


Poopy_Ahole · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter-1<The Genius Boy-1>

Mumbai is one of the densely populated cities in India. In Mumbai, one could find many kinds of people. From super-rich to super poor. In India, Mumbai is called the 'city of dreams'. One of the reasons that this city is called 'the city of dreams' is because this is the place where more than half of Bollywood is located. Another reason for calling this city 'the city of dreams' is because it is said that the people of this city tend to dream big.

But unfortunately in this cruel world, not every dream can become reality. Countless dreams from this magical city stay as they are, just dreams. Only a handful of people can transform themselves to change their dream into reality. With the hard work of their other skills, one can transform themselves. The people who can become successful are different from their birth and their uniqueness is what makes them succeed in their life. And in Mumbai lives a unique boy called Sebastian Alvarez.

Sebastian is a small boy. And he is 10 years old. Born in a Christian family, Sebastian is a very special boy. He may be a small kid, but he was a boy with a very special talent. With his skinny body and with his army-style haircut, Sebastian may look like he is just a regular boy. But that is not the case in reality. The truth is that Sebastian is super intelligent.

As a 10-year-old boy, one might think that Sebastian must be a student studying in 5th Standard. But the truth is that because of his intelligence he had been promoted many times. And because of this Sebastian is currently in 10th standard. Because of his ability to learn new things fairly quickly, the principal of the school was very happy to give him a promotion.

The principal of the school is a very smart man. When he saw Sebastian's intelligence firsthand, he understood that this could be the gem of his school that he was looking for. Thus he started promoting Sebastian as a genius who studies in his school. Seeing this a lot of parents got attracted to their school seeing. It was a clever marketing strategy. And for compensation for his services, Sebastian is allowed to stay in the school for free. From his books to his fees everything has been paid by the school's administration.

With his achievements at the tender age of 10, many people believed that the boy would one day become so successful that everyone in the country would know his name. That is why everyone believed that Sebastian would one day become a man that would make his dream come true.

While Sebastian on the other hand, only had one dream that he wanted to accomplish. And that dream was to make a big house for his mother. And then he wanted him and his mother to go on a world tour.

Sebastian was born into a loving family, but one unfortunate day his father and all his relatives got involved in a tragedy. His mother told him that his father and his relatives died in a car accident when he was just born. Thus since then, his mother had been taking care of him. His mother Jenny is a sweet woman. She teaches English in the same school where Sebastian goes. She is a lovely teacher whom everyone loves.

Sebastian had seen the struggles of her mother very closely. He had seen her do all the chores of the house as well as he had seen her daily routine in school. It pains him that he couldn't help her with her work. He tried to help her in any way he could but according to her, he needs to focus on his studies. And that would be all the help that she would need…

It was a typical day for Sebastian. Early in the morning when his alarm clock rang, he opened his eyes. He sat up straight and took a book that was lying on his bed, and then started reading it. It is a well-known fact our concentration level of a human's mind is at its peak when someone just wakes up early in the morning. Taking advantage of the fact, Sebastian started reading the book. He was in 10th standard right now. That essentially meant that he would have to give board exams this year.

Board exams are a huge deal in India. They are held in the 10th and 12th standards. And the results from these exams usually influence the college that a student would be able to get to. That is why the 10th as well 12th standards are regarded as very essential years of a student's life. And for Sebastian 10th standard was one of the first essential steps that would take him closer to his dreams. That is why Sebastian was working very hard for the exam. And this could be seen in his room.

Sebastian's room was filled with books and paper cuttings. According to him, books were his best friend. And they are the only friend that he would need. Because of him being so small he didn't have any friends. He didn't get bullied or anything. But it is just that he had no one that he could truly refer to as his friend.

Sebastian while reading, went straight towards his desk. He then sat down at his desk, switch on his night lamp, and started studying. It was still dark outside signifying that he had woken up early in the morning. But it didn't matter to Sebastian. Because according to him, time was very precious. And sooner he could make his dreams come to reality, the sooner he would be able to make his mother smile.

Sebastian lived in a very poor neighborhood. His house was located in a small alleyway which was very cramped. But the house that he lived in, was big enough for him and his mother. Usually, around this time, no one from the alleyway wakes up. At this time, the alleyway is usually drowned in darkness and silence. But this was not the case today.

Today a man could be seen standing by his bike. The unusual thing about this man is that he didn't look like he belonged there. That man was wearing an expensive black leather jacket. His was black color pants with shoes. His expensive clothes were enough for him to stand out in the neighborhood. But the strangest part about the man was his skin tone. He was white. And paired with his blond hair, that man didn't look Indian. He looked like a foreigner.

The man in question was silently standing by side of the alleyway. And the strange part is that all of his attention was on the house, which was illuminated by light at this time…