
Ashura Path

The City of Koryuu is full of Thugs and Delinquents too many to even count them all, whether they act by themselves or with gangs. This attracts those who are looking for revenge, those with an obsession with violence, those with power beyond normal human capabilities. This is their battleground. --------------------- I do not own History's Strongest Disciple and Kengan Asura

TheWatcher2004 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

First day of training

"So you are ready to join Ryozanpaku?" Kensei asked.

He sat opposite Ohma with a paperwork-filled table between them.

"I give it some thought," Ohma said, "and the answer is yes."

"Then, please sign right here," Kensei instructed.

"Whoa, hold on a minute." Ohma looked at him, "First tell me the price?"

"Not much just 20,000 yen each month in advance," Kensei said raising two fingers.

"20,000 in advance? Who the hell carries that kind of cash?"

"You don't have to give it now, you have a seven days deadline."

"So I can quit the dojo within seven days without paying?"

"Yes, you can. So we a deal?"

"Hum... You got for yourself a deal."

"Excellent, now sign right here."



"YOUR HEAD IS TOO HIGH!" Akisame roared so loud he could be heard from outside the gate.

The current training was Kenichi in a judo gi, without the shirt, practising basic stepping movements. Akisame had Kenichi hold up a large jar of Sake in each hand, while he shuffled his feet passed small wooden logs that were half-buried in the ground that were close to each other. And Akisame himself was standing beside him, while holding a bamboo stick which was meant to be a cane, and he was perfectly willing to use it.

"Keep your hips down low!" Akisame ordered him, as Kenichi struggle to move forward. "Much better, now shuffle your feet quickly and move between the posts." He instructed him, swinging the cane past the top of Kenichi's head.

"Grr, how much longer do I have to keep doing this!?" Kenichi struggled to complain. "It's been nothing but muscle training for two days straight, enough's enough! When are you gonna start teaching me Jujitsu?"

"Without strength, techniques would be useless," Akisame said. "An ant couldn't hope to defeat an elephant."

"What a minute, are you comparing me to an ant?" Kenichi asked.

"Perhaps that was insensitive, that analogy is unfair," Akisame said, somewhat regretful before he smiled. "…To the ant."

"Now you're just making fun of me!" Kenichi whined, now fed up. "I wanna quit you here me! I've had enough!"

"Kenichi listen, despite its meagre size an ant has the power to items several times its weight. There is much you can learn from an ant." Akisame recited a philosophy, which silenced Kenichi.

He then sat up and responded, timidly. "Um, I know I'm kinda small and I'm not the strongest guy around, but I'm willing to learn if you'll tell me what's next." He finished, looking up at him.

Akisame chuckled and said. "Well, let's take a little break."

Kenichi sighed, with relief.


"So when does my training begins." Ohma entered the courtyard with Kensei.

"So all formalities are done," The Elder said. "Which of the Masters would you like to train under?"

"Which one?" Ohma looked over to Sasaki who just laid there on the roof, then to the Apachai, Sigure and the Elder sitting together observing Kenichi's training.

"Sakaki Shio — 100th level Karate Fighter, Apachai Hopachai — The Muay Thai God of Death, Kensei Ma — Master of all Chinese Martial Arts, Akisame Koetsuji — The philosophical Jiu-Jitsu Master, Shigure Kosaka — The Prodigy of Swords and Weapons." The Elder then pointed to himself. "And me Hayato Furinji."

"That's it." Ohma raised his brow.

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone here has a fancy title except for you."

"Oh me." The Elder said. "I am nothing special."

'Not lie hasn't been this obvious before.' Ohma thought.

Miu came forward. "If you have trouble deciding you could just train with Akisame for now." She suggested. "Or Kensei, he has experience training others."

"It's true," Kensei confirmed, with a grin.

"Apa! Or you could train with Apachai," Apachai suggested, excited at the idea.

"Easy there big guy, you don't want to kill the punk do ya?" Sakaki said from the roof.

Ohma sighed and pointed forward. "I pick you."

To the shock and disbelief of everyone present, even the Masters themselves, the person Ohma was pointing towards was, Elder Hayato Furinji. The Elder, however, was just stroking his beard unfazed.

