
Ash born with aura and psychic powers

Ash was playing in virdian forest when he was 5 years old and flock of spearrows attacked him but ended up saved by mew and awakened his aura and psychic powers. Follow his journey smart ash,op ash,mature ash and also in Kanto leadue he will face Tobias but to find out who will win read about it and he will not catch legendary Pokemon but make his normal to able to defeat them. And don't worry each chapter atleast have 4,000 to 10,000 words.

DaoistcRNLqo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

League ends

For the next two hours, Ash was in one of the stadium offices, having a conversation with Charles Goodshow, Blue and Elite Four. Red showed up as well, and they all talked about what to do with Tobias and the Legendary Pokémon that he has.

While it is not a crime to have Legendary Pokémon, it is also not alright to have so many of them, and on top all of that Tobias doesn't even treat them well, he doesn't train them and even abuses them from time to time.

After two hours of talking, they all accepted Ash's decision to take away Tobias's trainers license and his Pokémon and release them.

Tobias, who was there as well, started to yell and even tried to attack Ash and the others because they took away his license, but Ash put him to sleep with a simple fist in the face and then took all of his Pokémon, except his Garchomp, which was Tobias's first Pokémon, and left the office. Then he went to see his friends and to release Tobias's Pokémon, except Lugia because he wants to find out what happened to her mother and help her find her.

Once Ash left the stadium, he saw his friends in front of the stadium, waiting for him. They all congratulated him on his win and then they all went in the forest a little away from the Pokémon Village, because Ash was going to release Tobias's Pokémon.

When they were far enough, Ash called all five of the Legendry Pokémon that Tobias head and told them what happened and that they are now free to go and do whatever they want. Except Lugia because he will help her find her mother.

The four Pokémon looked at each other and then asked if they can stay with him since they saw how powerful he and his Pokémon are, they might be able to become more powerful, since Tobias didn't train them at all.

Ash told them that if they want they can stay with him, but he will not use them in battles because he doesn't like to battle using Legendary Pokémon, and if they wanted to battle they can stay with his friends who will treat them just as good as he would be.

The four Legendary Pokémon thought about this and in the end they agreed to come with his friends.

In the end Darkrai went with Brock, Volcanion with Misty, Latios with Cynthia and Heatran with Leaf. Lugia will be staying with Ash. Ash than broke Tobias's Poke balls and everyone caught them in their own.

After that was over, the group went to have lunch in the Pokémon center. There, they met Ash family and Professor Oak, who joined them, and they all ate together, talked with each other and waited for the stadium to be fixed a little so that Cynthia and Diantha can have their battle.

It took two more hours for the battlefield to be fixed and then the second semifinal started. The battle was long and hard for both Cynthia and Diantha, but in the end Cynthia barely won when her Garchomp defeated Diantha's Gardevoir.

When the match was over, the announcer said that the final match will be tomorrow at noon after which, there will be closing ceremony, which will mark the end of this year's Indigo League tournament.

After the match, Ash and the others went to celebrate with Cynthia's passing in the finals and the match Ash and Cynthia will have. They all spent most of the rest of the day together celebrating and talking about what they will all do after the final match is over.

After the Indigo League, Ash, Brock and Misty will probably go to Johto Region, since it's closest to Kanto. Leaf still doesn't know where she will go and Cynthia will go in Sinnoh Region and try to win there.

When the celebration was over and everyone went to their rooms, Ash decided to go for a little walk since he was not tired. He went a little away from the Village and then thought it might be the best time to talk with Lugia and find out what happened to her mother.

After he released her from her Poke Ball, Ash asked her to explain him exactly what happened and how did her mother disappear.

Lugia told him that she was playing on a small Island when she was attacked by some Pokémon. Her mother, who was deep under sea with her little brother, appeared and tried to save her but she ended up being captured by some machine. The machine then flew up in the sky and entered in some flying ship, which then flew away, and left little Lugia alone and hurt. Tobias came a few hours later and captured he as she was weakened and inexperienced.

