
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 1

"Finally decided to show up, huh loser?" Gary commented the moment you stepped into Professor Oak's lab.

The arrogant blue clad boy was leaning against the doorway, spinning a shrunken pokeball atop one of his fingers.

Looks like he already has his starter. Not that you expected anything else. Of course Gary would make sure he got first pick of the litter.

"Don't you have anything better to do than lurk around?" you asked idly as you stepped passed him, greeting Professor Oak with a nod.

Your eyes landed on the two pokeball sat atop the table the good professor was standing beside. One with an emblem for fire atop it, the other with a leaf emblem.

So Gary picked Squirtle huh?

"I just thought I'd stick around a bit and let you wimps see a real trainer in action before I leave you in the dust." Gary taunted from behind you.

"So you don't want to leave without seeing your boyfriend one last time?" you taunted back without turning around.

You didn't even have to see his face to know it began to flush red with anger. "Like hell I'd date a loser like Ashy-boy, even if I was into dudes." Gary hissed. You didn't turn bother answer, and you heard him growl in anger, before stomping out of the lab, "Whatever."

"That boy," Professor Oak rolled his eyes, "What am I going to do with him?"

"Dunno." you answered truthfully with a shrug. Not that you really cared. You didn't hang around with Gary or Ash too much growing up. Ash was a bit too exciteable for you at times, and Gary after they had their falling out became an arrogant prick.

Professor Oak shook his and sent you a smile, "So Cobalt, have you decided on what your first pokemon is going to be?" he asked.

Actually, you had.

"Yeah." you replied, making your way over to the desk. Reaching out, you picked up the pokeball with the leaf emblem.

Charmander are a powerful species, and you were leaning towards it. But you're planning on taking on the gym challenge, and having researched in advance, two of the closest gyms to you are the Pewter and Cerulean City Gym's, who specialize in rock and water types.

Bulbasaur was the perfect pokemon to take them on. You could always try and get your hands on a Charmander later.

"I pick Bulbasaur." you said.

"A fine choice, bulbasaur a is a species well versed when it comes to versatility, they can be trained in any number of ways." the old professor replied. Reaching in to his pocket, he pulled out a red device, and five shrunken pokeballs, "Here you are, this is your pokedex, and five pokeballs to start you off."

You took them gratefully. You are an orphan after all, so you don't really have much money to spend straight away on pokeballs. You only have eight you'd managed to scrounge around for the past few months. So that left you now with thirteen pokeballs to begin with.

Thank the heavens your trainer license actually came with some starting money and generic pokemon food that would last a couple months as long as you didn't go crazy.

"Thanks professor." you replied, taking the pokeballs and pokedex and slipping them into your pocket.

"So what plans do you have?" Professor Oak asked as soon as you did.

You want money, and the best and quickest way to go about that, is becoming a powerful league trainer. That's where the money is at these days. "I'm heading to Viridian Forest, hopefully to get my hands on something that can help deal with rock types, like another grass type, or maybe a Mankey, I heard they were quite common on Route 1." you replied.

Professor Oak nodded, "Going after the Pewter City gym right away then?" he deduced, gaining a nod from you, "A sound plan, you can easily find the likes of Bellsprout in the Viridian Forest, and t the gym leader there is quite new, so you could get a good start on your journey if you take advantage of his inexperience."

That was the plan at least.

Thanking the Professor once again, you bid him goodbye and left the lab behind. It was still early, and Viridian City wasn't that far off. If you hoofed it, you could get a decent ways into Viridian Forest by tonight.


Ten minutes later, you cast one last look at the small town you grew up in. You were an orphan so you had no family to leave behind, but still the place has been good to you.

"Well, time to get a move on." you mused.

Well, first of all you did actually have one thin to do. Reaching down to your belt, you grabbed the shrunken pokeball and released the pokemon inside.

Bulbasaur blinked a few times as he appeared and then stared up at you with curious crimson red eyes.

"Heya." you greeted the grass and poison type. You were quite happy with your starter. As soon as you left the lab, you scanned the pokeball with your pokedex and honestly, you were quite shocked by how much of a little powerhouse it seemed you started off with.

Reaching out, you waited and let Bulbasaur make the first move. And he did after a moment of sniffing your hand. the little grass type butted his head against your palm and let you pet him.

"I'm Cobalt, and I'm your new trainer little guy." you introduced yourself.

"Saur.." Bulbasaur pulled back from your hand, and a thick green vine released from his bulb and slipped into your hand. It wound around your hand, and you chuckled as Bulbasaur actually began shaking your hand in greeting with his vine.

"Good to meet you to," you replied, "You okay to help me out if we run into any wild pokemon?"

Bulbasaur released your hand and gave you a nod, "Buba-saur!" he replied affirmatively, saluting you with his vine.

He's quite the character it seems.