"Me? Well, that's a new one." He spoke with mild surprise and interest.

"You're either incredibly brave or unbelievably foolish," Akisame commented.

"Or his mind can't comprehend the overwhelming forces of nature in front of him," Kensei added.

"Ah, that could also be it."

"Look punk, if you really want to die, there are less painful ways." Sakaki jumped off the roof landing on the ground.

"…Like standing… In front of… busy traffic …" Shigure gave an example.

Kenichi seemed confused by all their reactions.

"Hey, Miu." Kenichi got up and whispered to Miu. "Why are they acting like something crazy just happened?"

Miu looked at him worried. "It's because of my Grandfather. Unlike the other Masters, he's a Grand Master and the Strongest Martial Artist of Ryozanpaku." She explained. "The truth is even if each Master believes they're stronger than the other, they'll all admit Grandpa is still the Strongest, they couldn't beat him even if they all fought him together."

Kenichi gasped, almost not wanting to believe it. "Huh?! Seriously?"

Miu nodded, confirming it. "And because of that his training is much more intense than any of the others, he trained me when I was a girl but that was only the basics and he was taking it easy because of my age." She said grimly. "If he were to seriously train someone, I'm not sure if it's even safe to consider.

"I haven't heard your answer," Ohma said. "Yes or no?"

The Elder stood up and walked up to him.

"Before I answer I'd like to ask you something." He stopped in front of Ohma. "Why is it that you want my training, what motivates you?"

"Weren't you the one made the offer yesterday?" Ohma said.

"Yes, what is the reason you have for taking it? Why do seek to become stronger?"

Ohma paused for a moment then said, "Because I like it, I enjoy being better than before. I enjoy sharpening myself in combat against an opponent. It's my contentment, what other reason do I need?"

"Then what about those who you will face in combat?"

"It would be the same thing for them, they would either get better, fall swiftly or slowly by attrition. There is nothing more than that."

"Very well then." The Elder snickered and stood in front of him. "I've heard your honest intentions and have made my decision on what training you shall receive."

"So what's the final say, old man?" Ohma asked.

"I have decided that… I will train you." The Elder then paused for a moment. "Provided you fulfil a certain requirement."

"And what requirement is that?"

The Elder pointed to those behind him. "You must undergo training from each and every Master of Ryozanpaku and become a Martial Artist that is completely adapt and can freely wield each of their styles. If you can overcome their training, then you'll have earned the right to become my Disciple."

"Train with all of them." Kenichi stood up his mouth remaining open. "Can anyone actually accomplish that?"

"I don't know, I've never seen them train with a Disciple, but still that's a really tall order Grandpa's giving him," Miu said worriedly. "All their training is already high levelled by themselves, to have them all share the same Disciple could be pretty rough."

"Hmph, so in the end, the old man is shifting things to us," Sakaki grunted. "I don't take disciple."

"Maybe, but let's wait and see how things work out for the time being," Akisame added in.

"Earn the right?" Ohma snickered. "You acting a bit full of yourself aren't you, looking down on me like that? Fine, I'll earn your right and clean sweep all their training. So which one's first?"

"That's for you to decide," Akisame told him. "As always it's up to the Disciple to choose who he wants to train with. Pick whichever order you like.

"Okay then, I pick…" Ohma looked over his options for a second before he made his decision. "…You."

This time, once again to the surprise of many of those present he was pointing to none other than the one who he originally planned to train with, Apachai.

"APA!" Apachai threw his arms up in the air, looking clearly happy. He even grabbed Shigure's hand and jumped up with joy. "Apachai gets to have a Disciple! Apapapapa!"


"What is wrong with him?!" Kenichi cried.

"Hahaha! Excellent choice." The Elder laughed

"First The Elder and now Apachai." Sakaki brought it up. "Is that boy mad?"

"Not exactly, I think he's perfectly aware of what he's getting into," Akisame argued. "He thinks Apachai has the most destructive power among all of us. That's why he choose him, he wants to face the full force of our training so that he can stand his ground no matter what is thrown at him."

"So basically he training to say 'Hit me with your best shot, you don't scare me, huh?" Sakaki said with a grin. "Spoken like a punk."

"But… He didn't technically… Speak." Shigure reminded him.

