
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 10

Gary led you out to the back of the Pokemon Centre, where like in Viridian City, there was a battlefield set up.

And of course, the girls followed you. Honestly, you weren't too interested in hearing Gary blabber on about how great he was, so you spent the short walk ignoring him and eye fucking that one cheerleader that caught your eye with the long hair.

Gary was a fucking putz, but at the very least he had decent taste. She caught you checking her out and preened a bit, puffing out her chest a bit and bearing a bit more cleavage in her crop top that was practically a bikini.

If he hadn't already went on about how he won the Boulder Badge already and was planning on leaving the city after he 'beat' you, you would have tried you luck at flirting with her. You could imagine the satisfaction of him walking in on you railing one of his personal cheerleader's brains out.

Honestly, as much as you loved Pallet, it was the type of place people moved to so they could raise a family and grow old together. There weren't many girls or good looking women around. the only three that came to mind were Ash's mother Delia, Gary's older sister and that older girl who left on her journey a few years back who used to babysit you, Ash and Gary together sometimes. Leaf, her name was.

"Now don't go crying when I put you in your place dweeb." Gary called out to you as he took his place on the opposite side of the fields, his girls following to take take up position behind him and start cheering.

You could have sworn on the way the girl you were checking out winked back at you and swayed her hips a bit more as she walked that way. Even if she didn't, her ass made for a fabulous sight in the little yellow short shorts she was wearing.

"Let's just get this over with Grace, I've got things to do today and I can just play with you because your boyfriend isn't here for you to pester." you taunted right back.

Gary growled, but held his tongue, "On the count of three, ready?"

And he didn't even bother waiting for your answer before he started counting down. How fucking rude.

Still, when he said the magic number, you released your pokemon at the same time he did his.

You almost gaped a bit as a massive Nidoking thudded onto the battlefield and punched its thick arms together eagerly when it caught sight of your own pokemon.

Bulbasaur let out a yawn, barely batting at eye at his towering behemoth of a pokemon. It wasn't that much bigger than the Rhyhorn he brought down with ease, so you supposed he wouldn't.

Still, there was something off with Bulbasaur. His bulb, it was glowing with a neon blue light.

Nidoking roared at Bulbasaur just when you were about to ask him if he was okay. And that was when Bulbasaur did something a little out of character for him.

He roared back.

"SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUR!" he bellowed, voice reverberating through the air, and somehow drowning out Nidoking's own roar.

And then the light moved from his bulb, to the entirety of his body, and exploded into a bright white. And he began to grow and change, leafy like appendages spreading out from his bulb and the bulb its beginning to bloom a bit.

He was evolving.

And when the light died away, in Bulbasaur's place was a large, powerful looking Ivysaur!

Gary scoffed, "Don't think just cuz that little piece of lettuce evolved you'll be able to take on my Nidoking, scrub!"

And of course Gary just had to ruin the moment before you could truly build up the excitement.

"You know what Gary, don't blink." you settled on responding with to bait him, an idea coming to mind for one of the combinations you worked on with Bu-Ivysaur in the Viridian Forest.

Gary scoffed, falling for the bait as he crossed his arms, "Oh yeah?" he sneered, "Let's see what crappy move you're gonna throw out. In case you haven't noticed scrub, Nidoking is a poison type, what's a grass type gonna do to it?"

How arrogant. And he seemed to forget Nidoking was part ground type as well.

Well, this battle is pretty much over then. It wasn't hard to deduce that Gary just saw and caught the first Nidorino he saw, evolved it with a bought moon stone and loaded it with TM's, as he said he did.

That was the type of person Gary was. He was so arrogant because of his grandfather, and seemed to bask in that shadow Professor Oak cast, as if it was his own achievements. And even using the fact he was rich because of the good old professor to load his pokemon up with Tm's early.

"Sleep Vine." you ordered with a sneer of your own. You can understand a pragmatic approach like that, using all the advantages you had available. But you couldn't stand the way he acted as if he was achieving something great by using something he was handed.

You bet he picked out his starter weeks in advance since he would be the first one to choose and probably loaded up on tons of TM's for it. You know he bought every Tm available in Pallet Town's mart, and he probably did it in Viridian City, and you know he'd already done so here, he'd already said so.

"Sleep wha-?" Gary uttered, blinking in confusion.

"Saur!" Ivysaur grunted, releasing a plume of sleep powder into the air, and from the bottom of his flowered bulb, six, much thicker vines than usual shot up through it and zipped across the battlefield towards the Nidoking.

