

He was always different from the rest of people even as a child of mere 5 years he was not only smart beyond his age but also freakishly strong meet Ash Ketchum as he makes his way in the world of pokemon to be the very best pokemon master the world has ever seen(an AU story but will follow the anime)

IAMVEGITO · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


After saying goodbye to his mother Ash and Pikachu set off on down Route 1.Route1 is the first forest that a trainer had to pass inorder to continue their journey. Other then a light breeze, the day was very peaceful, they have spotted a couple Rattata packs, a few small flocks of Pidgey's flying around, scouting for food,and some Spearow sitting on the tree branch. Ash thought he should spend time with his pokemon to understand them and create a better bond with them since it was only 9A.M. so he have than enough time to reach Viridian City.

"hey Pikachu how about we stop there and introduced ourself with our other teammates?",asked Ash as he pointed towards an open field with a big tree in the middle. Pikachu looked at the place and nodded his head it is better place to rest for a bit. Ash then walks towards the tree and sits underneath it huge branches.

"come on out you two," said Ash as he released his two pokemons. After coming out of their pokeball they walk towads their trainer. "hey guys i think i haven't intruduced my self to you. my name is Ash Ketchum and you already know my buddy Pikachu.",Said Ash pointing towards Pikachu who walks towards them and started to speak in their language and after some time Ash spoke again,"umm guys?", they looke at Ash,"before we move forward from here i want to tell you a secret of mine only a few people knows." the pokemon gave Ash a curious look,"you see i am not what others call a normal trainer infact i am far from being normal.", Said Ash as the pokemon gave him puzzled look like what is he talking about."umm how can i explain it..., ok its better if i show you guys, but don't overreact ok i will explain everything after that ok?", the pokemon though confused just nodded.

Ash then stands up looked around his surrounding to find a heavy objects to show them what is he talking about and found a big rock probably the size of an Golem about five meters away from him and then he started walking towards it as his pokemons following him behind. As he reached the stone he started to dug his hand under the stone, the pokemon just dumbly looked at him and then looked at each other then started to speak withing themselves.' is he mad or something what is he doing?',Asked Pikachu as he looked at his teammates.'well i don't...' was the only thing Rockruff able to say as his eyes becomes widen in shock along with Litten .'what happened?'asked Pikachu as he also looked in the direction of Ash but the moment looked there his eyes also become widen in shock, suprise, fear, amazement and many other emotions.


shouted all the three pokemon in unison as they couldn't believe what they are seeing, in front of them is their trainer holding a very large boulder with only one hand above his head, they knew it was impossible to do even for most of the pokemon except for the Legendary, how could he do such a thing?, is a very powerful Legendary pokemon in disguise?or maybe a very powerful aura guardian? they couldn't process this much information,and then thump all three pokemon has fainted dueto the shock.


and then i had to fight those wild pokemons until submission, though i never knew that the Tree of Beginning is the home of so many wild pokemons you can see almost all species there." Finished Ash as he explain his pokemons about his powers, when he got them, how he accidently put his house on firewhen he was four, his visit in Rota, along with his training with Sir Riley and his Lucario. Ash's pokemon could only blink as Ash told them his life story, and after seeing what their trainer can do firsthand they bound to believe that.

"now i told you guys everything there is to know about me but i don't know about you so now i am gonna scan you so i can understand your move sets and can train you to add some more."Said Ash and the pokemons nodded. Ash then takes put his National dex and first scan Pikachu.

Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon, electric type.It can generate electric attacks from the electric pouches located in both of its cheeks.Pikachu is the evolved form of Pichu.Pikachu'stail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surrounding.

Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, Quickattack, Thundershock.

EGG Moves: Volt tackle.(Locked)

Hidden Ability: Lightning Rod.

Ability: Static.

Gender: Male

"its a pretty impressive move you got there Pikachu you are a quite strong for such a young age.",complemented Ash, "Pika Pikachu" repliad Pukachu as he puffed his chest in pride."now its your turn Rockruff." said Ash and step forward.

Rockruff the puppy pokemon, rock type. Rochruff has a very strong sense of smell and once it smells and odor it doesnot forget it. It's said that it leaves its Trainer's side to evolve and returns again when fully evolved.

Moves: Leer, Tackle, Double team, Rock throw.

Ability: Vital Spirit, Keen eye.

Hidden ability: Steadfast.

Gender: Male.

Egg moves: Sandstorm.(Locked)

"you have sandstorm as egg move wow Rockruff once we can unlocked it, it can increase your attack power."Said Ash, "ruff ruff" repliad Rockruff in determination."now Litten" said Ash as Litten came forward.

"Litten the fire cat pokemon, fire type.Litten'sfur is rich in oils and is immensely flammable. It constantly grooms itself by licking its coat, collecting loose fur into balls. It then ignites these hairballs to create fireball attacks.When the time comes forLittento molt, it burns off all of its fur in one glorious blaze.

Moves: Ember, Fury swipe, Bite.

Abilities: Blaze.

Hidden abitity: Intimidate.

Gender: Female.

Egg Move: Blast Burn.(Locked)

"blastburn...blastburn...blastburn...", said Ash again and again as he could not believe that his Litten has the second strongest fire type move."meow?"asked Litten in concern as she looked at Ash. Ash then looked away his Pokedex to his pokemon"you know Litten once you unlocked that move you can take down any pokemon no matter how big he is?"asked Ash as he looked at his Cat pokemon.

"meow eow meow ow." repliad Litten with fire in his eyes. she wanted become the strongest fire type out there. "i know but its not only you both Pikachu and Rockruff also wanted to become super strong." replied Ash as he looked down at his other two starter."Pika Pikachu Pika ", "Ruff Ruff,"said both Pikachu and Rockruff in unison and with determination.