"It's a figure of speech!" Sakaki barked.

"Well then, I suppose we should begin." Akisame decided. "Come, Kenichi, the break is over."

"Over already! Wait but…" Kenichi spoke with a nervous demeanour. "What about Ohma?"

"Kenichi. I understand you're concerned for your fellow disciple, but you need to focus your attention on your training as of this moment." Akisame told him, sternly. "Remember you only have little time before you face your bully, and he won't hold back regardless of if you're prepared or not."

"Ah, you're right." Kenichi sighed.

Akisame smiled gently.

Kenichi nodded and they departed from the courtyard.

"Now then, why don't you two begin as well?" The Elder suggested.

"Apa, let's get some space." Apachai stood up excited.

Once the area was cleared they stood at the clearing outside the door, while Miu and the rest of the Masters were by the porch planning to observe.

Ohma and Apachai stood face to face a few feet from each other and both were wearing boxing gloves. Apachai was bouncing on his feet looking too excited.

Ohma looked at the others. "Is he always like this?"

"He's just excited," Kensei informed him. "This is the first time he's had a Disciple to train so he's feeling eager."

"Haven't seen him this excited since the last time we had hamburgers," Sakaki added, leaning by a wooden support pillar.

"Now then, are you sure you don't want to change into a more suitable outfit for training?" The Elder asked him. "It'll make it easier to learn and move around."

"Hmph, I'm fine this way." Ohma declined. "When you fight on the street, the other guys won't just let you change into something more comfortable. So I'll train like this so I can fight at any time in any gear."

"That's a good point." The Elder said a little intrigued while stroking his beard.

"The punk's right though," Sakaki added. "Having the luxury of being able to wear the right gear is something only a sportsman Martial Artist would be used to, in a real fight you gotta be ready to fight at any time."

Back to the training, Ohma raised his stance while the tanned giant looked relaxed.

"Apa, we begin. Apachai is going to start with a right punch." Apachai informed him. "Ohma must block."

"Go ahead." Ohma raised his arms above his face and used them to form a cross.

"A cross-arm block." Miu noticed. "It's a stance that stresses pure defence against a frontal attack. Good, he's taking Apachai seriously."

Ready to begin Apachai's eyes glowed and his arm lashed out in a transparent blur. Before a second had passed it reached Ohma and blew away his guard like a kickball hitting a sandcastle.


A crash echoed. The force behind Apachai's punch knocked Ohma off his feet, throwing and crashing him hard into the stone wall behind him with a force strong enough to even create a few cracks in the wall and Ohma hit the ground in a thud. Miu shrieked and ran to him.

While the Masters just looked at the scene.

"You… saw that… right?" Shigure asked the rest of them.

Kensei nodded. "Just before the point of impact he back-stepped and tightened his muscles to soften the blow, quite remarkable for someone his age."

"Not just that, it was his stance too," Sakaki added. "Quicky refined moves like that don't come from just fighting punks on the street. He is trained but the question is by who?"

Miu ran up to where Ohma landed and kneed next to him. "Ohma, are you still alive?" She asked worried, before turning to Apachai. "Apachai this was training, you're supposed to hold back?" She scolded.

"Hold back?" Apachai said in a confused tone.

"He did hold back." Ohma corrected, sitting up looking hardly damaged.

'Niko Style: Adamantine: Indestructible.'

"My arms would have broken if he was fighting for real. Though honestly that punch still packed a wallop."

"You're awake?" Miu gasped. "I can't believe you withstood that."

"Don't joke around, you actually thought I'd drop dead after one hit?" Ohma said, standing up and looking pumped up. "Who the Hell do you think I am?!"

"Apa, let's go again." Apachai laughed. "Apachai will use the same punch."

"Bring it on big guy," Ohma responded.

"Wait, it's dangerous to take so many of Apachai's punches head-on," Miu warned him.

"Just sit back and watch, I can take care of myself."

Once again Ohma took the same cross-arm block, ready to begin Apachai's eyes began to glow again and his arm lashed out again. Like before Apachai just as he said he would he threw a straight-right that was aiming for the air.

The punch hit empty air, and Ohma waived his head to the side and slipped past Apachai's blow. Quick stepping and getting past his defences.