When Lugia finished her story she was crying her eyes out, and Ash was very angry.

Ash then calmed himself down and promised Lugia that he will find her mother and bring them both together again.

Though, the question remains, who was it that captured Lugia, and what happened with young Lugia's brother.

Lugia stopped crying after that and gave him a smile as Ash patted her on the head a little.

That's when Ash noticed Diantha, who was there for a while and was listening them. Of course, she didn't understand what Lugia was saying, but she knew something was wrong since she was crying and Ash looked angry.

Ash then called her to come closer and asked her how long she was there and she said for a few minutes. They started talking and Ash told her Lugia's story and what happened to her mother.

Ash, Diantha and Lugia spent a little time together talking, before Ash recalled Lugia back and went back in the Village with Diantha. The two of them continued talking during their walk and even went to have an Ice Cream in one of the shops. They talked for the next few hours and got to know each other better, and if someone was to look closer he or she would notice that Diantha has a little traces of pink on her cheeks. It looks like she was starting to like Ash, and he might like her back, but it's not noticed on his expression.

When they noticed it was already late at night, Ash and Diantha said goodbye to each other and went back to their rooms, though not before Diantha kissed Ash on the cheek, which made her face, flush in embracement. Even Ash got a little red on his face as well.

The next morning, Ash, his family and friends all had breakfast together and after that they all separated and went for a little walk before the final match between Ash and Cynthia. Once the time has come for the match everyone went to the stands except Ash and Cynthia, who walked on two sides of the field and then the announcer said a few words before the referee said.

"This is the final match of this year's Indigo League tournament! On the green side, we have Ash Ketchum and on the red side we have Cynthia White! Cynthia will be the first to choose her Pokémon!"

"Gastrodon, come to battle!" Cynthia released her first Pokémon!

"Ivysaur, I chose you!" Ash chose Ivysaur as his first Pokemon!

"Cynthia choses Gastrodon, and Ash choses Ivysaur," said the announcer. "This is sure to be great match, even though at first it seems that Ivysaur has the advantage because of his type, Cynthia and her Pokémon are not to be underestimated!"

At the announcement, the crowd started cheering for both trainers and hoped for another great battle, just like the two semifinal battles were.

"Are you both ready," asked the referee, and Ash and Cynthia nodded? "BEGIN!"

"Gastrodon, use Earthquake," said Cynthia!

Gastrodon jumped high into the air and landed hard, making shockwaves come out of the ground and went at Ivysaur, who was hit by them and sent back a little.

"Now use Stone Edge," said Cynthia!

Three light blue rings surrounded Gastrodon's body and then, the rings glowed white and form into chunks of gray stones, and then Gastrodon's eyes glowed yellow and the stones shoot toward Ivysaur who was trying to pull himself together from being hit by Earthquake.

"Protect," said Ash!

Ivysaur created a barrier in front of himself, which stopped the stones that were coming at him and caused a small explosion. The explosion raised the dust cloud, which surrounded, Ivysaur.

"Use, Razor Leaf," said Ash!

Ivysaur released multiple razor sharp leaves from the leaves on its back and sent them at Gastrodon.

Cynthia smirked at this and said. "Protect!"

Gastrodon created the same barrier that Ivysaur created before, and stopped the attack that was coming for him.

The crowd and Ash all got surprised looks on their faces after seeing this. And then Cynthia said.

"What, you didn't think you will be the only one to teach their Pokémon this move. It is very useful move."

Ash grinned and replied. "Oh this will be a great battle! Ivysaur, use Vine Whip!"

Two dark green vines come out of Ivysaur's bulb and went straight at Gastrodon at great speed, and then hit him across the face, which made his stumble backwards and cry from pain.

"Now use Solar Beam," said Ash!

"Counter it with Ice Beam," said Cynthia!

Ivysaur started gathering sunlight in the flower bulb on its back, then pointed it at the Gastrodon and fired a light green beam at him.

