

He is spoken of as the prince of evil spirits. The inveterate enemy of God and Christ, who takes the guise of an angel of light.  He is as deadly as his father Lucifer, who can enter people and act through them; It is mainly believed that through his subordinate demons, Lucifer, can take possession of human bodies, afflicting them or making them diseased. Yes, it is true, but he is far more deadlier than that. Not only can he possess the body of humans and afflict them, but he controls their mind and hypnotised them to their death. He never shows mercy, as mercy is not a word to him. Through his subordinate demons, he could carry out his devious plans and control the earth from hell. His subordinates are sinister and mainly evil, with no heart and conscience for the humans. Asebia, the God of Sin....the Last Prince of hell. He is the only son of Lucifer who causes the other six deadly sins. He is their Master and they are his followers. He is dangerous....a force which cannot be held. He is a ferocious beast who neither had compassion or love for anyone. He causes sin....he kills.....and he conquers. No one has ever seen him, no one even knows what he looks like. But if you wanna meet him, you would never remain the same. He is Asebia, the God Of Sin, the Crown Prince of Hell.

Tehillah20 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


_"Outrageous is sin, defilement in death"



A toneless guttural voice was heard. As gravelly and penetrating as it was gruff. His voice was as mighty as the raging sea, seeking whom it may devour under the dark and scary moonlight. Not a soul would be sought alive as death would carry it's people home on that scary night.

In the middle of the room, seated on a carved dark throne with a power that is embodied in Roman imperial might, is a thick-skinned monster. His hands are that of goat paws, claws sprout from his hands and a dragon tail moved being him. His face is a satanic scowl, with black horns and red fangs.

His appearance could scare the mightiest of men and make the courageous shrink to the ground. He is a very scary animal, but not even the most scariest of the scary could compare to this rotten abomination.

Not a word was heard as the fire which never quenches down burned around the whole building, threatening to burn it down but still could not. No sound was made as every living devil present feared for their pitiful existence of they would anger their King.

"You dare say a word whilst I speak? Ungrateful Infidels! What use are you to my kingdom? I took you in when the God in heaven threw you down here. Do not thou try to tempt me, for I am King, King of the Underworld!"

Ugly creatures stood in front of their Master with their heads bowed. The air was thick and deeply stained in black void. Nothing felt pure. Instead, everything screamed filth and inward dirtiness.

No creature dared to make a contribution, as they feared their Master would send them to their pitiful demise, where shouts of despair and agony are heard, but no one to come for help. The suffering is inevitable.

"I need more. More souls! Thou must bring me more souls to rot with me in damnation. Make haste and do my bidding or risk getting scourged by my burning furnace."

His voice was loud, thunderously earsplitting. The building shakes with every word this beast makes, as if the building knew it's Master and feared him. The voice was deep and husky, it had low tones that scraped like nails on a blackboard and a hiss on the letter S. It sounded as though it had been broken on the rack, thin and pained.

"Even my Seven deadly sins have failed me. The fools I made my Second in Command failed me. What use have I of you all other than decorations"

Lucifer's claws scraped on the arms of his throne, the scrapes too loud and screeching to bear. The creatures shake and tremble, for they feared for their miserable lives. They knew there was no escape, suffering is inevitable in the hands of their Lord and King.

They will constantly suffer and agonise, for they were cursed that way forever.

"Thou knowest whence the God of heaven's son is near. Thou knowest He is more keen in winning more of those pitiful weaklings into His kingdom. Ye all know that and thou bringest me disappointment" Lucifer's eyes schemes the crowd of imbeciles, seeking whom he may devour.

"We must hasten up and lure those wretched weaklings to their demise. I want more of those weaklings in my kingdom" Lucifer's claws starts tapping the stone of his throne, quite observant of every moment in his throne room. Only that there was none.

For His abominations dare not make a threatening noise. Lucifer leaned forward, eyes as red as a hot blazing furnace. He looked at his Six Deadly sins who sat at His both sides, heads bowed down in solitude.

"There is no time. The end is near, I can feel it. We must win this war and claim what rightfully belongs to us, Heaven. There we may make our abode and rule for everlasting"


The ugly beast turned his head to where the sinister, yet outwardly voice was heard. The voice caused the ugly creatures in the room to shiver and quiver in panic.

Being in the room with their King is one thing, but being in a room with the two strongest abominations in Hell is another. Ugly sticks used as legs by this abominable creatures start to shake.

No one dared to move.

He is here.

The Crown Prince of hell is here.

His power was so strong that even the legs of the six deadly sins were shaking. There was gnashing of black and rottened teeth, and heads were quite still.

So great was the power this high abomination held, for he was mighty enough to shake hell and bring it down to its knees with just a word. No one could go against him.

Except his wretched father Lucifer.

The ugly beast stood in all its ravishing ugliness, feeling pride for making everyone quiver in His presence. His ugly face housed a sinister smile, and his hard featured appearance was as horrifying, yet appalling appearance did not help matters.

He was the ugliest thing to be seen. Eyes could go blind once set upon him. He was nothing like His father, yet the horns on His head were what could relate to Lucifer.



Lucifer looked at His son, his eyes as red as an erupting volcano seeking to be released. So great was Lucifer's fury.

"Why did thou come late?" Lucifer asked, his fangs out, desperate to claw His prodigal infidel of a son in and out, ripping his flesh apart and giving him more gruesome marks, as he had done in the past.

"Forgive me, dear Lucifer, for I had an urgent predicament to codify. I hear of the meeting and I made haste. Although the dramatic appearance felt a little nice as it had always done, but I hope I am not too late"

Asebia said, walking majestically in his glorious ugliness.

"How dare thou speak to me in that dentful manner thou unworthy scoundrel! Thou sweat that thou art late yet, you do not seem to accept thy offense"

Asebia smirked, his eyes a deep red crimson, housing the anger He had for his Father. For so great is the anger of Asebia that it could burn mountains and bring cities down.

This ugly bastard looked at His father with all the anger He had, for his hatred was indescribable.

"Never do question me dear Father, for I am a destroyer. Thou shalt not tempt me Lucifer" Asebia growls, looking at his father with scorn and utter wickedness. For all that went through His head was to make this wretched beast pay.

He sits down, His eyes still on his Father. So was the air tense that nothing could pass through it. But still, the devil's sighed in utter relief because the Son of Lucifer did not take one of them to play this day as He had always done.

His aura still weakens them, but He was far from them, making it easier to breathe better.

"Go and bring more souls into my kingdom before the end. The end is near. Do not disappoint me"

Lucifer gets up, and all heads remains bowed. Not a single word was heard.

"Bring me souls" Lucifer thundered, his claws a raging fist too hot to unfold. His red eyes left his Son and slowly, looking at His subjects carefully as if there were a traitor in their midst, and He could fish them out.

"I do not care how thou makest possible. Ye Seven deadly sins, Idare not say what my mind thinks, but do not disappoint me yet again"

Without another word, Lucifer got up, his eyes lit with the fire of hell. No head dared look at this abomination as he turned, leaving the throne room in all his glorious ugliness.

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