
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Final Sacrifice

TW: Violence

This is it. He's gone. And there's nothing I can do about it. All I can do is fight in his name. The sun was just beginning to rise as I came out of my tent, my breath clouding the air in front of me. I made my way around the back of Aslan's tent, and I could hear Peter talking to someone. I stopped and listened closer. "you heard that messenger. he's gone." he said sadly "then you'll lead us." The other voice, Edmund spoke up "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you." "I can't" Peter's voice was filled with stress and worry  "Aslan believed you could, and so do I"  "you can take my word too," I said entering the tent to see Peter in front of a table with a map of Narnia laid out with Edmund and Orius standing next to him. Peter looked up and smiled. "the witch's army is near in sight. what are your orders?"

The gryphons were scouting the battlefield, making sure that our army was ready and in position. I was with Peter and Orius, waiting for their return.  "they come to your highness! in numbers far greater than our own" I turn to Orius "numbers do not win a battle."  "no, but I bet they help." I smiled to myself. at least Peter hasn't lost his sense of humour. We all looked to the horizon, the witch's army was coming into view from behind the hill on the other side.  Peter looks to me and I nod. It's time. We both unsheathed our swords and raised them to the sky. Our army mirrors our movement and cheer. Horns were blown signalling the beginning of the war. The witch's army advanced. Peter swung his sword forward, a sign for the gryphons to begin their attack. They fly to the witches side and dropped boulders. the plan went well, till the witch's archers shot them down. Peter looked to Orius. "are you with me?" He asked "to the death. " Orius replied. Peter turned to me "are you?" "forever," I say smiling.


Both our horses plus Oreius charge towards the enemy, our army not far behind. In the centre, the two sides clashed together. I start killing off some minotaurs and centaurs, defending attacks with branches and vines. Both armies were already losing a lot of people, but the witch still had the majority. As the battle progressed, Edmund sent sown the troop of Pheonix's too light a  trail of fire, separating the witch from us. It worked for a while before the witch herself blasted through it. Peter looked to me before turning to the others  "FALL BACK! DRIVE THEM TO THE ROCKS!" I followed Peter, sending sparks into the air with my wand. The archery group saw my signal and opened fire, the arrows soaring across the mountains. I was sticking to Peter when his horse was shot down. He flew forward and landed on his back, knocking off his helmet. "PETER!" I ran to him and struggled to help him up "you're not dying on me that easily." "glad to know you care."  Orius and a Rhino galloped past "STOP! IT'S TO DANGEROUS!" my efforts fell on deaf ears. Oerius jumped, swinging fro the witch's head but she dodged it, stabbing him in the stomach, turning him to stone. Two gryphons attempted to attack the witch, but they too were turned to stone and exploded into pieces. Peter pulled me close and shielded both of us as the chunks of stone fell. Peter turned back to Edmund "EDMUND! THERE'S TOO MANY, TAKE THE GIRLS AND GET THEM HOME" he yelled to his brother "I'll go, you need to stand the ground here." "Y/N-" "Go!" I made my way towards Edmund, who was battling the witch. Edmund was tired and getting weaker by the second. The witch struck him down the hilt of her sword and took her chance. She raised her wand "NO!" I ran to Edmund holding out my hand in mercy. The magical object made contact with my fingertips and a cold feeling ran through my body. 

Peter's POV

"Y/N NO!" Her face lost its colour, turning to stone. Ed recovered, and struck out. I heard the shattering of glass and a blue ripple ran across the battlefield. he'd broken the Witch's sceptre. I fought my way to them and knocked the broken sceptre out of her hand. She quickly picked up another sword along with the other one she had in her hand. She struck out, her moves strong we fought back and forth. I was beginning to tire, but I couldn't stop. The frozen figure of Y/N  still in the corner of my eye pushed me forward. There was a thunderous roar from above us. On a cliff stood Aslan, Susan and Lucy, along with more troops "impossible" the witch breathed. The army charged;  Aslan leading the attack. The witch went for him, leaving me. Aslan leapt, knocking the witch. I turned away, not wanting to see her end. It was over. "Y/N, we won-" I looked only to be painfully reminded Susan and Lucy ran to us " my heart was breaking. I ran to the statue and cupped her face in my hands "please Y/N. I can't lose you. Be strong. Please ." Her face stayed still. Lucy burst into tears and wrapped her arms around the stone Y/N's waist and sobbed Susan had silent tears running down her face, her hand on my shoulder Ed dropped his head in defeat  "She sacrificed herself for Edmund." I say, my voice breaking   "a true act of bravery." Aslan approached we looked to Aslan "please, Aslan. do something " Aslan turned to the stone Y/N and pressed he forehead against hers. He stepped back. The grey started fading from her hands, then her armour regained its shine. She blinked, and gasped,  breathless "Y/N!" Lucy held her tight "oh Lucy! Susan!" She embraced both sisters, crying with relief  "don't do that ever again"  Edmund smiled at her his voice shaky with joy "then don't go fighting a witch alone"  she looked me in the eyes "are those tears Pevensie? for me?" "yous seriously sacred me you should've-" She cut me off hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on her head "you were so brave."  "you and ea great sacrifice fro them Y/N" Y/N raised her head to speak to Aslan "they would've done the same for me. " "now I do believe there's a coronation we need to organise " Y/N laughed in delight hugging Aslan.  I admired her, and couldn't help but smile. 

A/N awww now that's a happy ending. Wonder why they didn't kiss?... read on dear reader, read on...

Immy xoxo