Gastrodon on the other side opened his mouth and formed a white ball in front of them, and then fired it in a form of the beam, which then collided with Solar Beam.

Two attacks pushed at one another for a while, and then there was an explosion which threw both Pokémon backwards few meters.

"Ivysaur, use Leech Seed," said Ash, while Ivysaur was flying backwards!

Ivysaur managed to stop himself and pointed his bulb at Gastrodon. A seed shot from the bulb and went toward Gastrodon, who was hit by it and then got wrapped in thin vines. The vines restrained Gastrodon and then started glowing red, because they were sucking his power, which made Gastrodon let a small cry.

"Gastrodon, try using Muddy Water," said Cynthia!

Gastrodon lifted his head and released spiraling brown water from his body, which went at Ivysaur and hit him, which brought a cry of pain from Ivysaur.

"Leaf Storm, Ivysaur," said Ash!

Ivysaur got off the ground and then looked at Gastrodon. He surrounded himself with glowing leaves, which he sent at Gastrodon in a tornado like form.

Gastrodon couldn't escape the Leaf Storm and was hit hard by it and then thrown around a little because of the tornado. After a few more moments, Gastrodon hit the ground, as the Leaf Storm has disappeared.

"Can you get up, Gastrodon," Cynthia asked her Pokémon, because she was worried?

Gastrodon got up somehow and looked at Ivysaur, while panting because of pain and exhaustion. On the other side, Ivysaur was also panting, but a little less than Gastrodon.

"Great, now use Sludge Bomb," said Cynthia!

"Ivysaur, dodge it and then use Vine Whip to grab him and pull him toward you and then use, Tackle," said Ash.

Gastrodon opened his mouth and fired a large brown ball of sludge at Ivysaur, but Ivysaur simply dodged it and then he extended his Whips and grabbed Gastrodon. Ivysaur then pulled hard and Gastrodon was pulled toward him.

Ivysaur run at Gastrodon, who was being pulled through the air and held by his whips, and then slammed in him with all his strength. He let him from his whips at the same time he hit him.

Gastrodon cried in pain as he was shot back and flew through the air. In the end, Gastrodon collided with the wall that surrounded the field.

"GASTRODON!" Cynthia yelled.

"Finish him with, Solar Beam," said Ash!

Ivysaur gathered sunlight in the flower bulb on its back, before he pointed it at the Gastrodon and then fired it. But now, it was more powerful than the last time and once it hit Gastrodon, it made a big explosion which covered Gastrodon in dust and debris.

A minute later dust cleared out and Gastrodon was seen on the ground, passed out.

"Gastrodon is unable to battle. The winner is Ivysaur," said the referee, and pointed a green flag at Ivysaur who was panting and sweating from exhaustion!

"And that was the end of the first battle, with Ash taking the lead," said the announcer! "Let's see if Cynthia can come back, or is this the start of her defeat in this match!"

"Gastrodon, return," said Cynthia! "You did great. I'm proud of you.

"That was a good battle Ash, but let's continue this and make it even better," said Cynthia.

"I agree," said Ash!

"Come out, Braviary," said Cynthia!

"So its Flying type now," commented Ash. "Ivysaur, return."

"Come out, Crobat!" Ash called his Flying type Pokémon.

"And now it's the battle between two flying type Pokémon, let's see how this turns out," commented the announcer!


"Braviary, use Wing attack," said Cynthia!

"Crobat, counter it with Steel Wing," said Ash!

Both of Braviary's wings glowed white and white energy shined off them at the tips of the feathers. He then flew straight at Crobat to hit him with them.

All four of Crobat's wings glowed white and hardened and then he flew at Braviary who was coming at him.

Both Pokémon hit each other with their attacks, and both of them let out a cry of pain because they landed a successful hits and caused damage to each other, though Crobat did a bit more damage since two of his wings managed to hit Braviary. They backed away from each other after successful hits and then Ash and Cynthia said.

"Braviary, use Aerial Ace," said Cynthia!

