
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs


I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The air was cool and crisp like a damp flannel on a hot day. I stretched, being careful not to wake Lucy and Susan, who was sleeping peacefully and swung my legs out of bed. I padded up and down the tent a few times, thoughts running through my head. something just wasn't right. the witch just wouldn't ket Edmund go that easily. Aslan must have done something. a rustling noise broke me from my thoughts. I looked at the entrance of my tent, and a dark shape slid past. Aslan. Hastily, I pulled my cloak around me and snuck out of the tent I followed Aslan, a few steps away and the trees shielded me, keeping me in the darkness. something snagged my cloak and I looked around to see the freckled face of Lucy looking up at me "Lucy! what are you doing!?" I hissed. she let go of my cloak and looked into the dark trees. I sighed "Susan, I know you're in there"  Susan stepped out from behind the trees and smiled awkwardly "you saw Alsan too huh" I nodded "something's wrong, I know it."  "are you three quite finished?" the boom of Aslan's voice made me jump, and he chuckled softly "you're supposed to be in bed" "just a little further," Lucy said hopefully "please, sir"   "alright, I could use the company". We walked in silence till we reached a clearing. "I must take the rest of this journey alone."  "But Aslan-"  "I'm sorry. Y/N, you must go too"  I looked into his eyes. I didn't want to leave him "you have to trust me. this must be done. Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy and farewell." Before he could go any further, I hugged him tightly around his neck "please don't go." tears filled my eyes  "be safe, my sun." I let go, and watched him leave before returning to camp with Susan and lucy.

-Later that night-

"The great cat is dead!" the horrible crowd cheered in victory and I screamed out in pain. "Y/N. where's your master now?" the witch's eyes were filled with malice and cruelty.

I jolted awake, sobbing silently into the night. he's gone. The wind picked up. I walked to the edge of the tent and whispered into the air. "spread the news. Aslan is dead. The war is at dawn."

A/N thank you so much for sticking out, I've just been overwhelmed with schoolwork. I have no clue how this blew up, but I appreciate every single one of you for choosing to read my book. Immy xoxo