Just as he got in close range, Ohma saw Apachai's left gloved fist flash out and deck him in the side. This time Ohma has knocked away to the side and like a rock skipping across the water, he bounced off the ground three times before coming to a stop.

'Close combat dodging is still my weakness.'

"He dodged that first punch?" Miu commented. "That's amazing."

"He's full of surprises." The Elder commented. "He saw that Apachai truly was using the same attack at the first to and so after seeing it the first time, he immediately thought up of a counter and moved his body fast enough to do so."

"But despite that, he wasn't able to anticipate the second strike and was once again knocked away," Kensei added.

"Still you gotta admit the punks good." Sakaki pointed out. "He just needed to see that punch once to be able to get past it, not just anybody can dodge one of Apachai's punches, especially a kid. Give credit where it's due."

"I never said it wasn't impressive." Kensei clarified. "Don't put words in my mouth."

Ohma got up again, a little dazed but still capable of going on. "The second punch came at a perfect angle and timing, it's like he knew that I would dive in like that." He whispered.

'But looks like last night's training paid off, my reactions have improved.'

"We go again, Apachai will do the same thing as before," Apachai instructed him.

Ohma paused for a moment. "I see, now I get it."

"Has he finally realized the purpose of this training?" The Elder commented.

Once again Ohma was in position, Apachai's once more charged in and threw a straight-right that was aiming for the head. And like before Ohma waived his head to the side and slipped past Apachai's punch. This was followed by his quick step forward to dive in and get past Apachai's defence. Like before Apachai threw his left-hook aiming to counter him again, but this time Ohma was prepared.

This time instead of getting hit by the hook Ohma avoided it by ducking his body into a squat position. Afterwards, he quickly raised himself back, planning to use the momentum to throw an uppercut.


Unsurprising Ohma was countered yet again. This time Apachai used his left leg to knee him in the stomach as he was coming up. The force behind this hit knocked the air out of his lungs and sent him flying upwards in the air like a rag doll. He hit the ground a few feet away, dazed and coughing.

"He did it again." Miu stood up. "How is he doing that?"

"I was right, this training is a pattern game. Between his arms and legs, he has four options on what to use in a specific pattern, and every time I figure out the pattern a next one is created that is the same one as before while adding an extra one at the end." Ohma muttered.

"He is adapting with his failures." The Elder thought commented. "Apachai is using this exercise to continuously sharpen his perceptions and instincts step by step, increasing the difficulty little by little. He's testing the boy to see just how far he can go,"

Ohma pulled himself up from the ground, looking a little shaky, and moved back into position to continue.

"Is Ohma okay to continue?" Apachai asked, seeing his condition.

"Heh, don't think that's all it takes to keep me down." Ohma snickered. "I can take a hell of a lot more than you can dish out."

Apachai nodded and Ohma got into his stance to begin again. And so they continued this cycle for quite a bit more.


-Tokita Mansion

Ohma laid on his bed, naked covered in his bruises thankfully he healed faster than normal after the training he went through when he was ten, but it was not comic book instantaneous, he still needed a long good rest.

He switched on his phone and contacted a number, the last thing needed to do before he called it a night and went back to image training.

"Hey, AJ," Ohma said through the phone.

"Pain in your voice huh," AJ said from the other side, "training with one of the strongest men in the world sure did a number on you."

"Not the old man, according to I need to train with other masters first to 'qualify' training with him. But for the now their training seems quite effective. Also you sure Elder is one strongest in the world."

"Well he did fight my grandfather to a tie, besides, have got the news?"

"What news? Please don't tell me Ogata has left Japan."

"Nah, if he did I would know by now, pretty sure he is still there."

"So what's the news?"

"You know the other boarding school in Koryuu?"

"I just arrived in this place yesterday. How the fuck would I know?"

"Well, you should because that girl and her entourage have recently transferred into that school."

"You are fucking with me, aren't you?"

"I wish I was buddy."

Ohma's body jerked and sat upright, pressing the phone on his ear, and his eyes widened.

"She is here."

"Relax, just keep a low profile and she won't find you. Ciao."

Then AJ cut the call off and Ohma threw himself back on the bed.

"Fuck my life."