
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 44

After finishing up your training, and making Bill some food for the rest of the day, you continued on your way towards Cerulean City. Thankfully, it wasn't that large of a distance and you should be there by tonight if there weren't many detours.

You decided to have Dragonair keep you company as you went. To give him some more time to get used to his new body, and well, to fly about on his back a bit. He couldn't fly for very long distances yet, but it was fun nonetheless.

Around an hour or so into your journey, you noted an indent in the path, leading into a massive school. "Poketech Academy huh?" you mused, walking passed.

"Trr?" Dragonair, slinking along beside you raised his eyes, cloud ears furrowing in interest.

"It's a big rich kid school," you explained, "For training rich kids into top tier pokemon trainers apparently. Professor Oak once offered me the chance to go their on a scholarship, but I figured I'd be better off just learning from him."

Honestly, even years ago, it sounded like utter bullshit to your ears. Their spiel that is, about how even their beginner class trainers, the new ones at that who got into the class, were on par with any Adept trainer. As an Adept tier trainer, you called bullshit on that.

Even if going there would have allowed you to get a pseudo trainer license and pokemon early, you just thought you'd have been way better off learning off and on from Professor Oak.

After all, you'd never heard of anyone who graduated from Poketech Academy going very far.

"Oh my!" a feminine voice rang in your ears from ahead, and you turned away from Dragonair to look forward, to see a tall curvy girl walking towards you, a Cubone trudging along at her feet, "What a beautiful Dragonair."

Your eyes traced over her form, noting the Poketech Academy girls uniform. The way the corset top clung to her large, perfectly rounded bust, and how high the short blueish green skirt rode on her lusciously full thighs. But killer body or not, your eyes zeroed in on her face, framed by shiny, dark chocolate coloured hair.

She had a face a model would kill for.

You quickly averted your eyes from ogling, but if the way she briefly smiled knowingly at you was anything to go by, she already knew you had been eyeing her like a thick, juicy piece of meat.

"Yeah I was seriously lucky to catch him," you replied, stopping in front of her, "He just evolved earlier today during a battle actually."

"He looks really strong," Giselle noted, "I actually debated about becoming a dragon specialist just to have one, but in the end I decided on becoming a ground specialist "

Interesting. A specialist, usually they pursued the route of becoming a gym leader. At the highest, they usually became Elite Four members. The personal strike team and subordinates of the regional champion.

A specialist usually had an easier time of fast track training pokemon. Because they spent so much time around a specific type alone, training the different species connected to that typing - they ended up learning more little tricks about them than trainers who trained a variety of different types at once, and it was actually documented that higher levelled pokemon of the same type or species, had an easier time helping lower tier ones grow faster.

It was kind of fascinating actually. And one of the most premiere examples were the Beedrill line. They grouped up in such massive swarms constantly, for so many years, explosive growth was hardwired into their very genes when around each other. Which was why Viridian Forest and similar places usually had them ruling the area for the most part.

Giselle suddenly blinked, "Oh I'm sorry, I never introduced myself did I?" the brunette beauty noted, raising a head delicately in front of her mouth. You weren't even sure what to call it, but that was the mannerism of a rich, noble lady, "I'm Giselle Yuto, it's nice to meet you." she lowered her hand and held the back of it out daintily towards you.

An olden, Eastern family name. A very familiar one.

It took quite a bit of effort for your eyes not to widen open in surprise. You weren't expecting to meet the heiress of the Yuto family here. The richest family in Viridian City, one of the few remaining noble families of Kanto, and one of the families that actually pooled together their resources with others to create the Kanto league, the governing body that united the entire region.

You clasped her hand gently, glad Oak taught you about dealing with the rich fat cat families and pressed a gentle, chaste kiss, "Cobalt Sota is my name," you replied, pulling back with a smile and letting go of her hand, "Nice to meet you."

Giselle blinked again, "Sota?" she hummed, "From the old noble family of Pewter City?"

Huh, you hadn't actually looked into your name, but that definitely wasn't something you'd expect. Something to look into later you suppose, you know Professor Oak was the one to give you your last name after your mother passed away birthing you, "Don't think so," you shrugged, "I'm an orphan, I don't really know where my name comes from."

"Oh, I'm sorry." she apologized, bowing her head politely.

What a nice girl. (Woooosh!)

"It's fine, can't miss what you never had, right?" you laughed, waving her off, "So what are you doing out here Giselle?" you quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, I was just about training with my dear little Cubone here," she replied, smiling brightly again, crouching down, and you had to make an effort not to look at the way her skirt rode up higher, petting the little ground type on the head, "I guess you can say I had a bit of an epiphany after losing for the first time in a battle a few days ago, and decided to expand my horizons beyond Poketech's training and work on exploring my own abilities as a trainer."

Giselle's Pokemon

Graveler - Level 39 (Starter)

Donphan - Level 37

Quagsire - Level 36

Nidoking - Level 36

Gliscor - Level 35

Cubone - Level 32

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