
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 3

"Let's go Bulbasaur!" you shouted, releasing your starter. Funnily enough, you actually have a better idea of what Krabby can do in a battle rather than your starter.

"Rhyhorn, come out!" your opponent called.

You blinked as a large and powerful Rhyhorn thudded onto the ground in front of your opponent and growled at Bulbasaur, pawing one thick rocky leg into the ground and digging a small trench.

Bulbasaur raised an eyebrow, but didn't react otherwise.

Where the hell did this guy get a Rhyhorn?

"Where'd you catcha a Rhyhorn?" you shouted over.

"I'm from Vermillion City kid!" he shouted back, "I found him atop the Diglett Cave when I travelled over it to get to Pewter, there's tons of rock and ground types up there."

Good to know.

"Right, let's get going then!" your opponent hyped himself up, he punched a fist forward in your direction, "Rhyhorn, Tackle!" he ordered.

With a roar, Rhyhorn bounded forward in a sprint. It wasn't the fasted thing out there, but the sheer power of its charge shook the ground with each step

Rhyhorn is daunting no doubt. But charging with just a tackle like that, makes it a big, easy to hit target.

"Leech Seed." you commanded simply. If there is one thing your confident in, it's your skills in a battle. It was the thing you paid most attention to during Professor Oak's classes and training camps growing up.

"Buba!" Bulbasaur cried out, and with a nod, tensed his legs and crouched down. A small brown seed popped up at the tip of his bulb, and with a grunt, it was shot through the air towards the charging Rhyhorn.

Racing towards Bulbasaur as it was, the big rock and ground type had no chance to dodge, and the seed sprouted open into large, thick vines that wrapped around its body and dragged it to the ground.

Rhyhorn roared as its body was covered in a bio field of red energy that crackled like thunder, draining its energy.

"Rhyhorn, no!" its trainer called out, "Break out with Rock Throw!"

No chance, "Razor Leaf till it goes down!" you countered.

Rhyhorn opened its mouth, and you saw white light forming. But, before it could, Bublasaur growled and unleashed dozens of razor sharp leaves in a barrage of bladed grass attacks that zipped through the air and slashed into the rock and ground type one after another.

Rhyhorn roared, stopping its attack and struggled against the barrage of attacks. But it was no use, stuck as it was within the Leech Seed, even if it frayed against the Razor Leaf, it was a sitting Psyduck.

In just under ten seconds of the onslaught of Razor Leaf, Rhyhorn fell limp.

"Yes, way to go Bulbasaur!" you cheered, running out to grab Bulbasaur up in a hug and celebrate with him.

Your opponent sighed in defeat, returning his pokemon, "Good try Rhyhorn."


All things considered. Your first battle went incredibly well, and you were already up 357 pokedollars. Not a massive amount, as far as trainers went. But outside the profession, that would be enough to stock the food of a house for a month.

Honestly, you'd never even come close to holding that much money before, and it was just simply passed to you for beating a guy in a battle that didn't even take a few minutes.

It was a bit surreal.

You had to give your had a bit of a shake to get yourself going. With that done, you made sure to praise Bulbasaur for how well he did. Double type advantage or not, he brought down a massive Rhyhorn with ease.

And with that, you were on your way to Viridian Forest, since there was nothing left for you to take care of in Viridian City. Maybe if you had a bit more money you could check out pokemon related items on sale, but as it is, you want to hold on to your money for a little bit longer, or at least get your hands on more before you started splurging.

It took you about an hour to reach Viridian Forest from the city. You ignored the road to the side that led straight to Pewter City, the forest was a shortcut if you didn't have a vehicle, and you wanted to see what kind of pokemon you could find in there.

Though with both Bulbasaur and Krabby, you don't really need another pokemon with the advantage over the rock type.

Just as you were about to enter the forest entrance though, someone stepped out and bumped into you.

