
Ashes of Tomorrow: The Rebirth Chronicl

xMimik · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Walls

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the warehouse district, illuminating the skeletal frames of the buildings. John and Mike stood before their chosen warehouse, its vast emptiness echoing the silence of the world outside.

Today's task was clear: to start turning this shell of a structure into a fortified base. They had gathered materials from the surrounding area—sheets of metal, wooden planks, and an assortment of tools. It was time to build.

They started with the main entrance, reinforcing the doors with metal sheets and creating a makeshift lock system. Every strike of the hammer was a declaration of their determination to survive.

As the day progressed, they worked on the windows, boarding them up but leaving small slits for observation. They needed to see the outside world, to be aware of any approaching threats.

By midday, the perimeter was secure. They had managed to erect walls strong enough to withstand a moderate attack. It was a start, but both knew that it wouldn't hold against a determined force.

In the afternoon, they scouted the interior, mapping out the layout and identifying key areas for storage, sleeping quarters, and a communal space. They cleared out debris and designated areas for future development.

As the sun began to set, they stepped back to admire their work. The warehouse was no longer just a building; it was becoming a stronghold, a place that could one day be called home.

Exhausted but satisfied, they settled down for the night, the first in what they hoped would be their permanent base. Tomorrow, they would continue their work, but for tonight, they rested within the safety of the first walls of their new sanctuary.