"Crobat, use Aerial Ace as well," said Ash!

Braviary dived down at Crobat and flapped his wings once, and then he moved so fast he become a blur and it slams into Crobat who was also coming at Braviary at amazing speed.

They again collided with each other and this time there was a small booming sound from two Pokémon colliding with each other in great speed.

Braviary and Crobat then shot toward the ground, hit it, and then started rolling, because they couldn't stop themselves.

"Can you get up, Braviary," asked Cynthia after Braviary stopped roiling on the ground?

Braviary let out a cry and managed to get up, but with some difficulty.

By the time Braviary got up, Crobat managed to get up as well, and the two stared down at each other.

"Crobat, use Supersonic, and then follow it up with Hyper Beam," Ash suddenly said!

"Braviary, dodge and use Hyper Beam as well," said Cynthia!

Crobat released multiple thin light-blue circles from his mouth at Braviary, but Braviary managed to dodge it in the last second.

Both Crobat and Braviary, who were now in the sky, shot a yellow and orange beam from their mouth, at one another.

Both attacks collided with one another, and after a few seconds of pushing at one another, they both exploded and the explosion sent both Pokemon backwards and toward the ground, were they both collided with the stadium wall behind their trainers.

The wall broke up and buried both Pokemon under it and lifted a lot of dust, which covered everyone's sight of them.

After almost a minute, the dust cleared out and everyone could now see the heads of both Pokemon outside of the rubble while the rest of their bodies were buried. They both had swirls in their eyes which meant they were both passed out.

"Crobat and Braviary are both unable to battle, this round is a draw!" Said the referee.

"And that's it for the second round," yelled the announcer! "Both Ash and Cynthia have lost their Pokemon in this round and the result stays the same, with Ash still leading by having one Pokemon more than Cynthia!"

"Crobat, return," said Ash! "You did great, Crobat."

"Congratulations, Cynthia, that was a great battle," said Ash!

"Thanks, Ash," replied Cynthia. "I put a lot of time in training my Pokémon because I knew we will be fighting against you eventually, but I have to admit, I wasn't expecting all of your Pokemon to be this strong. I seriously thought that I would win this round since Braviary is one of my stronger Pokemon."

"I can see that, this is actually the first time Crobat didn't win since he evolved and that says a lot about the strength of your Pokemon," said Ash. "So congratulations on training your Braviary."

"Thanks again, Ash," said Cynthia.

"Ok. Then let's continue this," said Ash, and took his next Poke Ball. "Come out Tyrunt!"

"A Tyrunt," commented Cynthia, and then. "Braviary return. Come out, Eelektros!"

Ash looked confused at Cynthia's choice and asked. "Why did you chose Electric type to battle against a Rock type?"

"I believe that my Eelektros can defeat your Tyrunt even with disadvantage," replied Cynthia, and Ash just shrugged!

"Are you both ready," asked the referee, and Ash and Cynthia nodded? "BEGIN!"

"Tyrunt, use Rock Polish and then Ice Fang," said Ash!

Tyrunt's body glowed white and his speed increased. Then, he ran at Eelektros with his increased speed and his teeth glowed light blue color and increased in size a little. When he was just about to bite on Eelektros, Cynthia said.

"Eelektros, use Crunch!"

Eelektros's teeth glowed white like Tyrunt's and then he bit down on Tyrunt at the same time Tyrunt bit on him.

Tyrunt's bit on Eelektros's neck, and started to freeze his body which made Eelektros growl in pain, but Eelektros bit down on Tyrunt's neck, and caused him pain as well, and some wounds.

A few moments later the two Pokémon let go of each other and backed away a little, but with some trouble.

Half of Eelektros's body was frozen in ice, and Tyrunt has lost some of his defense because of Crunch and is now more vulnerable in the next move, so he and Ash have to be careful.

"Eelektros, use Thunderbolt to break that ice and attack Tyrunt at the same time," said Cynthia!