Ash smiled at the antics of his starters he then looked down on his hand watch and a saw it was almost 1.p.m. so he decided to continue his journey, and wanted to reach Viridian City soon."ok guys what do say should we continue our journey?"Asked Ash looking at his pokemon who nodded their head in confirmation. so Ash packed his things, dusted himself off, his pokemons decided to stay outside of their pokeball for a bit so he let them be and continue to walked towards Viridian city.

Ash walked for two more hours and in that time he continue to converse with his pokemons telling them about thier training strategy which should be followed from the next day. They continues walking until they heard a loud screeching followed by another for their left side, Ash decided to check that out as he run towards the screeching which is about ten meters away as Ash can deduced that much with the intensity of the sounds.

When they reach the place what Ash see shocked him about ten feet away a Spearow is fighting with a Pidgeotto and both them had injury all over their body, and what he can see he they are not holding back at all. Ash knew he had to do something fast because if the birds continue to fight they will injure themselves very badly because everyone knows is that a Pidgeotto and a Spearow are showrn enemies. thinking first he orders"Pikachu try to get their attention with your thunderbolt, Rockruff when we have their attentin use leer, Litten the moments Rockruff use leer use ember on Spearow."

Pikachu unleash a powerfull thounderbolt between the two birds and gain their attention the moments the two birds see towards their attacker only to be attacked by leer and thus lowering their defenses, follow up with ember from Litten on Spearow as the Spearow already sustained many damaged with his fight with Pidgeotto and couldn't take more and falls on the ground completely knockout.

Ash then saw the opportunity throws a pokeball at Spearow and thus catching it. Ash knew very well that if he catch Pidgeotto then the Spearow might get fled away and knowing its anger issues it will bring its flocks to attack them who tries to hurt it. Ash then took the pokeball in his hand and place it on his belt, he then looked at Pidgeotto who looked back at Ash and ready to attack him if he tries to catch her, even if she knows its a useless to fight since she already sustained too much damaged but what suprised her is that Ash held up his hand in surrender.

"its ok Pidgeotto i will not attack you i promise i just want to heal you, you have already injured yourself too much and i won't hurt you any more.",said Ash as he takes outb berry from his bagpack abd give it to the bird pokemon,"here eat this you will get your strenght back." he then place the berry on the ground takes takes afew steps back.

Pidgeotto warily eyed the trainer in front of her and then back at the berry and after a few seconds later landed on the ground and eat the berry. she then looked back at Ash and asked"pidgeo geo pidg ggeo pidgeo?" . Ash smiles and answers"i guess you must be wondering why i caught the Spearow not you right?" Pidgeotto nodded "simple i have caught only Spearow is because its the only way to stop you guys from fighting, and if i catch you instead of him then he might call for his flocks and we might get attacked.",replied Ash. Pidgeotto nodded in understanding.

Ash then started to walk towards the Pidgeotto making the pokemon tensed,"its ok Pidgeotto i won't do anything to harm you i just wanted to heal you took some beatings from the Spearow.",said Ash as he crouch down to Pidgeotto's level and takes a heal potion from his bag "it might stink a little but after some moments you will feel better,"said Ash as he applies the potion on the Bird pokemon who winces in pain but after some time the pain subsided and Pidgeotto's injuries all healed.

Pidgeotto looked at the trainer with awed expression she never seen a trainer who could express this much concern for a wild Pokemon, at that particular moments she decided that she will join him because she knew that the trainer will not only loved her but also nurture her and make her stronger.

there Pidgeotto now you are healed now you can go back to the wild.",said Ash as the Pidgeotto shook her head."huh you don't want to go in the wild?",asked Ash as the Bird pokemon again shook her head and points toward him. "so you want to come with me.",said Ash as the Bird nodded his head in affirmation. Ash then smiles and takes out a pokeball and tossed it towards the pokemon who sucked inside it and within seconds ding it captured.

Ash then takes out Spearow's pokeball to heal him as Pikachu, Rockruff and Litten makes their way to Ash to give him protection knowing the way their trainer caught the Spearow they wouldn't be suprised if the Spearow tried to attack him.

The pokeball brust open as Spearow glare at Ash for catching it he couldn't attack him because of knowing the state he is in, and if looks could kill Ash is sure the way Spearow looking at him can kill him a hundred times. Ash then speak,"look Spearow i know that you are angry with me for catching you, but its the only way to stop you guys from killing each other. just look at you how much injury you caused yourself.let me heal you." as Ash takes out another potion to heal Spearow but the Spearow angryly screech at him still angry that had caught him without his permission."look if you let me heal you ...(sigh)..i promise you that i will let you free to go to your flocks.",said Ash as Spearow looked at Ash few seconds then nods.

Ash then apply the potion on the Spearow who winces in pain and Ash started to pet him to order to soothe him. Spearow then looked at Ash and started to wonder that if he did the right thing by deciding to leave the trainer and join his flocks, or should he go with the trainer who only shows care and compassion towards him. he then sees how Ash petting his other pokemon and also saw how strong they are especially for such a beginner trainer.

"Spearow," screech Spearow, Ash looked at the bird pokemon who is pointing his wings at pokeball,"huh, you don't want to go to the wild?",asked Ash l, Spearow shook his head,"Spearow row Spearow ",said Spearow. "you want to become strong but you won't by staying here that why you want to come with me."said Ash and Spearow nodded his head in confirmation.Ash smile and then point his pokeball to Spearow,"than i promise you i will make you strong in no time", replied Ash, Spearow nodded his head and then sucked inside the pokeball.

Ash then clipped his pokeball into his belt and turn towards his three starter,"so guys lets continue the journey."said Ash as the pokemons voice their confirmation in their language and started to follow Ash to make their way towards Viredian city.