
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs


I'd caught up with Susan and Lucy, who was at the archery range. Susan had already strung her bow and was about to fire. "Wait! Hold on!" I ran as fast as I could across the grass until I reached the two of them "what is it Y/N?" Susan asked, a little annoyed that I'd stopped her.

 "you can't train like that" Susan frowned, a little confused. I grabbed another bow and set of arrows "you need competition" I grin at her. we both strung our bows " elbow up. pull it right back" Susan looked at me," I thought this was a competition?"  "oh! right, sorry"  I focused my attention to my own target and shot my arrow. It landed square in the middle. "that's not fair, you've had practice" Lucy whined from the bank she was sat on. "you're right Lucy, it wasn't fair. But let's give Susan a chance" Susan fired her own arrow, and it missed the bullseye by a few centimetres  "not bad for your first try." "there's hope for you yet" I joke. Susan and I exchanged smiles "can I have a go?" "sure lucy. you can use your dagger."  Lucy ran to my side and eagerly pulled out her dagger "okay, focus on the middle. don't take your eyes off it. and when you're ready, throw it!" Lucy squinted a little, before throwing the blade with all her might. It landed straight in the middle "bullseye!" I cry in laughter, and Lucy grinned in triumph. I heard the sound of hooves, and touched Susan on the arm "I'm going to check on Peter and Edmund, I'll see you later." She nodded and strung another arrow. I ran over the rocks and clambered to a better view. I watched the two brothers battle. " Sword up, Ed like Orieus showed us," Peter said  "I hope you're not going to be that bossy on the battlefield" I call from my perch "Oh! Hullo Y/N"  "Hello Edmund. You're looking good, you must be fast learners." I slid down the face of the rock, and the two boys brought their horses over to the rocks "but, I think I'm just that little bit better" "oh really?" "yes, really" "I'd like to see you go against me" "Is that a challenge Peter?" "I dare say it is Y/N" "alright. Edmund. Can I borrow your sword?" Edmund handed me his sword and Peter got off his horse, drawing his own blade "are you sure you want to do this?" I straightened up, levelling the weapon. "more than sure." "alright. en gaurde Pevensie!" we went back and forth, equally matched Peter occasionally lashing out and I cleanly dodging "come on Peter throw her off!" Edmund yelled from the grass. I turned to hear what he was saying, and Peter took his chance. He swung, the blade barely missing my face. but I clutched my cheek and staggered back. "Y/N!" he ran over, dropping his guard I looked away sobbing "I- I'm sorry- I didn't mean- it was an accident"He touched my cheek, trying to see the damage. Quick as a flash, I grabbed his sword, throwing him off balance. Peter fell back, and I pressed both blades to his throat, panting "Rule number one, never let your guard down." I flipped the bald around, handle facing PeterEdmund helped him to his feet, and took back his own sword. "don't worry" I say, patting his shoulder "I won't tell Orieus that you were beaten by a girl."  Peter laughed quietly, trying to catch his breath. Beaver ran over, causing Edmund's horse to rear up and whinney. Edmund ran over to control the steed "whoah horsey" "my name is Phillip." The horse remarked, annoyed. "oh. sorry"  "The white witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan!" Mr Beaver exclaimed "she's come for Edmund," I say to Peter concerned "what?" Edmunds's voice was high with fear. I look at him, comfort in her eyes. "It's okay, I'm not letting you go anywhere, and neither is your brother. Right, Peter? I turn to him. "Let's just hear what she has to say first." "you better get your sisters," said Mr Beaver "she's on her way now!"