Eelektros glowed yellow and sparks of electricity surrounded him and then he shot a Thunderbolt at Tyrunt. Thunderbolt broke the ice just as it was launched, then went at Tyrunt and hit him.

Tyrunt let a small cry of pain because of the Thunderbolt, but was fine as he still has the advantage against electric attacks even with his defense lowed.

"Tyrunt, use Ancient Power," said Ash!

"Eelektros, counter it with, Zap Cannon," said Cynthia!

Tyrunt's body glowed white and he created a silver energy ball in front of his mouth, and then fired it at Eelektros, who released a beam of yellow and blue energy from his body.

The two attack collided in the middle of the field and pushed at one another for a few seconds trying to overpower the other. A few moments later the two attack exploded, and caused a shockwave which sent both Pokémon flying backwards and hit the wall, which then broke and covered them both in rubble.

Ash and Cynthia looked at the rubble's of their Pokémon and waited to see who will stand up. About a minute later both Pokémon managed to stand up, but both had some wounds on their bodies and they were breathing hard.

"Can you continue, Tyrunt," Ash asked? Tyrunt nodded and went back in front of Ash. He glared at Eelektros, who came back as well, and was glaring back at him.

"Eelektros, use Aqua Tail," said Cynthia!

"Tyrunt, Protect, and then, Dragon Tail," said Ash!

Eelektros's tail become surrounded in a light blue aura, with water swirling around the tip, and then he went at Tyrunt and tried to hit him with it, but Tyrunt created green barrier in front of himself that blocked Aqua Tail and saved him.

Once Eelektros's tail returned to normal, Tyrunt's released the barrier and his tail become covered in a green, scale-patterned aura. He then run at Eelektros and landed a hit right on his head, which sent him flying backwards and even rolled on the ground a little until the wall stopped him.

"Eelektros are you Ok," yelled Cynthia?

Eelektros managed to get up but was barely holding himself in the air.

"Good, now use Dragon Claw," said Cynthia!

"Tyrunt, use Draco Meteor," said Ash!

Both of the claws on Eelektros's hands glowed light blue and he flew at Tyrunt to slash him.

Tyrunt formed a sphere of bright orange energy inside of his mouth and he then fired it into the sky, where it exploded and released several spheres of energy that rain down all over the field.

Eelektros dodged few spheres on his way toward Tyrunt and managed to slash at him with both of his claws once, and delivered critical hit, but was not paying attention on the spheres while he was slashing at Tyrunt and was hit by two of them, which caused an explosion that lifted dust all over the field and covered both Eelektros and Tyrunt from everyone's sites.

Everyone looked at the field for a while waiting for the dust to settle and see the results of this battle, and after about two minutes the dust cleared and showed both Pokémon passed out on the ground.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, this match is a draw," said the referee!

"Another great round, but in the end, it was ended in a draw, which I think is the best result for this match, since neither Pokémon showed that it was better than the other," commented the announcer and the crowd cheered in agreement!

"Return, Eelektros/Tyrunt," said Cynthia and Ash at the same time, and then pulled out their next Poke Ball's.

"Come out, Infernape/Primeape," said both of them at the same time again, and then smiled at one another since they both chose fighting types. Well in Cynthia's case a part fighting type while Ash's is pure fighting!


"Infernape, use Close Combat," said Cynthia!

"Primeape, use Close Combat, as well," said Ash!

Infernape and Primeape run at one another and started repeatedly punching and kicking at one another at a fast speed. They went at it for a full minute with some punches and kicks hitting one another, while some were blocked or have been dodged.

"Infernape, use Dig and then, Thunder Punch, when you get out," said Cynthia!

"Primeape, dodge him when he gets out of the ground and then use, Karate Chop," said Ash!

Infernape dived into the ground, digging with its hands. Seconds later, it comes back up in front of Primeape with his right fist glowing yellow and sparking with electricity and tried to punch him, but Primeape leaned backwards and dodged in the last second and then his hands glowed white, and he started repeatedly chopping Infernape with the side of its opened hand.