"Ah, my apologies." they quickly bowed and apologized. Oddly, it was a boy, dressed up like a samurai, with a legit katana sheathed on his hip. Weird. "Ah, you are a pokemon trainer." he noted eyes on your belt, before standing back up.

"Yep." you answered back proudly, "Just started today actually, got my starter pokemon in Pallet Town."

The sword wielder's eyes widened, "One of the vaunted beginner's from Pallet you say?" he hummed in interest. To your interest, he reached into his armour and pulled out a pokeball of his own, "This must be fate. I am Samurai, and I challenge you to a battle my friend."

"Sure, let's battle." you agreed.

"Splendid!" Samurai cheered, "Does a two on two sound okay to you?"

You nodded.

"Again splendid, then let us do battle!" Samurai cheered again. "Go Pinsir!" he didn't even bother with a count down or anything.

And you couldn't really blame him either, when he released a towering Pinsir in front of him. Man, what is up with the guys you're running in to? most people fought guys with Rattata and shit in the beginning of their journeys. Not you, you get a Rhyhorn and then a freaking Pinsir right after.

"Where'd you find a Pinsir?" you asked, hand going to your belt and grabbing Krabby's pokeball. They were pretty rare. You'd done quite a bit of research before you started your journey, and you know the only reliable place to get them in Kanto is the Safari Zone.

"Interested in my partner eh?" Samurai chuckled, "Very well, it is no secret. Pinsir migrated to the forest with his family. Alas, he was left behind by his family when they were chased out by the boss of the forest. I found him and nursed him back to health, and he decided to stay with me ever since."

Huh, an interesting origin story for getting your first pokemon, you had to admit. But you latched on to something more important. Pinsir are powerhouses physically, what kind of pokemon is strong enough to drive off a family of them?

"Boss of the forest?" you asked.

"Indeed, quite the frightening fellow, not once have we come close to defeating it," Samurai replied, "A powerful Scyther that is only contested against by the Beedrill swarms, if you are interested in challenging it yourself, I will happily tell you where to find its nesting grounds, but for now, let us battle!"

Well, you couldn't really say anything to that now could you? "Let's do this then," you replied, releasing your own pokemon, "Go, Krabby!"

Krabby appeared in front of you, and happily waved to you. You smiled back, "Hey buddy, you up for a battle?" you asked.

"Kookee!" he nodded brightly and turned around to face Pinsir, snapping his pincers at the large bug type menacingly.

"Oh-ho!" Samurai hummed, "A Krabby! Interesting! A battle of the pincer pokemon as it were! Let's see who's claws are sharper!"

Samurai drew his sword with a loud 'shiing' and pointed it towards you, "Advance Pinsir, use Slash!" he ordered.

Pinsir roared, blinding glowing white claws gathering on its hands.

"Water Gun!" you ordered as soon as Pinsir took off, sprinting towards Krabby.

Krabby opened his mouth and fired a large jet of compressed water towards the charging bug.

Pinsir didn't even slow its charge. With a roar, it thrust both clawed hands out a and slashed right through the jet of water as it ran.

That was fine.

"Crabhammer!" you followed up with. That was one thing you learned during practice battles growing up. Don't hesitate and bumble around. And always keep up the pressure.

"Kokee!" Krabby shouted, lifting one pincer into the air as it began to glow a bright blue-white. He smashed his glowing appendage into the ground with enough force the shake it beneath your feet, and from the impact point, a large blue sphere of energy rocketed out towards Pinsir.

Low as it was, Pinsir still in position from cutting apart the water gun attack had no chance to get low or dodge, and the sphere of power smashed into Pinsir's knee. It's knee buckled under the power of the attack, and Pinsir roared in pain as it was sent careening off of its feet, smashing face first into the ground and the momentum behind its charge making it dig a trench through the dirt.

"Pinsir, no!"

"Stomp it!" you shouted, cutting off Samurai's own shout of worry for his pokemon.

