
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 30

"Just because you're exhausted, doesn't mean I'm going easy on you." you promised.

Sean smiled, "It'd be an insult to this gym that has stood for over a hundred years if you did." he responded.

Fine with you. Besides, you'd tired your pokemon out a decent bit during trainign and not bothered to get them healed up.

"Thunder Wave!" you snapped out a quick order.

With a roar of agreement, Rhydon flashed his fingers out in those pistol positions, thin blue, powerful bolts of electricity lancing out like bullets.

"Thunderpunch, counter it!" Sean replied.

Electricity sparked across Hitmonchan's and the fighting pokmeon lashed out, punching one of the bolts on instinct, but the second was too fast for it to be hit a second time in succession.

"Mon!" Hitmonchan groaned, falling to a knee as the bolt slammed into it, and blue sparks arced over its form as it was paralyzed.

"That was fast," Sean noted, a bit wide eyed, "I wasn't expecting such speedy attacks from a Rhydon of all things.

"If you thought that was fast..." you left up in the air for a moment before grinning, "Hyper Beam!"

Orange light swirled into existence, compressing into a sphere at the front of Rhydon's mouth. While you hadn't had much time to work with Rhydon, one thing you had noticed was how swiftly he could form his attacks, and you worked on that hard with him.

Sean's eyes widened, "Hitmonchan, dodge!" he shouted.

Too late, Rhydon unleashed a massive orange beam of destruction, as Hitmonchan tried to push itself up on numb muscles slowing it down. The beam ploughed into the fighting type and set of a massive explosion that shook the battlefield, kicking up a massive plume of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Hitmonchan was limp on its back, unable to continue.

"....Hitmonchan is unable to battle, Rhydon wins..." Shauna muttered blankly, just barely loud enough to be heard.

Sean blinked as he returned his pokemon, "Wow..I was not expecting that," he admitted, "I assumed you were a new trainer like that Gary Oak boy since you are around the same age, clearly I was wrong, no new trainer would be able to train a pokemon to fire off such massive attacks so quickly, not even a prodigy."

"I started a week ago today," you replied, as Rhydon fell into his victory pose, thrusting two hands into the air, his clawed fingers fashioned into v shapes. Though, you could see him panting quite hard, "Rhydon was just already incredibly powerful when I caught him."

"God how do they raise you kids in Pallet Town?" Sean shook his head, grabbing another pokeball, "Sure that other kid was spending money by the bucket loads apparently to get his pokemon so strong, but fro two kids to have such obscenely powerful pokemon, capable of fighting gyms in jsut a week, it's almost ludicrous."

"I'm not sure how to answer that," you said in return, "But I've been working my butt of since I was three years old, watching pokemon battle constantly on television and online, using pokemon to battle in class multiple times a day and studying each and every species I could get information on day in and day out for years."

Sean shook his head, "The way you explained that to me so casually just proves how abnormal you are compared to other boys your age," he wasn't insulting you, actually you got the feeling he was praising you, "I'll have to take you really seriously here with my next pokemon. Come on out, Sir Fetch'd!"

His next pokemon, was actually a pokemon you knew very little about. The evolved form of Farfetch'd, it was apparently the evolved form of a Farfetch'd that was born in a different climate, like those ice type Vulpix, or Surge's Golem.

It was both kind of cool looking, and ridiculous. A shield fashioned out of leaves, and a massive leek formed into a lance. It would be silly, if they were not apparently as hard as steel.

"Round 2!" Shauna declared, apparently having found her voice while you were talking to her dad, "Sir Fetch'd versus Rhydon, begin!"

"It seems if I want to make a come back, with how tired my pokemon are, we're going to need to attack you full on with everything we have." Sean spoke up as his lance holding bird squatted down, pointing its lance at Rhydon.

Your rock type, despite panting deeply, recovering from the massive and rapid energy expanding he used to take out Hitmonchan so quickly, merely grinned and beckoned the bird to come at him.

You didn't respond. Because, if he was going all in, it was the perfect chance to use Rhydon's newest move. You didn't need a long drawn out battle, taking one ht to settle the battle was fine with you.

"Sir Fetch', use Iron Meteor!" Sean commanded.

"Fetch'd!" The lance wielding fighting duck chirped in agreement. And to your surprise, red energy swarmed around its body and lance, as its body then took on a glowing silver sheen, like when one of your pokemon used a steel type attack.

And then, then the bird's legs were coated in familiar white energy and it exploded forward, thrusting its lance towards Rhydon with a speed to fast for you to track with your eyes alone, barely glimpsing a blur as it moved thrust forward with all its might.

But that was fine, neither you, nor Rhydon needed to see it.

"Counter!" you shouted rapidly.

You saw Rhydon grin, a red outline hazing out around his body, just as the impact hit.

Meteor Assault, the unique attack of Sir Fetch'd, clad over Iron Defense, and the momentum behind the thrusting attack boosted by Quick Attack.

The impact was massive. Smoke was kicked up, the area shook like a Golem fell from the sky and used Earthquake, and was shortly followed by the sounds of one more impact, coming from Sean's direction.

It took nearly thirty seconds for the smoke to clear, and all was silent in the meanwhile. When it did finally draw away into the air, Rhydon came into view first, one eye shut, arms limp and rocky armour cracked and broken, slumped on his knees in a crater almost as large as he was.

And Sir Fetch'd? The lightly knightly bird was smashed deep into the wall behind Sean, in a crater of its own.

Sean shook his head, a grin on his face, "Counter huh?" he shook his head, "I didn't even know Rhydon could learn that. I should have been on the lookout for though, silly of me to forget this city's Pokemart sells the TM for it." He wasn't even mad he lost as he lifted his pokeball and returned the fighting type bird.

While he did that, you walked over to Rhydon and hopped nimbly into the crater, patting him on the back, "Great job big guy," you praised him, "You really earned that hype of yours there."

Despite the state he was in, Rhydon managed a grin, lifting a shaky arm and flashing you a brief thumbs up, before slumping over, would have fallen over if you didn't raise your arm and hold him up. He was incredibly heavy, but you were strong enough to balance him long enough to lift up his pokeball without too much trouble.

"Take a nice long rest buddy." you said as you returned the rock and ground giant.

You jumped up out of the crater to find Sean already waiting at the top, "That was something else," Sean laughed, patting you on the shoulder, "You're definitely going to go far Cobalt, that's some Rhydon you have there.

"I was lucky to catch him." you agreed. You weren't sure who your strongest pokemon was, but you think Rhydon was one of the top contenders, and he was definitely stronger than any of your pokemon when you caught him, you just got lucky he and his herd weren't picking a fight and were just trying to show off to you. Otherwise, Ivysaur at the time probably wouldn't have had as easy a time putting them off to sleep.

"A good pokemon for a good trainer I think." Sean nodded, and then brought up his hand, a badge, and TM disc sitting there, "It's my pleasure to present you, the winner of our battle, the Fist Badge."

You took them gratefully. Idly noting it was odd you hadn't heard anything from Shauna since you won, but before you could think on it any further, Sean reached into his pocket and pulled out eight shrunken pokeballs.

"We're running a bit low on prize fighting types, these are all we have left to give out," Sean said to you, "You have a choice between Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Tyrogue, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee and Hitmontop, which one would you like?"