
Ashura Path

The City of Koryuu is full of Thugs and Delinquents too many to even count them all, whether they act by themselves or with gangs. This attracts those who are looking for revenge, those with an obsession with violence, those with power beyond normal human capabilities. This is their battleground. --------------------- I do not own History's Strongest Disciple and Kengan Asura

TheWatcher2004 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The Grandmasters

Ohma entered through the front door beside Kenichi. The peaceful aura of the dojo was in contrast to Kenichi who was freaking out every moment. The Elder led them inside deeper and with every moment anticipation in Ohma's heart just grew bigger.

'I got you now.'

"Um Sir, what exactly do you teach here? I mean, you teach Karate right?" Kenichi asked with a hopeful tone.

The Elder replied with a nod. "Um-hmm, among other things, yes."

"That's awesome," Kenichi mumbled.

Then Ohma decided to break his silence. "What kind of 'other things do you mean?"

"See for yourself." The Elder advised, pointing to his right.

Ohma had noticed it, noticed 'him'. A giant of a man who was punching a sandbag with fists that looked strong enough to destroy boulders. He stood tall with a powerfully built, he had a build that was more muscular than even the Elder. He also has tanned skin, short spiky silver hair, and is seen wearing a yellow tank and red shorts and a mongkol around his head with bandages wrapped around his hands and feet.

"What is that monster and where on earth did it come from?" Kenichi asked, Ohma heard fear in his voice.

"That's Apachai Hopachai from Thailand." The Elder answered. "Only 28 years old, believe it or not."

"Muay Thai huh... " Ohma mumbled.

The Elder looked to Ohma. "Well now, I didn't think you'd be aware of that. Have you studied Muay Thai before?"

"I know enough." Ohma replied, "I was in a tournament with a guy who practised both Muay Thai and boxing, never got to fight him."

"A-Amazing," Kenichi muttered.

Apachai looked like had heard him and became more fired up and letting loose a strong shin kick that sent the sandbag flying upwards. He then did a quick shift towards a small stone statue and with an elbow, he smashed the stone into pebbles. He wasn't finished, he followed by kicking at trees and cutting them down as if his shin kicks were chopping axes.

'That's a power output even Gaolang couldn't regularly perform with each strike.'

Next, Apachai went for the Dojo's wall after Elder covered Kenichi's mouth.

"Be careful you don't speak too loud." The Elder advised him. "If he hears you he might start showing off."

"I think it's a little late for that." Ohma pointed out.

And as he said Apachai had moved on to punching the stone wall and was throwing a volley of punches so strong they kept denting the wall until it looked like the wall would be destroyed. "Alright! That's enough Apachai!" The Elder shouted, losing his patience.

"Is he always like this?" Kenichi asked.

"We don't get many visitors so having guests probably put him in a good mood." The Elder explained as he continued showing them around.

"No visitors, exactly… What kind of place is this?" Kenichi muttered. "I am determined but it'll all be in vain if I die on the first day."

"Impressive," Ohma muttered walking away.

As they were walking, they happen to pass by a room where the sliding door was open and they could barely see through it. His curiosity getting the better of him and Kenichi decided to peak through the door, Ohma looked over his shoulder. Inside was a fairly normal-looking room that didn't have much in it, except for several different Swords placed around like they were on display. But what got their attention was the woman dressed as a scantily clad ninja in the centre.

"I said it was impressive before, now it's just weird," Ohma said.

Below him, Kenichi gushed at the sight of her. "Haaa, Miu is definitely cute but this girl is HOT, is she a student here --- mmmfff--"

Ohma covered Kenichi's mouth. "Shut up.'

Then the woman made her move, she drew her blade and slashed out with a blinding speed that made her blade resemble a transparent blur. And just as fast as she started she stopped and like magic all the other Swords around her shattered. All the while her eyes looked so sharp and focused it was almost like she could cut someone with her gaze alone.

Ohma felt Kenichi being scared stiff, while he just looked at her.

"She is good," Ohma muttered.

"Show yourself… What business do you have with me…? Speak." The woman spoke in a stoic, almost emotionless tone.

"N-Nothing, I was just—" Kenichi frantically tried to defend himself.

However, she didn't even seem to notice him and turned her attention to the floor. "Kensei Ma… I know exactly where you're hiding… And so does my blade."

With those words, she stabbed her katana into the floor between two tatami mats. And then seeming from out of nowhere a person burst out from the mats and landed behind the woman.

The man named Kensei can be described as a fairly short middle-aged man, around five feet one, or maybe two if he stood up straight. He had long pointed out a moustache, clad in traditional Chinese martial arts clothing which consisted of a long green shirt lined with gold. With a black hat, pants, and slip shoes along with white socks. Spiky brown hair sticks out from his hat. One thing worth mentioning was that he was holding a camera.

"Relax~ Shigure. I was just passing through, making sure everything is still on the up and up, down below, looking good." He explained in a fast and upbeat manner.