Krabby did just as ordered. With a powerful jump that looked out of place with his four thin legs, Krabby shot through the air towards the downed bug, all four legs glowing white.

Pinsir began to push itself up, but it was too late. Krabby came down and smashed all four of his empowered legs atop the bugs head and smashed it down into the ground face first once again with a powerful stomp attack.

All was silent for a moment. But then, just when you thought it was over, Pinsir's thin arms pressed into the ground and began to shakily push itself up with Krabby on its back

Yeesh, what a durable pokemon.

"Crabhammer again, finish it!" you ordered.

Krabby obeyed, and before Pinsir could finish pushing itself up, the water type raised a glowing pincer into the air once more, and then hammered it down onto Pinsir's back at point blank range.

Pinsir let loose an audible groan of pain, before falling limp.

Samurai returned Pinsir and stared at his partners pokeball wide eyed for a moment. He shook his head and stashed it away, replacing it with another, "My word, you are quite ferocious aren't you?" he mused before smiling, "It was my mistake to underestimate you as I did, I assumed just because you are a novice trainer, that you would battle like a novice, clearly I was wrong."

He pointed his sword at you once more, "I won't underestimate you again my friend," he replied, and released his next pokemon, "Come out Metapod!"


Is he really intending to take you on with a Metapod? They're stuck being stationary though.

"I see you're confused at my choice," Samurai chuckled, shaking his head, "Pay it no need."

Well, if this is how he wanted to do it, who are you to tell him no?

"Return, Krabby!" you called out, returning your own pokemon, and switching him for your starter, "Bulbasaur, go!"

Bulbasaur appeared in front of you, eyeing his opponent idly.

"Let's do this then." you said. This time, you'll start things off, "Bulbasaur us-"

Before you could finish, Samurai cut you off, "Maximum Tackle!" he ordered.


From Metapod's facial area, a thick string shot lashed out and wrapped around Bulbasaur in the blink of an eye. Bulbasaur growled, trying to shake free, but then Metapod, still connected to the string shot glowed with a green sheen of light, and pulled itself towards Bulbasaur from the string shot it had wrapped your pokemon up with.

Harden! You recognized the way it lit up, the same as Krabby.

No time to think. That Metapod was like a missile!

"Swing it into a tree!" you ordered rapidly.

Bulbasaur obeyed instantly. Digging his small but powerful legs into the ground, your starter twisted and attempted to pull Metapod around with all his might using the string wrapped around his body.

He didn't have quite enough strength with the momentum behind Metapod.

Metapod's course was altered a bit, but it was coming too fast, and crashed into Bulbasaur with enough force to send your starter flying through the air.

Only, he didn't get far.

"Again!" Samurai shouted.

Metapod tugged and Bulbasaur came flying back, while Metapod shot into the air again and smashed into Bulbasaur once more. And then again, and again.

Like a yoyo, Metapod tackled your pokemon into the air, and then used your pokemon's momentum to tug him back and repeat the process.

Bulbasaur shouted in pain after each and every hit. If you didn't think of something soon, Bulbasaur wouldn't last much longer.

Once more, Bulbasaur was sent careening into the air, and pulled back in for another hit. But that was when you noticed. Bulbasaur's top half, his bulb, wasn't covered by the string shot!

"Sleep Powder!" you snapped out, just as Metapod closed in once again.

Bulbasaur, near limp in the air, had his eyes shoot open. Crimson going wide as he focused. He swung mid-air, angling it so his bulb was facing Metapod, and just before the bug crashed into him once again, released a massive cloud of glittering blue powder.

The bug crashed into Bulbasaur once last time, just as it got a face full of sleep powder and its yellow eyes fell shut. Bulbasaur cried out in pain, and fell to the ground alongside Metapod who couldn't keep up its momentum while asleep.

"Oh no!" Samurai cried put in worry.

Oh yes!

Simple is as simple does.

"Break free with Razor Leaf!" you followed up.

