
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Into The Dawn

 *seven years later* 

Since the Pevensies have been crowned everything is going well. Narnia has been very peaceful, much like it was before the white witch ruled. It was a pleasant afternoon so the four siblings decided to go out riding. Having my duties I decided to stay home. "don't be out too long will you, it's been quite cold these past few nights"  Edmund rolled his eyes "do you ever stop worrying?"  "I'm your guardian, it's my job to worry"  Peter put his arm around my shoulder "we'll be fine, it's just for a few hours"   I sighed "fine. but please don't be late"  Susan smiled "I'll make sure we're not, Y/N" she hugged me and I stepped back. The four of them mounted and with one last wave, I watched them ride into the forest, chasing each other and laughing. I sighed and returned to the study and worked into the afternoon. The sun was sinking into the sky, painting the horizon a deep orange they should be back by now. I reached the front gates and asked the guards whether they had seen them. They furrowed their brows and shook their heads. My stomach filled with worry.  "well, keep a lookout" I told them "if they're not back by dark, send a party."  The Pevensies were the closest thing I had to family, apart from Aslan and the beavers. I couldn't afford to lose them. Besides, as their guardian, it would be my head if they were missing. 

*later that evening*

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND THEM!?" I was tired, stressed and worried. The palace has been looking for the four royals for the past 6 hours and it was as if they'd disappeared into thin air. "we've looked everywhere ma'am, there's no sign of them". I sighed and sank into a chair. "but they can't just vanish" I looked at the map of Narnia laid out on the table. where are you?  I closed my eyes for a moment, to clear my mind. don't give up on them, Y/N. keep your hope. "fine. stop the search. for now. but double the guards tonight. none of you sleep until the High Kings and Queens are found." little did I know, that the guards wouldn't be sleeping for a very long time... 

A/N That's it! (for now...) HOLY MOLY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE! JEEZUS! but it's here! 

I am considering writing a sequel, but I'm gonna take a break from Narnia for now, and write a different story from one of my fandoms (check the list in my profile if you don't know them)  I hope you stick around to read that one, as I am SUPER grateful for all of you xx Thanks for sticking through my TERRIBLE upload timing, and I promise that the next one will be better. I hope you all have a great rest of the week and chapter one of the new book will be out soon!

Love you all and goodbye for now,

Immy xoxo