground.

Now this is bad, I still don't know how much of life force is used, but I should stop relying on life force, since in many cases anybody who usually uses this, tends to be suicidal.

I thought it said there were no side effects, what kind of bullshit is this,

I need an alternative …, Magic …, I need magic, as soon as I said that, a blood ritual came to my mind to obtain magic.

With a heavy sigh…, 'How the heck am I going to kill someone?'

I wanted to choose these abilities for my character, with taking in account his personality, so don't bother too much on the choices.

Have a nice day

Sundar_Vijaycreators' thoughts
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