
ch3 Imperial Library

Barbara asked Mary to guide her to the library. The road seemed long to both of them because of what had happened a short while ago... that stifling silence in which we could only hear the sounds of our footsteps...

The hasty and anxious steps of Mary and the Prince sounded like the sound of a frightened and trembling child's heartbeat... while the sound of Miss Barbara's calm steps did not reach their ears... This calm was interrupted by Barbara's question:

Why are you rushing like this? This makes me feel upset.

The prince responded with confused words and incomprehensible phrases, while Mary bowed her head and apologized to her.

I walked towards her and put her hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly. Mary was surprised and her cheeks reddened until her eyes became filled with tears when she saw Barbara's warm smile, her bright eyes and her lips curved in the form of an arch. Mary felt as if she was sitting in front of a warm fire on a cold night, and her tears flowed relentlessly... She made... Mary is confused..

She wiped her tears and said:

"Excuse me, miss, for my rude behavior...but your warm smile brought back my memories of my father."

"You have a lot of positive energy and I didn't want to destroy it."

Barbara continued her walk, ignoring the prince.

He felt sad, but he continued to follow her until they reached the library door.

The two guards greeted His Highness the Prince, then one of them noticed Mary and his face smiled at first, but suddenly changed. He began to show a whisper of surprise and confusion, and then suddenly he began to avoid looking at her after that.

The prince said, "I want to enter the library."

The guards' eyes made contact with each other and one of them said:

"You may come in, Your Highness."

The prince was happy and took Barbara's hand... but the guard stopped him, saying:

"But except for you, no one is allowed in."

The prince expressed his concern, as he feared that Barbara would be dissatisfied with him because he was not the prince she wanted.

"She can come in with me.. Am I not a prince from the ruling family.. How dare she disobey my orders?"

The two guards felt tense and afraid.. and they did not know what to do.. because the prince was insisting on entering with her.. Barbara approached him and put her hands on his shoulders and said

"Calm down, Your Majesty. Don't be so loud. It hurts my ears. These two guards won't listen to you no matter what. There is a saying in this case that says, 'If a person doesn't listen to you, maybe it's time for you to change the way you talk.' "And not just the way he listens."

So, my dear, let's do something else.

Barbara looked at Mary carefully. Mary pointed to herself and then moved towards her hurriedly. Barbara looked with intense concentration in her eyes, trying to manipulate her mind. As she continued to look, her eyes very slowly began to dull.

She gave her order to go to the Crown Prince to see if he had returned to the palace to obtain his permission. Mary nodded in agreement and then ran quickly. Barbara said to her with a strange smile, "Be careful not to fall on the stairs while you are running."

After a short while, he heard the sound of Mary screaming.

The prince said fearfully, "Isn't that Mary's voice?"

The two guards flinched and felt disturbed and kept looking at each other.

Barbara saw them and then shouted at them:

"What are you two doing standing like this? Something might have happened to her. Let's go see what happened."

Everyone ran towards the sound, then Barbara slowed her hurried steps, grabbed the prince's hand, pulled him towards her, asked him to be quiet, and said in a low voice, "Let's go to the library."

After they entered the library, she asked him about the location of the magic books. As usual, the prince began to stutter and pointed with his hand vulgarly in the other direction. She took the prince's hand and stopped him on the seat. She sat in front of him on her knees, held his hands, and said firmly:

"His Highness Prince Albert Stuart... calm down... take a deep breath in and out" (He listened to her words and took a deep breath until he calmed down a little)

"Are you better now?" She nodded.

"Why do you often seem afraid, anxious, and disturbed?"

He remained silent, avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me.. I'm just a stranger in this palace.. but I don't like seeing you weak."

The prince remained frozen in his place, hesitant to speak or interact with her. Despite her attempts to acknowledge the prince and find out what was on his mind, he remained silent like a stone wall. When she looked into his eyes, she found nothing but confusion and fear lurking in their place. Barbara got up, took off her dress, and went to where she was. The prince pointed out earlier...then she said calmly:

"In this world, weakness and annihilation have the same meaning. If you remain in this position, your presence or non-existence will have no effect on those around you."

The prince lowered his head to hide the tears that began to flow, as his attempts to appear as a good person in front of her failed.

Barbara thought to herself as she looked at these magical books to search for that power that appeared yesterday..

She used her magic to attract books from the library shelves. The books automatically opened in front of her and the papers began to flip and revolve around Barbara. As she finishes reading a book, another book comes at her command.

But everything she found was useless... Albert approached her and said without stuttering:

"There are old magic books at the back of the shelf. You might find what you need."

She quickly went to where he indicated and began flipping through the books hurriedly, fearing that the Crown Prince would come to her.

She kept peeking at the prince to see how surprised his facial features looked. He was smiling softly as he read the book carefully. "Do you like reading books?"

"Yes, I love it... and I love learning magic."

"Don't you have your own teacher?"

The prince frowned. I felt as if I had taken away his smile with my question.

"Not even the history, arts and mathematics teacher."

"Why?" (Barbara said indifferently)

"I don't know"

"Hmm, I can understand why."

You cry a lot and you are not a good speaker.. and you cannot do anything well.. so why would he love a weak person like you?

Barbara began to provoke the prince until he felt angry. This was her choice to make the prince feel comfortable and that he could get angry too.

"Your dear brother never loves you"

Albert got very angry and threw the book at Barbara, but she moved away and collided with the bookshelves because of her dress, which was stuck there. A black book fell, with a strange jewel in the middle. The book opened as it fell and the place suddenly became dark. She called out to His Highness the Prince, but he did not answer.

"The place is saturated with magical energy. His Highness will be injured if he stays here too long."

While she was looking around trying to find a way out, everything suddenly returned to how it was until 4 people appeared, all of them bowed in front of her and welcomed her.

"I almost choked from boredom... What happened to you, ma'am?"

I was surprised and asked who they were. They looked at each other in surprise and their faces looked sad. Then one of them said, "We are your shadow soldiers. We have been with you since you were little." The sound of footsteps was heard coming. It seemed to be the Crown Prince with a group of guards. "The sound of someone coming." "Let's go back"

They entered Barbara's shadow. She turned and found Albert looking at her, surprised by what he saw. She was also surprised because she thought he would not be able to withstand the magical energy. She smiled and laughed in a low voice. She removed her hair from her shoulder and then said, "What do you think we keep what I saw a secret?" Between us"

"but why"

She leaned towards him and whispered in his ear:

"Because the delicious secret in your mouth could be poison in someone else's mouth."

The Crown Prince entered with the guards. He looked angry and said, "Who ordered you to enter the Imperial Library without my permission?"