Infernape let out a cry in pain from the chops, but was able to put up a barrier after Cynthia told him to use, Protect.

"Infernape, use Flamethrower," said Cynthia, after Infernape let down the barrier!

Infernape took a deep breath and blew a big blast of fire at Primeape.

"Primeape, Protect," said Ash!

Primeape created barrier in front of him and stopped Infernape's, Flamethrower. Once the Flamethrower hit the barrier, it caused a big explosion, which covered Primeape and big part of the field in smoke.

After about a minute, smoke cleared and showed Primeape standing in front of Ash without any injuries on his body, while Infernape had some bruises from Primeape's previous attacks.

"Infernape, use Mach Punch," said Cynthia!

Both of Infernape's fists glowed light blue and he then ran at Primeape, with glowing fists and stared to punch him repeatedly all over his body.

A few more punches later Primeape fell on the ground breathing hard and with a lot of bruises on his body.

"Primeape, Revenge, and then, Iron Tail," said Ash!

Primeape's body glowed orange and he then run at Infernape with amazing speed and started punching and kicking him repeatedly. After a full minute of punches and kicks, Primeape's tail glowed white and he then hit Infernape across the head which sent Infernape backwards. Infernape hit into the wall surrounding the field, which caused the wall to break and buried Infernape under the ruble.

"Infernape, are you ok," yelled Cynthia?

Infernape managed to pull himself out from under the rubble, but was covered in dirt and bruises and was breathing very hard. He stood up somehow and looked at Cynthia with determent eyes and nodded.

"Great Infernape, now use, Overheat," said Cynthia!

"Primeape, dodge and use, Mach Punch," said Ash!

Infernape's body turned red and he jumped in the air. After taking a deep breath, he released a powerful orange-yellow fire, with an orange flame spiraling around it, from its mouth at the Primeape.

Primeape jumped in the air to dodge Infernape's attack, but winced slightly because of the incredible heat that was just below him and that has burned him slightly even though he dodged it.

Primeape's right hand glowed white and he jumped at Infernape and punched him straight in the face. The punch was powerful enough to spin Infernape's head around and send him back at the rubble he came out from less than a minute ago.

"Come on Infernape, get up," said Cynthia, worried for her Pokémon!

Infernape, again, pulled himself out from the rubble, and stood in front of Cynthia, but everyone could see he's barely standing as his legs are shaking.

"Primeape, finish this off with Mega Kick," said Ash!

"Infernape, try to use, Flare Blitz," said Cynthia!

Primeape jumped into the air and flew, foot first, at Infernape, who also jumped in the air and his body become surrounded by red-orange fire. He shoot at Primeape like a missile.

The two Pokémon hit one another with great force and pushed at one another. Primeape's Mega Kick, landed on Infernape's head, while Infernape was surrounded in fire and was burning Primeape.

After a few seconds of pushing at one another, there was an explosion then sent both of them backwards and both of them collided with the wall.

The referee looked at both Pokemon and saw that they were unconscious.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, this battle is a draw," said the referee!

"And another round between Ash and Cynthia ends in a draw," said the announcer! "Ash now has three Pokemon left, and Cynthia has two. But it's still not over, let's see which Pokémon they will chose next!"

"Return, Infernape/Primeape," said both Cynthia and Ash!

"That was a good battle Ash, let's keep it up," said Cynthia, and then released her next Pokémon! "Come to battle, Milotic."

"Come out, Electabuzz," said Ash!

"And we have a battle between a water and electric type Pokémon next. Some might think that Ash has a serious advantage, but don't be deceived, because Cynthia wouldn't have come this far in the tournament if she didn't know how to cover her Pokémon's weakness," said the announcer!

"Are you both ready," asked the referee, and Ash and Cynthia nodded? "BEGIN!"

"Electabuzz, use Thunder Wave," said Ash!

"Milotic, use Protect," said Cynthia!

