
Mt moon

January 30, 1997, 9:00 A.M-

Its been a nice night stay at Pokémon center for our heroes and now they are ready to move on towards Mt. Moon which will lead them to cerulean city.

"Hey, Ash why don't we first stock up our supplies before heading to the cerulean city" Brock suggested.

"Yeah, that's a great idea, Brock". Ash replied.

- Time Skip 3 Hours 12:00 P.M -

Ash, Misty, and Brock are now heading towards the entrance of mount moon, but then all of a sudden they hear a voice.

"Help! Please somebody help!" said a voice.

"Hey Brock , misty what's going on, " asked Ash.

"Don't know, maybe someone is in danger." said misty.

"Let's check out then," said Brock.

When they reached towards entrance they see a man in the white lab coat who was being attacked by the colony of zubats and golbats.

"Pikachu use thunderbolt on them" Ash ordered.

("Yeah sure Ash") said Pikachu as He jumped in air and launched thunderbolt on them, and in the process, he electrocuted the man also.

("oops sorry") said Pikachu to Ash as he took his spot on Ash's shoulder

With that, all of the zubats and golbats are down.

"Hey sorry for that you get electrocuted in middle," said Ash

"Don't be sorry, you saved my life. I owe you a one." said the man.

"So who are you and why those golbats and zubats attacked you"? Asked Brock.

" Follow me. I will explain all on the go" said man.

"I am Seymour. I am a researcher and here I research about clefairy and Moonstone". Said Seymour.

"Nice to meet you Seymour." Said the trio in unison.

"And I am ash and he is my buddy Pikachu". Said Ash.

"Pika pika" replied pikachu

" I am misty " said misty.

"And I am Brock". Said Brock.

"And what's the deal about those angry Pokémon and lighting in the cave". asked Misty.

"And most important, why there is so much light in the cave. As far as I know about these Pokemon, they like dark areas"? Ash said.

"You are right Ash, this is the reason why these Pokémon went on the rampage the and they start attacking me". explained Seymour.

The four people were walking as they encountered a rampaging told ash to catch him since he already has a geodude.

"OK Pikachu let's wrap this up quick," said Ash.

("Sure Ash, but this time I want to do this on my own")Pikachu said.

"OK " replied ash.

"Graveller begins with the fist charged with fire and thunder punch but Pikachu evaded it with dig which graveller retaliated with the earthquake which sends pikachu out of the ground. pikachu then charged with the quick attack which hit graveller direct on center of his chest. Graveller then used rollout which Pikachu stopped by using iron tail on the ground.After that graveller used stone edge which Pikachu retaliated with full power brick break and a massive iron tail attack knocking him out".

After Ash successfully captured graveller they all started to move towards the center of mt. moon.

"Man something is troubling them for sure. All heavy lights are freaking them out," said Ash.

"Did someone say trouble?" said a female voice

Who are you? Asked ash.

#insert team rocket moto here#

"Team Rocket" said Misty.

"what do you want" asked Brock.

"What we want is that moonstone," said Jessie.

"And we will get that by hook or by crook " James added.

"But first you have to face us," Ash said.

"Hey stop there or else, " Meowth said.

"Else what ?" asked ash

Meowth then pressed the button on remote which made appears a giant container which contains a pink Pokémon

"Hey leave those clefairy. " ash protested.

"Not without a battle, " said James.

"Go arbok, weezing" said Jessie and James.

"Go zubat,staryu, Lucario and Gardevoir". said ash misty and Brock as they released their Pokémon.

"Not that easily, " said Meowth as he pressed another button which captures ash misty and Brock along with their Pokémon in containers.

"Hey leave us, " said Brock.

"What you twerps thinking huh, we'll leave you after you mess up with us," said Jessie.

"Hey, Brock relax I know what to do". Ash said to which Brock nodded.

Ash then closed his eyes and said, "guys listen carefully".

"yes, Ash" replied Pikachu, Lucario and Gardevoir.

"OK so listen me . pikachu you use flash. OK then gardevoir when pikachu uses flash you teleport clefairy out of here and lucario you use force palm to break

the container and free all of us. Have you all get it." Ash explained.

"Hey leave us, " ash said while having a huge smirk on face.

"Hey Jess why the little twerp is smiling" James asked.

"Pikachu now use flash" ash commanded to his partner after which a light blinded everyone for few minutes in the cave.

When the light down team rocket was shocked to see everyone is now free as well as Pokemon, clefairy were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey where are all those clefairy and most important how are you all free" James asked.

"Listen you dumbo. It doesn't matter, what matter is you will be blasting off". Said misty.

"Staryu use watergun. zubat use supersonic. Lucario use auracannon. Pikachu use chargebeam" all ordered their Pokémon to attack.

all combined attack strike team rocket

"Oh no looks like team rocket is blasting off again," said team rocket.

"Gardevoir then reappeared"

Ash asked "are they safe now".

"Yes ash" replied gardevoir.

"So would you teleport us to them," asked ash.

Gardevoir teleport ash and his friends and pokemon to place where clefairy were.

- 10 Minutes Later-

"Hey Seymour are you all right" asked Brock.

"Thanks for saving me and clefairy and they are thankful for that" said Seymour.

"Nah ... It's alright " replied ash and his friends.

Then all of sudden a clefairy approach ash handing him two stones as thank you.

"Ash then observed the stone, one is white and other one have a DNA symbol on it"

"Hey what is it?" Asked ash misty brock but they just give a negative response as they don't know about it also Seymour doesn't know what it is. So ash decided to ask about it later from professor oak.

Seymour also asked ash and his friends to stay for the night as he wants them to see the clefairy rituals to which they agree.

"Hey Brock, ash misty, " said Seymour.

"yeah" they all replied in unison.

"Here take these "saymour said as he shows them the fossils.

"What are these" asked ash

"These are fossils of Pokemon Ash," said Seymour.

"ash here take this dome fossil and old ember" it will revive aerodactyl and Kabuto from it. said, Seymour.

"thanks ". Replied ash

"Ash also I have skull fossil and jaw fossil from Sinnoh and Kalos for you ," said Seymour.

"What..?" Asked ash.

"Yeah, these fossils contain carnidos and tyrant," said Seymour.

"And misty for you I have this Pokémon egg which I have found near the river that connects to the sea laying there," said Seymour.

"And brock for you take this dome fossil I had two of them"

Next day ash misty and Brock. bids farewell to clefairy and Seymour who stay behind to do research on clefairy.

Brock's team:

1. Onix

2. geodude

3. zubat

4. dome fossil

Misty's team:

1. Staryu

2. starmie

3. golden

4. Pokémon egg(unknown)

Ash's Pokemon:

1. Lucario (Level 50)- Male | shiny

2. Gardevoir (Level 50 )female/shiny

3. Metagross (Level 50)-male

4. Salamance (level 50) -Male

5 greninja(level 50)-male/shiny

6. Pikachu (Level 50)- Male| shiny

7. Fearow (Level 45)- Male

8. Gyrados(Hydra)(Level 50) - Female| shiny

9. Pidgeoto (Level 20)- Male

10. Butterfree (Level 17) - Male

11. Graveler( Level 56)- Male

12. Skull Fossil

13. Jaw Fossil

14 old amber

15 skull fossil

16. Golurk (Level 50)- male