

ASH_RED_0881 · Anime & Comics
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(After their defeat in the World Coronation Series, Ash decides to bring back all of his old Pokémon and train hard for his next challenge. Meanwhile, Chloe joins Ash on his trip to Alola to gather information for her summer vacation task. Let's see what happens.)

When Ash and Kukui arrive home, they see Burnett preparing dinner while Chloe helps her. On the other side, Ash's Pikachu and Chloe's Eevee play with Ash's Alola Pokémon.

Kukui: So Ash, after bringing back your old Pokémon, what's your next plan?

Ash: Professor Kukui, for now, I don't have a plan for my next step. I just want to bring them back with me and train hard in my hometown, that's it.

Kukui: But you know that during a journey, you can only carry a maximum of six Pokémon, right?

Ash: Yeah, I know, Professor Kukui, but...

They fall silent for a moment.

Kukui: Hey Ash, I have a surprise for you.

Ash: What surprise are you talking about, Professor?

Kukui: You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out, but I'm sure it will help you a lot in your journey.

After that, Ash goes to his Alola Pokémon and speaks to them.

Ash: Hey, my friends (Alola Pokémon), in order to fulfill my dream, I want to train hard in Pallet Town to become stronger and stronger. Do you want to join us?

Ash's Pokémon hug him, answering his question. Seeing this, Chloe thinks about how Ash becomes one with his Pokémon when he is with them.

After finishing dinner, Ash tells Chloe that he will sleep on the sofa and suggests that she sleep in the upper room.

Chloe: There's no problem for me. It would be awkward for you to sleep on the sofa, so you can join me.

Ash: But I have no problem sleeping on the sofa. I'm used to it, so you should go to the upper room.

Chloe: It's not a problem. (She then drags him to her room.)

They both sleep on the bed, and Ash notices that Chloe seems tense.

Ash: Hey Chloe.

Chloe: What, Ash?

Ash: You seem tense. Is there something wrong?

Chloe: Nothing, I'm just thinking about my dream and what to do next.

Ash: So, what do you want to tell me?

Chloe: In school, everyone thought my dad being a researcher meant I wanted to become one too. But I want to make more Pokémon friends like you did, so I can't decide what to do in the future.

Ash: To fulfill your dream, there are two paths you can take. If you want to make friends, then becoming a trainer is the best choice. But if you want to show your bond and friendship, then coordinating is the way to go.

Chloe: So, which one should I choose? I want both.

Ash: Then you should choose Pokémon battling, and in your free time, you can participate in contests.

Chloe: I will think about this. Thanks, Ash.

Ash: It's simple when it comes to friendship.

They both go back to sleep.

(Time skip to the morning)

When Chloe wakes up, she sees that no one is in her room. She goes to the seashore for fresh air and sees Ash and Pikachu sitting on the sand, watching the sunrise.

Chloe: Good morning, Ash!

Ash: (snapping out of his thoughts) Morning, Chloe.

Eevee and Pikachu greet each other good morning.

Chloe: So, what's up?

Ash: I'm just thinking if I'll be able to achieve my dream.

Chloe: You will, Ash.

Ash: But how? I've already participated in all the leagues and haven't been able to win any of them. And I'm also thinking about becoming a Pokémon Master.

Chloe: Don't give up until you achieve it. Keep chasing after your goal.

Ash: Chloe, your words remind me of my old days. They give me more energy. Thanks for that.

After that, they both head back to Kukui's house for breakfast. Kukui then says,

Kukui: Hey, Ash, do you remember Rotom Dex?

Ash: (excitedly) Yeah, he was my friend in Alola. How can I forget him?

Kukui: If he wants to join you again on your journey, would you have any problem with that?

Ash: But Professor, he is currently in the Ether Paradise, and what about his dream of becoming the greatest Pokédex?

Kukui: Actually, Rotom Dex says that his work there is already complete, so he wants to go with you on your journey to see and gather more information about Pokémon.

Ash: But... (interrupted by Kukui)

Kukui: And with that, Kukui goes to his underground room to retrieve Rotom Dex and gives it to Ash, saying that he no longer needs it.

Ash: (goes to Rotom Dex) Hey, Rotom, do you want to join us?

Rotom: It would be my pleasure. With my upgraded features, you can now carry an unlimited number of Pokémon, as many as you have or will catch on your journey.

Ash: What?! You mean I can carry unlimited Pokémon? But how?

Rotom: You can only use six Pokémon for official league battles, but with my new upgrade, you can carry as many Pokémon as you want outside of official battles.

Ash: That's incredible! What other new features do you have?

Rotom: Before I explain, I need to scan your eyes. (Rotom scans Ash's eyes)

Ash: What's that for?

Rotom: From now on, I will handle all your tasks, like a manager.

Ash: That's unimaginable!

Rotom: (curious) So, Ash, can I join your team?

Ash: Hey, Rotom Dex... I mean Pokéwatch, you don't need to ask. Even if you didn't want to come with us, I would still force you to join my team. So, yes, you can join us. I have no problem with it.

Rotom Dex: Thanks, Ash.

Kukui: So, for now, I've booked two tickets from Melemele to the Viridian Airport.

Rotom: And for that, I need to scan your eyes. (Rotom scans Ash's eyes) Tickets confirmed from Melemele to Viridian Airport.

Ash: (to Chloe) So, Chloe, I hope you gathered all the information on evolution.

Chloe: Yes, Ash, and before going to Kanto, how about we explore all of Melemele together?

Ash: Sounds like fun. What about visiting Alola's famous Melemele shop?

Chloe: That's great, Ash.

They both head to the famous Melemele shop, where Ash waits outside while Chloe goes inside. A woman approaches Ash.

Woman: May I help you, sir?

Ash: No, thank you. I'm just waiting for someone inside the store. (Chloe arrives and overhears their conversation)

Woman: If you're waiting for someone, they must be someone very close to you, right? (She then enters the store)

(Ash and Chloe's cheeks turn red)

(Chloe appears)

Chloe: Hey, I'm done here. Let's go.

Ash: So, how was the experience in the store?

Chloe: I was mesmerized by the jewelry. I bought something for you, too.

Ash: What is it?

Chloe: It's a Pokémon pendant chain for both of us. A Pikachu pendant for you and an Eevee pendant for me.

(Ash and Chloe blush)

(Eevee pendant)

(Pikachu pendant)

Ash: There's no need for that, Chloe.

Chloe: I wanted to thank you for helping me find my dream.

Ash: (excited) And what dream is that?

Chloe: After seeing your passion and love for Pokémon battles and your bond with not only your Pokémon but also wild Pokémon, I want to become the strongest trainer like you and make more and more Pokémon friends.

Ash: That's great, Chloe. And I know you'll do well in pursuing your dream. Best of luck.

Chloe: Thanks, Ash. (She gets close to Ash and kisses his cheek) That's for helping me find my dream.

After that, Chloe feels warm and her cheeks turn red. Their Pokémon watch their trainers and smile, making both trainers feel uncomfortable.

(Time skip to Melemele Airport)

After thanking Professor Kukui and saying goodbye to their friends, Ash and Chloe head to their seats. Ash sits by the window, and Chloe sits beside him. Chloe falls asleep on Ash's shoulder, and Ash rests his head on Chloe's head. Pikachu and Eevee sit on their trainers' laps.

That's it for Chapter 2. If you enjoyed it, please support us. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, feel free to share them. Thank you for reading.

And Plz don't arguing with grammatical mistakes as I already starts working on it,Thanks