Electabuzz released a stream of blue electricity from the ends of his antennae at Milotic, but all it did was that it hit the barrier that Milotic created in front of herself and sent electricity all over the field, but it didn't hit Milotic.

"Great, Milotic, now use, Hydro Pump," said Cynthia!

"Dodge it, and use, Thunderbolt," said Ash!

Milotic opened her mouth and breathed out a beam of water that went at Electabuzz, but he dodged it to the side and then fired bolt of electricity from the ends of its antennae at Milotic.

"Dodge, Milotic," yelled Cynthia!

Milotic quickly slithered to the side and managed to avoid Thunderbolt, which hit the ground instead of her, and lifted some dust once it hit the ground.

"Milotic, use Disarming Voice," said Cynthia!

Milotic opened her mouth and released a beam of purple hearts in a loud voice. Those hearts went at Electabuzz, and went through him, which caused him to fall on the ground and started shaking like he was crying.

"Electabuzz, pull yourself together and use, Thunder Punch," said Ash!

Electabuzz, looked up at Milotic, and felt like he was going to die if he was to punch her, but one look from Ash, and he was up on his legs again.

Electabuzz's fist glowed yellow and sparks of electricity surround his arm. He then ran at Milotic and punched her in the face, which caused her to cry in pain from super effective attack, and was surrounded in sparks of electricity which caused her even more pain.

"Milotic, NOOOO," yelled Cynthia because her Pokémon was in pain!

"Electabuzz, use Thunder Shock," said Ash!

Electabuzz fired yellow electricity from the ends of its antennae at Milotic, who was on the ground and was slowly puling herself up, but once the electric attack hit her again, it caused a small explosion that surrounded Milotic in more electricity and caused her even more pain.

"Finish it with, Iron Tail," said Ash!

Electabuzz's tail glowed white before he run at Milotic and hit her across the face and sent her flying through the air and behind Cynthia, who cried in worry for her Pokémon.

The referee looked at Milotic who was lying on the ground and saw that she has passed out.

"Milotic is unable to battle. The winner is Electabuzz," said the referee!

"That was a good battle from Cynthia's Pokémon, but it just couldn't keep up with Ash's, Electabuzz," said the announcer. "Let's see what Cynthia will do next!"

"Milotic, return," said Cynthia! "You did great Milotic. I'm proud of you."

"And that's it people, another win for Ash, and Cynthia is now down to only one Pokémon while Ash has three of them left," said the announcer! "But we all know what Cynthia's last Pokémon is, and I'm sure this will not be an easy battle for Ash."

"Garchomp, let's go!"

"As I thought, Cynthia's final Pokémon is her Garchomp, who hasn't lost a single battle in this tournament," said the announcer! "Let's see what Ash will do!"

"Electabuzz, return, said Ash, and puled another Poke Ball! "Ra, come on out!"

"Ash choses Charizard. This is the first time he uses Charizard in the tournament, let's see what he's got," said the announcer!

"Are you both ready," asked the referee? After Ash and Cynthia nodded he started the match. "BEGIN!"

"Garchomp, Flamethrower," said Cynthia!

"Counter it with, Flamethrower as well, Ra," said Ash!

Both Pokémon opened their mouths and fired a very powerful beams of fire at one another. Two attacks met in the middle of the field and collided with one another, and started to push and tried to overpower the other.

After half a minute of this pushing, both attacks exploded and sent both Pokémon flying backwards, but they were quickly able to pull themselves together and stared at one another.

"Garchomp, use Dragon Breath, and then Dual Chop," said Cynthia!

"Ra, dodge that Dragon Breath and then go in with, Steel Wing," said Ash!

Garchomp opened her mouth and fired a powerful blast of blue energy at Charizard, who flew in the sky and dodged the attack.

Then, Garchomp's claws glowed green and she flew at Charizard, whose wings glowed white and the two of them struck at one another. Garchomp hit Charizard across the stomach and across the head, while Charizard hit Garchomp across the head.

