
Ashen Flames

A story of a young woman as she explores this fantasy world where she will witness multiple other realms and dimensions and learns how the world works. Following in her trail is an inferno of white flames where ashes continuously fall with every step. Will this person continue walking the path of danger, or fall along the way. Like a phoenix arising from their Ashes, will this individual Rise to become a Flame who's power is acknowledged throughout the realms as corruption spreads across the lands and monsters who have achieved cataclysmic levels of power descend upon their birth soil. A world that will become a scorched wasteland will show the resolve of its protectors.

En_Kai · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 9: Training Her Core

 Grim was the first to wake up, taking control of their body, Grim looked around the room. There was no one around, being bored, Grim used his corruption ability to burn through all of his mana. Feeling extremely tired, she went back to sleep.

*2 hours later*

 Ash was the one awake now, noticing that Grims earlier actions increased their mana pool by quite a bit, and noticing that their body needed the restroom. Ash called out and Marilda walked in, taking Ash out of his crib and holding her hand as they walked to the restroom. "I will be fine using it myself," said Ash. Surprised, Matilda agreed and went off doing her tasks of the day. Finishing up in the restroom, Ash walked around the house, first going through the upstairs as the guest room was where her crib was. Going into her mom and dads room, as well as her brother Aarons room. Deciding to go down the stairs to the bottom floor, Ash waddled down, seeing her father carrying something big in a box. "Oh hey Ash, we were just preparing your own room, instead of using the guest room" Said Maxim with enthusiasm. "Oh really?" said Ash, curious. Shocked, Max called his wife and had a small discussion about the way Ash talked.

 "The fast development of Ash is much faster than Aaron, and Aaron is really talented. This could mean that she has a high Charisma as people with higher charisma gain wisdom faster. Normally before people become of age their talent would blossom and they would make rapid improvement" said Saffiyah who was impressed by her child. "So basically Ash could become someone who is renowned through the realms as normally people with such talent would grow to become powerful and venture into the unknown? Of course that's just what I heard in my earlier years when I was still in the rank E" said Maxim, starting to feel concerned about Ash's future. "It is possible, and not only that Ash has already cleared her meridians and has surpassed me in mana capacity" said Saffiyah looking into Ash's mana. Shocked, Maxim used his much less developed mana sensing and observed that Ash had a monstrous amount of mana, comparable to a powerful B rank beast he and Saffiyah needed a raid party to beat before they retired and settled down. 

 "We should introduce Ash mana training books and find a cultivation manual suited for her affinity" said Saffiyah. Hearing this, Aaron blurted out "Ash has two mana affinities, the dark miasma one that helped us defeat that wolf and a strange destructive white flame" said Aaron who was bringing in a bag of clothes. "Wait, so youre telling me that it was due to Ash's affinity that you guys were able to defeat that cursed monster?" said Maxim who was shocked. "Yes, but according to Aaron, we will have to get two very expensive manuals, anyways, we can worry about that later. Max, you're gonna have to start making a lot of money if we want to support Ash, but before we talk more on that You two, hurry up so that Ash can get accustomed to her new room" said Saffiyah in deep thought. Sitting in their living room and making tea which she used her elemental abilities to make tea. "Ash darling, come sit with mommy. We can let the boys finish up in your room, we have apple juice" said Saffiyah who was smiling but still thinking. 

 Ash waddled over to one of the smaller sofas and took the levitating cup with a straw, taking a sip of the juice that was amazing to her young taste buds. "Hey darling, do you want to show your mother your affinities? I'm guessing that you've already been in your subconscious and mana pool. Your affinities are the big orbs that one should look scary but feels calming and the other should be full of white flames." said Saffiyah who wanted to test the abilities of these affinities. "Sure mother" said Ash as her mom took out a grading scale for attributes. "My attribute is elemental affinity, where if I have experienced a certain element I can manipulate said affinity, of course my affinity is ranked at B so I wouldn't be able to practice elements that surpass that rank. Of course through practice your affinity can reach a higher rank. Your fathers affinity is Light blitz, a B grade affinity that is more physical than magic. Your brother Aaron has an A rank affinity of boiling blood, the only A rank affinity me and your father as well as the whole village have ever seen. People with this kind of affinity rank experience faster training results and normally have higher charisma and luck. Anyways, please demonstrate them one at a time" said Saffiyah who was eager. 

 Ash was shocked at this information and remembered that in the mana introduction book it mentioned affinities and ranks, but had no clue on what they meant. "So how does the ranking system work?" said Ash. Saffiyah who had received the rank inspection orb from Marilda said "so the starting rank is F, all things start here and grow to become stronger. Going from F, the next ranks being E, D, C, B, A then unknown. It's kind of like the alphabet that Marilda taught you when you were still a baby. As you progress through the Ranks your strength becomes gargantuanly stronger and this allows you to explore more dangerous zones." said Saffiyah who was starting up the inspection orb. "Now dear, show me your affinities".

MC: Ashfall Revera 

Age: 1

Stats: Vitality: 1 Mana: 16,309

Strength: F 15 Endurance: F 6 Agility: F 3 Core: F 28

Charisma: 12 Wisdom: 5 Luck: 12 Will: 1 Fate: 0

Abilities: White Flames(Very destructive and consumes a lot of mana, cool ash affect)

Affinity: Ashen Flames

Skills: Basic Mana Control, Initial Affinity Imbuement, ?Familiar Resonance?, Initial Mana Manifestation, Initial Mana Density, Initial weapon manifestation, Initial mana coating, 

???Familiar???: Grimoire(Gained from birth) 

Mana: 21,904

Familiar Abilities: Corruption(Shadow alignment; Changes the nature of mana to be more chaotic, with higher mastery can even give mana a will)

Second Mana Pool(Has its own separate mana pool, normally Familiars must rely on an outside mana source or a bonded being)

Affinity: Empowerment

Skills: Intermediate Mana Control, Intermediate Mana Manifestation ?Familiar Resonance?, Intermediate Mana Density, Intermediate mana buff magic, Intermediate weapon manifestation, Intermediate mana coating, Intermediate Affinity Imbuement