
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 26

There really wasn't any gentle way to ask, so you'd just get straight to the point. "Why don't you have any pokemon?" you asked Brianna, leaning on the car yourself and getting in her personal space, "You seem smart enough to have passed the later exams, and all you'd need to do is find a Caterpie or something, or a pidgey anywhere in a city and you could ball them pretty easily if they were weak enough."

While being a trainer was where all the money was at these days for the most part. It didn't mean people who couldn't make it didn't have pokemon either. Pokemon and their abilities could be incredibly useful fo day to day living. You've been toying with the idea of getting a portable generator that you can have any of your pokemon with electric attacks charge up so you can basically set up a television or something anywhere.

The absurdity of playing video games in the deep darkness of a thick forest kind of appeals to you. There's not much to do when you set up camp after all besides feed your pokemon, train them and enjoy their company around the camp fire.

...You kind of spent most of the time training with your pokemon.

Brianna shrugged her shoulders, "Took a nasty fall a little while before my exam, ended up with some brain damage that had to be fixed up in surgery using something to do with a Ditto," she replied, "My memory and general intelligence were nixed for a while so I barely passed with half marks, actually I got a few under and the examiner took pity on me and bumped my score up just a bit to let me pass."

She sighed looking you in the eye, "My stipend was barely enough for a few pokeballs, and by then I had bigger worries, like paying off the massive debt I'd gotten thanks to that surgery," she continued, "So I got a job, barely put a dent in my debt, and then got the offer from some arrogant kid to be his eye candy and cheerleader, that paid as near as ten times as I was making before at my job, what else could I do but accept?"

You opened your mouth, looking for something to say, but Brianna cut you off before you could speak, "You think I want to cheer for this arrogant kid?" she asked leaning in so the others couldn't hear her, "He's literally so arrogant he isn't trying to sleep with any of us, like we're beneath him. At least if I'm bouncing up n' down on your cock, I won't have to burst into tears on command if you lose and hang around all these vapid skanks that have been wagging their asses for Gary in hopes he'll go out with them."

So Gary wasn't sleeping with any of them? You kind of expected it, but you had to shake your head, "Not sleeping with any of you, sheesh," you said, shaking your head, "I'd have railed you all silly by now."

One of the girls in the car, the one with dark blue hair must have heard you, because she let loose a little 'eep' and glanced back at you with a flushed face, before turning away when you met her eyes.

"I bet you would have." Brianna laughed, and nodded in approval.

"Suppose I'll have to go beat down a few gyms to have enough money to get you to call me sugar daddy." you smiled.

Brianna's face split with a vulpine smile, "Oh is that what you're into?" she purred, voice dropping to a low, alluring whisper, "Gonna give me a ride so rough it'll have my calling you daddy?"

"Oh daddy, please spank me." she continued, wiggling her eyebrows before pulling back with a laugh.

Your crotch throbbed. God damn blue baller. It was tempting to just give her a hefty chunk of the money you had left currently and then throw her over the bonnet of Gary's damn car and rail her silly.

But, that was for another day. You shook your head, and got back to the serious part of the discussion, "So how much money are we talking here?" you asked, then instantly clarified when she opened her mouth, "Your debt that is."

"Oh," she blinked, shrugging her shoulders, "It was originally ninety thousand pokedollars, though over the last three years and with help from my parents I've whiddled it down to just below seventy thousand."

You grimaced. Three years and with help, just to pay out not even half the reward you got for beating that crazy Bellsprout bitch. You could understand why she'd agree to the job of cheering Gary on if that was how little she made before. You knew pokemon training was where the money was really at, but the sheer difference in income was insane. You'd spent more than the debt she'd been trying to pay off for three years, in the past two or three days.

"Want another shot at it?" you replied, before you could stop yourself. You felt for her, you really did, her circumstances hit a bit close to home, though not quite the same in shape. "I can show you how to get things done, and even give you a pokemon to start you off, I've got a few I won't be using, or even catch one for you if they don't want to."

Brianna gasped at the offer, eyes going wide. You didn't say anything, and let her process the offer. Her wide eyes looked into yours and kept your gaze, searching. A few moments later she sighed, and a small genuine smile spread across her face, "You really are serious huh?" she shook her head, "You realize what you're offering right? Even a caught pidgey can go for a few thousand. Considering the kind of pokemon you showed up with last time, odds are anything you have are gonna be worth way more."

Well, yeah you weren't going to lie. The most common pokemon you had, was probably Sandslash, and they were hard to come by in the wild outside of mountainous regions.

"Yep." you nodded seriously.

Brianna sighed, "My body not enough, you want my affection as well?" she asked, a bemused look on her face, "How am I supposed to respond to that?"

You shook your head, "Oh your body is plenty enough," you leered at her breasts, "It just means I'll be investing a bit more time in you than the time I'll spend fucking your brains out."

She blinked, "Oh you're not looking for a girlfriend in me then?" she sighed in relief. Oi, oi, that's super insulting! "Don't get me wrong, any girl would be lucky to date you, but I'm just not interested in a committed relationship at the moment."

Neither were you.

You told her so, "Neither am I," you replied, "I'm just looking out for you, since once you're my arm trophy, we'll be on foot a lot in the wilds, you'll need a pokemon to look after you."

You could look after her well enough without one you think. But you kind of liked Brianna's upfront personality, and kind of wanted to help her out. Regardless of if she was your girlfriend or not, as your piece of ass she would be your girl regardless.

Brianna shook her head, "I'd love to take you up on the offer stud," she replied, "I'm stuck with this brat until the end of this month though, I've already been paid and I don't want to be the one who skimps out on the grandson of Professor Oak on a job I've already been payed for."

"Fair enough," You nodded. You wouldn't want to truly get on the old man's bad side either. "Just be ready to train hard and get fucked harder when your time with the putz over there is up."

"Like I said," Brianna winked, leaning forward and pulling down her tank top to give you a brief look at her naked breasts, "I'll look forward to that rough ride you promised me stud."

"Damn tease," you shook your head with a smile, "Now I need to go beat some money out of your boss."

"Go get em' studly." Brianna cheered you on quietly, shaking her pompoms lazily.

...You were definitely gonna get a skimpy cheerleader uniform to make her cheer you on in and fuck her in.

"Hey Gare-bear!" you called out to Gary, walking towards him, "Still picking on girls I see."

Gary turned at the call of his name, and a sneer pulled at his lips as he saw you, "Oh, Cobitch," he replied, his nose drew up in exaggerated revulsion, "I thought I smelled something."