
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 17: Sorrow

Asher slowly opened his eyes, then he looked around and he saw that he was laying on the ground. He suddenly shot up when he realised what happened before he passed out, he turned his neck to look at Toni's house. What he saw surprised him so much that he felt his knees go weak, he saw Toni's house burning furiously. All the houses around Toni's house were also burning and all the villagers surrounded the houses with buckets of water trying to put out the fire consuming the houses.

Asher got on his feet and he ran towards Toni's house, on getting to Toni's house, he grabbed a man collar and he pulled the man towards him.

" What happened to Toni?" Asher asked as he pulled the man.

" Huh? What happened to her? To Shawn? To Sarah?!" Asher asked again.

" Get the f*ck off me!" The man shouted as he wriggled out of Asher's grip.

" Please tell me what happened to them." Asher pleaded when he realised that he had acted impulsively.

" We don't know what happened to Shawn or where he is but you will see Sarah and Toni over there." The man said as he pointed to his side, Asher rushed to where he pointed to. When he got there, he saw Sarah's dead body on the ground with gross wounds on her body. Asher almost couldn't believe his eyes as he fell to his knees beside Sarah's body. He scooped her body into his arms and he shook her body slightly.

" Sarah, it's Asher, wake up." Asher said slowly as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He dropped Sarah's body back to the ground as he realised that he hadn't seen Toni, he stood up and he ran further towards Toni's house.

When he got close to Toni's house, he saw a few witches flying away from the house and he stopped moving as he remembered the vision he had. What he just saw was what he had seen in the vision, he really hoped that what he saw in the vision didn't come to pass. He looked to his side and he saw some gathering around something, he slowly walked over to them and when he got there he saw Toni. He saw Toni's dead body laying on the ground with different villagers crying over her body, he managed to pass through the crowd before reaching Toni's body.

Asher fell to his knees and he smiled wryly as he lifted Toni's head and he placed her head on his legs.

" Toni, I am here. We can now travel around the world just like you wanted." Asher said as he slightly shook Toni's body. He looked at her body and he noticed her throat dangling out of a deep cut on her neck, something told Asher that the cut was caused by claws.

" Please wake up, don't do this to me." Asher shouted as a tear tore through his eyes.

" Toni, please stand up and tell me everything is fine." Asher said as he shook her dead body furiously before screaming loudly. After shaking the body for minutes and it finally hit him that she had died, he wailed loudly before roaring loudly.

The roar was like that of a mad beast, it kept resounding around the village, vibrating in people's ears. The roar pushed the people around Asher a few feets away as they covered their ears, protecting their ears from the loud roar. Asher looked up and he saw a man with red eyes and claws smirking before disappearing into the nearby forest, Asher stood up and he chased after the man. When he got into the forest, he saw the man waiting for him and when he got close to him, he realised that it was Xander the demon gem.

" You are Vampire." Xander started.

" I wouldn't have known if you hadn't roared." Xander said before smiling.

" Protect yourself, they will come for you." Xander said.

" Why did you kill her?" Asher finally asked.

" I had a grudge with her father and I had to settle it." Xander said as he smiled brightly.

" But you had a grudge with Shawn, not her. Why did you have to kill her?" Asher shouted as he cried, he couldn't fight his tears.

" That's none of your business young vampire." Xander said and he dashed away at a speed that Asher couldn't catch with his eyes. Asher knew he couldn't catch up to the demon but he still chased after him, after minutes of running through the forest, he fell to the ground as he sobbed.

" Why Toni?!" Asher mumbled, Toni was a good person, she didn't deserve that death. Yet she still died a miserable death, why are things so f*cked up?!

" Why? Why? Why?!" Asher shouted as he punched the tree closest to him, the tree bark broke into pieces as it couldn't take the punch impact. Asher punched the tree again and he didn't stop punching the tree until he heard a snap in his arm, signifying that his arm broke.

Asher ignored the pain as he used his second hand to resume hitting the tree, he suddenly stopped when he saw someone approach him. He turned to face the person but he realised that it wasn't human but an antelope that was innocently staring at Asher.

Asher was surprised that the animal had the guts to approach him, Asher kept staring at the antelope that didn't move an inch away from Asher.

" Go away!" Asher shouted at the antelope like the animal would understand what he said but the animal didn't move an inch.

" Are you deaf?!" Asher shouted as he stood up and he walked towards the animal, the animal still didn't move an inch as Asher approached it. Asher got to the animal, unknown to him his nails had already turned to claws and he waved his claws that had appeared on his hands at the animal, slicing the animal's neck. Asher was surprised that he killed the animal, he was more surprised that he had claws in the first place.

" What is happening to me?" Asher asked himself as he saw his long and sharp claws. Before he could get a hang of what was happening, he felt a burning sensation in his stomach as he saw

blood seeping from the dead animal's neck. He suddenly rushed to the animal on the ground, he knelt by the animal and he dug his fangs into the animal's body, sucking the animal's blood. Asher wanted to stop himself because he didn't know what was happening to him but his body didn't obey his commands as he kept sucking the animal's blood.

" Asher… what are you doing?" Asher heard someone say and he raised his head to see who was speaking. He saw Lauren looking at him with pity and care on her face, not disgust or hate.

" Lauren help me, I don't know what is happening to me." Asher said as he stood up with his face stained with blood. A few seconds later, he fell to the ground and Lauren rushed towards him.