A moment later, the string shot split apart from around Bulbasuur as he released a pair of bladed leaves from his side that shot towards Metapod, slashing into it with a sound reminiscent of a blade on metal. Rapidly, Bulbasaur followed up with easily a dozen or more bladed leaves that all cut into Metapod in seconds.

"That's the way!" you cheered Bulbasaur on.

"Wake up Metapod, quickly!" Samurai shouted at his pokemon.

Not a chance. "Finsih it off before it wakes up, use Double Edge!" you ordered.

Bulbasaur roared angrily, lashing out with twin vine whips to push himself forward into a sprint towards the sleeping bug pokemon, picking up a rapid pace, a raging green aura of power shimmering over his body.

Metapod was completely defenceless, sleeping as it was. And Bulbasaur smashed into it with all the force of a speeding truck. A groan of pain left the sleeping pokemon as it was sent shooting through the air like a rocket, slamming into a tree with so much force the tree itself snapped in half.

the upper half of the tree crashed into the ground hard enough that you stumbled a bit, and Samurai ended up falling on his ass. Metapod, followed suit, sliding down to the ground, and swirls in its eyes.

Samurai looked at his pokemon and sighed, "It seems it is my loss." he admitted, raising his pokeball and returning his pokemon, "Nevertheless, it was a splendid battle, you overcame Metapod's greatest technique handily." he continued as he stood up.

Honestly, you think it was a lot closer than that. You eyed Bulbasaur who was panting deeply, his facial area deepened from a light blue, to a dark purple in some areas.

You weren't expecting your pokemon to take a beating like that from a Metapod of all things. But it's a good lesson you suppose. Never underestimate any pokemon.

..Still. Combining moves like that. That was interesting. You hadn't thought of that before.

"Good job buddy." you walked over and knelt down to gently pet Bulbasaur, who preened into your touch. You are so very happy with your choice of a starter, he took quite the beating there and didn't fold beneath it. You liked that.

It was interesting how the Pokedex automatically automated battles between trainers. You're not sure how it can tell the difference between say an actual battle and a practice one, but you aren't going to complain.

And Samurai it seemed, was actually on to something when he claimed you were a novice pokemon trainer. It was literally your rank in your pokedex. Samurai himself, showing you his own rank being that of one above yours, at Adept.

Because he was of a higher rank than you, losing to you meant that he had to pay out for money. And quite the haul it was. 2050 Pokedollars, that was insane.

Samurai bid you a hasty goodbye after you got your winnings. Apparently, he was on his way to the pokemon centre to get his pokemon fixed up. Rather, he showed you six pokeballs, he already had a full party. Only Pinsir and Metapod had enough energy to battle though.

"That Scyther is incredibly powerful, it defeated all four of these pokemon with ease before getting bored and moving on." he'd explained to you.

He'd been trying to capture that Scyther for over a month now, with no luck. Before leaving though, as promised, he told you where the Scyther tended to nest, so you could try your own hand at taking it on if you desired.

Samurai was such a nice guy. You don't think you'd happily tell someone where a pokemon you were trying to catch for over a month was.

And so, after bidding Samurai goodbye yourself, you continued your way onwards, into the Viridian Forest. You'd probably be better using Krabby for a bit though, Pokemon healed fast, but it would still be a couple hours before Bulbasaur was in tip top shape again

Immediately you were assaulted by the many sounds of pokemon going about their lives. The forest was practically a symphony of chirps and grunts.

"What's that?" you asked in interest when you heard a keening, piercing cry resound out from a bit in front of you.

Following the sound, you made your way off of the forest path, through some bushes, trees and other foliage and found yourself in a decently large clearing.

And you found the source of the noise.

A Pidgeotto, swooped through the air, dodging around twin barrages of purple energy needles.

Its opposition, hanging from a tree together - a pair of Kakuna glaring angrily at the bird, spraying the needles out of their mouths together