Both Pokémon fell on the ground because of the wounds and pain from the attacks that hit, and stated panting.

"Garchomp, are you OK," asked Cynthia worried about her Pokémon?

Garchomp just nodded and stood up, although she was a little shaky on her legs.

"Can you stand up, Ra," asked Ash?

Ra nodded and also stood up, but with his legs just as shaky as Garchomp's.

"Great, Garchomp. Now use, Hyper Beam," said Cynthia!

"Dodge and use, Inferno," said Ash!

Garchomp fired a yellow beam from her mouth at Charizard, who dodged it by flying in the sky, and then fired a stream of black fire from his mouth.

"Garchomp, Protect," said Cynthia!

Garchomp quickly created a barrier in front of herself and was able to stop Charizard's attack, which caused a small explosion that covered Garchomp in smoke.

Garchomp and Charizard came back on the ground and were both panting heavily because of exhaustion and some wounds.

"Ra, use Dragon Pulse," said Ash!

"Garchomp, dodge and use, Giga Impact," said Cynthia!

Ra opened his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy appears in front of him. Ra then fired the ball at Garchomp, but she flied into the air and her body become surrounded by spiraling orange streaks. Then, a purple energy sphere surrounds Garchomp's body and she flies into the Charizard.

"Dragon Rush," yelled Ash!

Ra released a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers his body. He then flew into the Garchomp, who was coming at him, with full force.

The two Pokémon collided with one another and caused a huge explosion that threw them both backwards and they both hit the walls bellow the stands and got covered in the rocks that has fallen from the wall.

Everyone looked at the two Pokémon to see which one will stand up, or will they stand up at all. After a full minute, the dust hat was covering them cleared and showed two Pokémon buried under the rubble. They were both passed out.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle! The match goes to, Ash Ketchum!" Said the referee, and the crowed started cheering.

"And it's finally over. The final battle between Ash and Cynthia has finished with both Garchomp and Charizard unable to battle, but since Ash still has two Pokémon left that can battle, he is the winner and our new Indigo League, Champion," yelled the announcer!

Cynthia sighed and returned her Garchomp into her Poke Ball, before she went in front of Ash, who has just returned his Charizard.

"Congratulations, Ash, that was a great battle," Cynthia said and put her hand forward for a handshake.

"Thanks' a lot, Cynthia, you were great, as well. This is the first time I have lost four Pokémon in a single match," Ash replied and praised Cynthia, who blushed a little at Ash's praise.

After the battle, Mr. Goodshow came on the field and presented Ash, Cynthia and Diantha with their trophies for the three top spots in the tournament. He also presented every trainer that has participated in the tournament with the honorary badge.

Once the field cleared and everyone went their own way, Ash and Cynthia went to the Pokémon Center and met with their friends and Ash's family, who congratulated them on the great battle and Ash for winning the League.

Ash also called Diantha to join them, and she did. After that, they all went to the restaurant and had a big celebration, which lasted the rest of the day and even some time into the night

At some point during the celebration, Blue and all Kanto Elite Four joined them, after they all came to congratulate Ash on the great win, and to see if he will challenge them soon.

He said that he will challenge them in a few days after his Pokémon have a little time to rest, and for him to prepare for the battles.

After the celebration was over everyone left for their rooms to sleep, since it was already past midnight, while Ash and his girls went to have a little walk around the Pokémon Village. But this time Diantha was with them. They talked with each other and got to know Diantha, and also realized that she kind of likes Ash, so the girls agreed to give her a chance to be with Ash if she wants to.

Ash looked at the girls who were talking with each other like he wasn't even there and they are also deciding for him which girls he can have for himself. He just sighed after a while and though.

"I guess I don't have the right to choose any more. They will probably be the ones to decide if I can take some girl or not! Oh well, at least they did me a favor by not giving me the chance to choose just one of them, because I don't think I would be able to make that choice."

They continued their walk and talk for a while, before they all went back to Pokémon center, to have some sleep.

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