Nidoking didn't have time to dodge, they moved that fast. The vines slapped into Nidoking with rock shattering power and wrapped around its body. One per limb, one around its neck and one around its middle.

"No, Nidoking!" Gary shouted, panicking.

Nidoking started to roar from the pain of the blows, but it was cut off as its eyes drooped and it fell asleep in moments, slumping over.

With a roar of his own, Ivysaur picked the purple behemoth up and slammed it down into the ground three times.

"Double-Edge!" you followed up with an order just as he was about to smash it down a fourth time.

Ivysaur grunted, changing the direction he was throwing Nidoking and instead pulled it towards himself. Then Ivysaur used the grip on Nidoking with his vines to launch himself through the air, a massive raging green aura that flickered like burning flames coating his body


Ivysaur nailed Nidoking with his enhanced tackle right in the stomach and speared the poison and ground type down towards Gary, where it smashed down onto its back with enough force to leave a crater formed around its body.

"No way!" Gary denied upon seeing the swirls Nidoking had in its eyes. It wasn't getting up from that. "What the hell was that?" he demanded, dumbfounded.

You smirked, returning Ivysaur, "That was me winning, scrub." you rubbed it in as you heard your pokedex let out the chime of sound it did upon declaring you the winner of the battle.

Gary scowled, raising his own pokeball, "Lucky shot is all," he shot back with a sneer, returning his pokemon, "Cmon girls, let's get going, something smells around here." like a petulant child, Gary turned his nose up at you and walked his way towards and passed you, the girls following behind him and making simpering attempts at consoling him.

As the last one passed, the one you had your eye on, she paused a bit, a smirked at you, "Nice job, you really took the brat down a peg there." she praised.

"Thanks," you replied, before sending her a curious look, "Why the hell are you girls following that idiot around anyway?"

She scoffed, "Are you kidding? Being a league trainer is where all the money is at, but I didn't have the talent for it. And that brat will go decently far thanks to his grandfathers money," she explained, "Which is also a reason. He's paying me way more just to be eye candy and cheer him on than I made at my job."

Fair enough.

"Your names Cobalt right?" she asked, and when you nodded, she smiled brightly, "Well mine's Brianna, you seem like you'll go really far in the league and rake in the money. Keep me in mind when you do, if the pay is good I'll happily cheer you on and be your eye candy instead." with that said, the older brunette beauty teasingly trailed her index finger gently across your jaw before pressing a kiss to your cheek and walking past, swaying her hips.

Fortune favours the bold. And you didn't let people one up you, flirting, teasing or whatever.

Your hand lashed out backwards and you spanked her on her fine ass, taking the chance to feel the full soft flesh as your fingers suck into it with a quick grope as well.

She 'eeped' and jumped into the air, hands going to her ass and turning to face you, cheeks flushed red. "Sure, but I'm not an idiot like Gary," you replied, a devilish smirk splitting your face, "You better be ready for a rough ride if you become my cheerleader."

Despite the flush on her face, Brianna lips tugged up into a smile and her hands left her ass. "Well, I'll look forward to it then, won't I?" she teased, and made an obvious exaggerated sway of her hips as she whirled around and walked away, this time not being subtle the way she swung her full hips and thick round ass as she walked away, "You can be as rough with me as you want." she winked at you over her shoulder, both hands trailing back just as she was about to turn the corner and smacking into her ass with a loud 'smack' from each cheek, and drawing the feel cheeks up to show you just how hefty and round it was.

"...I'm gonna ruin you." you promised.

Brianna looked at you over her shoulder and shook her ass cheeks cupped by her hands at you, smirking, "I'm hoping for it, cutie." she teased one last time before turning around the corner to follow after Gary and his other groupies.

You adjusted the bulge spearing out at your crotch. God damn blue baller.

Levels as of this Chapter:

Cobalt's Pokemon

Ivysaur - Level 25

Kingler - Level 24

Nidoran - Level 23

Sandshrew - Level 27

Charmander - Level 22

Scyther - Level 25

Eevee - Level 14

Gary Oak's Pokemon

Wartortle - Level 36

Nidoking - Level 23

Nidorina - Level 22

Doduo - Level 22

Pinsir - Level 22

Ash Ketchum's Pokemon

Pikachu - Level 35

Fearow - Level 26

Mankey - Level 20

Pidgeotto - Level 21

Metapod - Level 12

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