
Ashen Flames

A story of a young woman as she explores this fantasy world where she will witness multiple other realms and dimensions and learns how the world works. Following in her trail is an inferno of white flames where ashes continuously fall with every step. Will this person continue walking the path of danger, or fall along the way. Like a phoenix arising from their Ashes, will this individual Rise to become a Flame who's power is acknowledged throughout the realms as corruption spreads across the lands and monsters who have achieved cataclysmic levels of power descend upon their birth soil. A world that will become a scorched wasteland will show the resolve of its protectors.

En_Kai · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 15: Kingdom of Salavaria

 Shiny went back into Saffiyahs mindscape, as they started traveling by broom to the closest kingdom, as well as one who valued the study of magic and its practice. It was a kingdom of mages as most of their military power was from the mages that they nurtured. Feeling all dirty from their adventure, Ash noticed that her mother was all clean without a speck of dust on her. "Mother, why aren't you covered in dirt?" asked Ash. "That's because of a basic spell called Necessity magic, it's an actual skill that lets you take off all dirt, liquids, or anything else. It cleans your body and belongings. In fact, it's a good idea for you to start practicing that right now. So all you have to do is circulate your mana along your skin and clothes, and don't forget your hair" Ash nodded. "Then you take out everything, be careful as you don't want to ruin your clothes or items, due to the will of mana if you mess up, only your clothes will be damaged.

 Ash started carefully circulating her mana around her body, clothes, and hair, willing her mana to pass through smoothly and treat her clothes as if they were her. This was successful, taking out most of the dirt and other stuff, and throwing it off to the side. "Dear, you must stay focused, your aura leaked out when you did that '' Ash was surprised at this because she didn't notice. "I'll continue practicing Mother" Saffiyah nodded at this. Continuing her practice, Ash successfully took out all the dirt on her while managing to keep her aura hidden. 'Hey Ash, you just got a skill orb, it's most likely that necessity magic you were practicing' Grim told Ash through their link while she was in their mana pool. On their trip, Ash continued practicing her mastery while Grim focused on cultivating their mana. 

 Tries to make all kinds of shapes and imbueing her constructs with white flames, also while making the mana more dense. Eventually, Ash was able to use magic almost on the same level as Grim. 'Hey Grim, wanna practice against each other again' 'Sure'. Ash entered their mana pools, and the both of them got ready. They manipulated their mana to both take the form of spears, one gigantic spear of miasma while on the other side, a huge spear of white flames. They launched the attacks at each other, causing a massive collision that shook their mana pools. This action knocked them both out.

 Saffiyah noticed that Ash went into meditation, continuing their ride as low-ranking monsters tried to reach them from the ground. Not being able to touch them was amusing to Saffiyah as some tried jumping from trees while others chased after, getting into a fight later against another monster. All of a sudden, Ash's body went limp and fell off, Saffiyah was shocked and immediately reacted. Flying her broom into a loop and chased after the falling Ash. Catching her daughter before her body could touch the ground.

 "Dear, DEAR, WHAT HAPPENED, ARE YOU OK" noticing that she wasn't getting a reaction. Saffiyah panicked and put up a wind barrier around them, then zoomed in using the wind mana that was around them. Reaching speeds that even her body couldn't handle, seeing the kingdom of Salavaria near, Saffiyah did not hold back in her mana use of keeping the barrier up in a crazed rush. With a mana pool almost fully depleted and arriving at the gates where there was no one who was getting across. Saffiyah drank a mana restoration potion and hurried over to the check point showing her adventurers ID and paying the entrance fee. 

 She entered a full-on sprint using her movement technique and rushed to her sister who lived in this kingdom. Her sister was a renowned herb specialist who could make high-tier potions and trinkets. She as well as experienced in non-mana-related healing, too focused on getting Ash into a professional's hands, she had failed to realize that Ash was just out of mana. Saffiyah arrived at her sister's place and knocked on her door multiple times. Due to them being futile, Safiyah checked her daughter at last and was relieved that it was just mana exhaustion. Giving Ash a mana potion and waiting outside for her sister to come home.

 After waiting a couple of hours and not getting a response from Ash, Saffiyah decided to just let her rest. At long last her sister Sera came home from shopping. Shocked to see her sister, Sera rushed over with a smile, noticing Ash, Sear started beaming with joy. "So who is this little bundle of joy you brought to my home sister?" This is my daughter, Ash, she is under the effects of mana exhaustion, can we talk more inside?" "Of course". The sisters walked inside and Saffiyah placed Ash onto the unusually soft sofa. Watching Ash slowly sink onto the couch a bit, Saffiyah turned to her sister and was excited to tell her the news.

 "Another one of my kids has an A-grade Ability, well two actually because she was born with a familiar. I came here to Salavaria to sell some valuable materials I hunted and to buy two cultivation manuals for Ash so that she wouldn't struggle later on." Said a beaming Saffiyah as Sera nodded to this. "Sure, just give me the materials and I'll buy them from you" Said Sera who was surprised at the luck of her sister. Saffiya gave all of the materials she got from the elemental bats, then gave her sister the space element core, this Shocked Sera. "Wow, a space element monster core. You really struck big in your recent hunt. How does 10 white gold sound?" Saffiyah was shocked because of the profit she would be getting, knowing that all the materials she got would at most equal over five hundred gold at best. "Are you sure?" asked Saffiyah, "of course, this is just half of my savings from my business, the little genius needs to be spoiled, oh and keep the change. Get the best books and even a couple of spell books for her and Aaron. I was working on a gift for that little boy, but I was working on something pretty good which I'll be giving young Ash '' Saffiyah was shocked by her sister's words. "You always got my back don't you?" said Saffiyah. "Of course, no go and get some of the best things you can find, I'll watch Ash while you go do your shopping" Said Sera who was smiling.

MC: Ashfall Revera 

Age: 1

Stats: Vitality: 1 Mana: 18,000

Strength: F 18 Endurance: F 37 Agility: F 19 Core: E 19

Charisma: 12 Wisdom: 7 Luck: 12 Will: 7 Fate: 0

Abilities: White Flames(Very destructive and consumes a lot of mana, cool ash affect)

Affinity: Ashen Flames

Skills: Intermediate Mana Control, Intermediate Affinity Imbuement, ?Familiar Resonance?, Intermediate Mana Manifestation, Intermediate Mana Density, Intermediate weapon manifestation, Intermediate mana coating, Initial Necessity Magic

???Familiar???: Grimoire(Gained from birth) 

Mana: 22,304

Familiar Abilities: Corruption(Shadow alignment; Changes the nature of mana to be more chaotic, with higher mastery can even give mana a will)

Second Mana Pool(Has its own separate mana pool, normally Familiars must rely on an outside mana source or a bonded being)

Affinity: Empowerment

Skills: Intermediate Mana Control, Intermediate Mana Manifestation?Familiar Resonance?, Intermediate Mana Density, Intermediate mana buff magic, Intermediate weapon manifestation, Intermediate mana coating, Intermediate Affinity Imbuement