
Ashes of Tomorrow: The Rebirth Chronicl

xMimik · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 10: Fortifications

The break of dawn brought with it a cool breeze that swept through the open spaces of the warehouse, carrying away the remnants of the previous night's tension. John and Mike, having barely slept, were already up, discussing the next steps to ensure their base would not fall prey to another attack.

Their plan was to create a series of fortifications that would serve as multiple lines of defense. The first order of business was to construct a tall fence around the perimeter of the warehouse. They scavenged metal poles and wire from nearby buildings, laboring tirelessly to erect the fence.

As they worked, they couldn't help but feel the weight of every moment spent exposed. They knew that time was of the essence, and every second counted. By midday, the fence stood firm—a barrier between them and the dangers lurking beyond.

But a fence alone wasn't enough. They needed to set traps and early warning systems. They rigged cans filled with pebbles to the fence, which would clatter loudly if disturbed. They also created pitfall traps just beyond the fence, covered with debris to conceal their presence.

The warehouse itself needed to be a fortress. They reinforced the walls from the inside with more planks and metal sheets, ensuring that even if the fence was breached, the building would hold.

They also crafted makeshift weapons—spears from metal rods, slingshots from rubber bands found in the office supplies, and even a rudimentary catapult from spare parts. Each weapon was a testament to their resourcefulness and their will to defend their home.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of orange and purple, John and Mike took a moment to survey their handiwork. The base was transformed, no longer just a shelter, but a stronghold.

That night, they slept soundly, not because the danger had passed, but because they had prepared for it. They had built more than just fortifications; they had built confidence in their ability to survive.