"That doesn't explain the camera your holding…" The woman known as Shigure reminded him, still gripping her weapon. "What were you taking pictures of down there…?"

Now Kensei seemed nervous. "Uh… What do you mean?" He then made a run for it.

Shigure didn't let him go and threw some shuriken at Kensei. Though through amazing speed, skill and finesse; Kensei easily dodged them and caught them. Two with his hands and the third with his mouth. The two he dodged came straight towards Ohma.

'Redirection Kata: Flowing Edge.'

Ohma waved his hands twice reflecting the thrown shuriken embedding in the wall beside him. Kenichi shrieked beneath him and fell, while Kensei dashed past them and ran off.

"Impressive, but I wouldn't recommend snooping around here, young man." The Elder snickered.

"Who was that guy? Also, a master here?" Ohma asked.

"Kensei Ma, a true expert in Chinese Martial Arts. Now onwards to the Karate Master."

The Elder had finally stopped after leading Ohma and Kenichi in front of a door to another room and turned back to face the two of them.

"Now then, I'm about to introduce you to the Karate teacher you've been looking for." He informed Kenichi. "But I have to warn you, he can be difficult."

"Um okay," Kenichi replied, timidly.

"Hey Sakaki, I need a favour." The Elder called out after opening the door.

Inside the room was similar to the room Shigure was in, in the fact that there was hardly anything in it. Expect two large tatami mats that had two ropes attached to tops that were tied to the ceiling, with drawings of a human outline on both of them. And standing in between them was the Karate teacher the Elder called Sakaki.

He was tall just like Apachai with short eggplant-coloured hair with a longer strand hanging over his face. A long, jagged scar that runs horizontally across the bridge of his nose was a remnant of an old battle. He just lazily lay on the floor with a beer bottle in hand.

After hearing the Elder request, Sakaki responded frowning as if he was preparing for a fight.

"Uh uh, no way, I don't take Disciples. How many times we gotta go over this, Gramps?" Sakaki answered as if it wasn't even up for debate.

The Elder grinned back at the two of them amused while stroking his moustache. "Told ya."

"He doesn't sound like a teacher." Kenichi thought intimidated.

Ohma looked at Sakaki without losing interest, he was started getting tired of all this.

Sakaki then started to chug a bottle of alcohol and then smirked. "It's a bad idea old man, let's suppose I did let him become my pupil…" As if to make a point Sakaki used his grip to shatter the bottle he was holding, then turned his attention to the training mats in front of him and let loose a barrage of fast punches that hit within the human-shaped outlines, knocking holes in them everywhere. Sakaki then turned back at them and said. "He'd be dead in three days. Especially these two."

"You don't say. Well, that's just too bad." Kenichi rubbed the back of his head while smiling, feeling. "The man doesn't want to take a disciple."

Kenichi then tried to leave. "Thanks anyway, I'll be going now."

Before he could take a step though, Ohma grabbed him by the back of his collar and held him in place.

"So your training is a complete sham, old man?" Ohma approached him.

"What do you mean to say, punk?" Sasaki raised his voice.

"Because unless your training is actually just a death-causing scam," Ohma scoffed, now right in front of Sakaki. "You couldn't kill me in three years."

Sakaki just stared down at him. "Ah, looks like you got guts punk. Maybe I wouldn't mind training you, only to test that little theory of yours."

"Gah, please don't pick a fight here, I will die here." Kenichi backed off. "Can I just go?!"

Kenichi tried dragging Ohma away by the arm but then suddenly another door opened and someone new walked into the room.

This person is a man of above-average height, maybe around Ohma's height. He has messy black hair and slightly tanned skin. He is wearing a white hakama that hung loosely lean frame. Despite his relatively small physique, he has a developed build and well-defined muscles. He also has a small and well-groomed moustache. A unique trait in his appearance is the dull and nearly colourless pupils of his eyes that almost made it seem like he was blind.

Ohma saw him he knew right away that he was completely different from the rest. "A jiu-jitsu master. This place packing."

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Kenichi screamed at the sight of him and then fainted, falling to the floor.

Sakaki, the man who had just arrived and the Elder gathered around the fallen Kenichi.

"This kid seems kinda high-strung," Sakaki noted.

"He's certainly energetic." The other man noted.

"By the way, who are you?" Ohma asked him.

"Oh forgive me, I am the Jiu-Jitsu teacher of this dojo; Akisame Koetsuji." The now named Akisame introduced himself.

"So then punk, since you know our names why not introduce yourself?" Sakaki advised him.

"Ohma Tokita," Ohma simply said, "and I came here to ask a few questions."

"It's about Ogita, Akisame." The Elder said.

Ohma saw Akisame tensing up.

"Call Kensei, he may also want to hear this."

"I just came here to ask questions about his associates. What's all the tension about?" Ohma asked.

"Isshinsai Ogata," Akisame said, "is one of my biggest regrets."